Chapter 2: Sweet candy

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(#...# Korean
:.... : English
"... " think
...his national language)



The sound of people whispering to each other, or the sound of the tracks echoing in this train car, although there are still voices, it cannot be denied that the train car today is unusually silent. The train lights woke him up, that's right, he woke up as if he had just had some wonderful dream

Those yellow but opaque eyes squinted and looked up at the train lights, before his mind sent him a signal of life, the first sentence he thought of was "Not dead yet?". Is this a superstitious dream? As mentioned, superstition exists in all forms and at all times. Whether they are strong or not depends on the abilities they have

He winced after his brain reloaded the entire story for him. Looking back at himself, he was still wearing the outfit he was wearing when he died, but now there was no longer a forbidden knife in his heart or a drop of blood on his body, as if his death was just a nightmare he created

Looking around, everyone seemed strange, even their faces were somewhat different from the people where he lived. His eyes were attracted by the notice posted on the wall.

It's Korean... when did he come to Korea? He remembers he's still [□□□ ]right? Since when... there was no longer any panic on his face, only an indifferent, depressed expression like someone who no longer wanted to live.

A headache quickly came from the back of his brain. He raised his hand to gently rub the back of his head, but the warm and wet feeling made him pause. He brought his hand down to eye level, there was a stain of blood on his palm. The dark blood stain clearly showed that it had dried a long time ago

Everything happened suddenly without warning, making him doubt, what happened? Why was he in Korea after his death? he does not know...

Perhaps the cause of his death was not that fruit knife at all, he most likely encountered a superstitious object. But when did you meet? Why did he encounter it? The feeling of restlessness in his gut made him really uncomfortable to the point of going crazy. It feels like you forgot something important, like writing an essay that only has an introduction and conclusion, the body just disappears.

This incident was not due to memory loss but due to the influence of a superstitious object...

He took out his phone from his pocket and became even more suspicious...

Is it 6:12 now? but the time he died was 9:56? Why does time go back? Questions that have no answers, now he can't ask anyone. There's no phone number in the contact list, there's no friends list either, now his phone is like a new one without a SIM...

The objects on his body were still there, it was like he suddenly came back to life and was forcibly transported to Korea. Feeling sleepy really made him very uncomfortable, feeling stupid for not knowing anything in this place. He doesn't even know Korean...

He thought, "Should I just wait until the stop to find a way to contact everyone?" That's probably the simplest way now. This period of time was quite boring so he had to turn on his phone again and scroll through social networking sites, including social networking sites as well. Every post is a post that was decades ago compared to the year he is in

Adding new information, he returned to the past, specifically ten years ago. This superstition is probably so powerful that it can make him return to the past. It reminds him of the superstitious object code 444953, the dream, as its name suggests 444953 has the ability to put people into a dream that it creates, it is a superstitious object that has the ability to cause give him the easiest death

" Trees, people, food, even the air belong to it. In a world dominated by 444953, whatever you see, whatever you smell, is its smell. . You will never be able to, you cannot wake up, madness is a compliment, but death is a reward"

That is the simplest comment about this object 444953

Thinking about 444953 made him feel uncomfortable, feeling like it took the form of his loved ones, comforted him and then let them die in the most cruel way, in the most sudden way. Making people like him have to overcome it time and time again...

The feeling at that time was not good at all...

He felt a voice next to him, then something grabbed the corner of his shirt and pulled gently. He turned around blindly to look, those yellow eyes narrowed

Is a little girl

The girl has jet black hair tied high on both sides, big round black eyes and chubby cheeks that look very soft.

The girl was wearing a white dress that appeared to have a light yellow shirt on the front. Even though she's not considered beautiful, she has the pure cuteness that a 7-year-old should have.

-#Do you want some candy?#

-"I do not understand...."

He looked at the girl bewilderedly, she said something that he didn't understand at all. He didn't study Korean, he didn't know a single sentence

He looked at the girl. The girl did not see him answer but looked at him very patiently. The two looked at each other as if they wanted to punch holes in each other's bodies.

But in the end, he sighed, took out his phone, went to the language translation app, selected Korean and wrote it down.

- [Translated text: Sorry, I don't know Korean]


The girl looked at him again for a moment then nodded and said

- : Can you speak English?:

-:Ah, this will do:

Finally there is a language to communicate. He looked at the girl. Even though she is young, she pronounces English very well

The girl repeated the previous question, asking if he wanted some candy

He's a bit confused, actually he doesn't really dislike sweets, but he doesn't eat too much sweets because he thinks it's harmful.

The girl took out three candies from her bag wrapped in colorful candy wrappers

-:Why did you give me candy?:

Even though he asked like that, he still reached out to accept the candy the girl gave him

The girl opened a candy and put it in her mouth

-:My mother told me that when I'm feeling uncomfortable, eating sweets will help relieve stress:

Hearing the answer, he also remained silent...

He remembers when he was little, his mother often told him that whenever he was upset or angry about something, she immediately gave him a lozenge.

The not-so-sweet candy gradually melted in his mouth, and the discomfort from earlier also eased somewhat

He leaned back against the seat of the train car and looked in the opposite direction, he looked out at the scene outside

-:That candy is so delicious...:

-:Yeah... when did you come to Korea?:

-: I just came here a few days ago...:

-:Are you coming here with your relatives?:

-:No, I came alone:

She didn't know where to get more candy, she just took it out of her pocket and stuffed one candy after another into his hand.

Every time she saw him finish eating, she put a new one in his hand. He's also the type of person who eats a lot so he doesn't bother complaining.

-: I am an orphan, currently I live with my grandmother:

He suddenly heard the girl's voice was different, she spoke in a low voice about her family.

Even though they were just two strangers, she still easily told him about her family, perhaps because she wanted to soothe her broken soul, but looking at her expression, perhaps she really wanted to confide...

The girl said, the day she was born, her mother passed away and her father died in an accident on the way to the hospital.

Only her grandmother was left responsible for taking care of her, but she also passed away yesterday

-:So who do you live with now?:

-:I have to go to an orphanage:

He was silent, without any emotion looking at this girl

Perhaps because he was too indifferent to everyone around him, there were only two people in the organization who were his friends.

They always complain to him about their own sufferings, but what do they expect from someone like him?

Someone who is supposed to be an organization's nightmare? Even if they expected it, what greeted them was only indifference

He placed his hand on her head, strangers but sympathizing with each other will know how to comfort each other

He continuously patted her head, the girl just pursed her lips and said nothing, but her eyes were filled with tears.

-:You have to suffer a lot...:

Who is this girl? He doesn't know... who he is? The girl doesn't know...

But looking at the way he patted her head, there was not a word of comfort, not a word of encouragement, not a word of pity. Just taking action will easily soothe her broken heart

-:If I die... will I be able to meet my parents?:

Perhaps negativity has been ingrained in this girl's brain

Her was so negative that he thought about death just to see her parents again

- : My parents don't love me anymore, right?They don't love me so they leave like that...:

The girl's voice was hoarse as if something was strangling her, making her unable to make a sound

Choking sounds continuously came out of her mouth. Even if she cried right here, no one would come to console her and just watch her cry.

The world is like that, scary negative and indifferent, no one comforts a child they don't know

His large hand kept rubbing her head, those dark eyes had no light at all but were strangely warm.

The little girl grabbed his hand and curled up in his arms

Her eyes were empty and her head kept nodding

-:... :
-: Just sleep if you want:

-:I miss my mother very much...:

There are children who are born without knowing what family love is, but still hope to be loved by their parents like other friends.

Everyone has their parents by their side, but he doesn't. He always stands alone in front of the school gate and then goes home alone

They are called strange children

The kind of love they won't have in this life...

Even though she doesn't know who her parents look like or what they look like, this little girl still hopes that one day she can meet them again, throw herself into their arms and complain about how hard everything is. How difficult it is for this child.

The soothing sound of the tracks and the gentle warmth radiating from his body made sleep come over him.

-"The children are estranged...?"

-"In the future, will there be someone to guide these children? Or will they have to rise up on their own?"


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