Chapter 3: Two strangers

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Fang Meishi that is his name, this name has no meaning to him but his parents say that the meaning of his name is about a beautiful life with the person he loves.

After the tragedy that year, his personality gradually changed and he had a different view of the world. When he is with his parents, he feels protected by them. When they were gone, all the truths of this world were clearly seen by him.

The scariest thing he always hid behind that expressionless face was probably the times he lay on the operating table. The pain comes without a little anesthetic that even normal people cannot endure

The secrets he holds are countless, no one knows half of his secrets. Your father left to search for antiques in the cave and was buried in the rocks?

His mother was poisoned to death under the bed he used to sleep in?

Why can't he see his mother? Is it a superstitious object used to deceive people? but not harm him at home? Why did it take him until he was 20 to find his mother's body?

Questions are always raised in the group when he is always the subject of discussion, but they can only be doubts without specific answers.

He accepted those answers himself and threw himself into the sea of ​​bright red blood, then the creature wrapped tightly around him and swallowed him into the deep ocean.

In the following days, he truly became homeless, even the place where he used to live, where there were superstitious organizations and objects, did not appear on the map...

He was very surprised, his country had absolutely no map name, his name was not like any other country, the phone he used was completely different from the phones he was using now.

Everything is like a movie that was torn apart by something and stuffed into another movie, causing a series of events to happen inconsistently.

He couldn't find the answer for himself, it was the truth, not a dream, nor did it smell of superstition. Like everything, it's normal that he's the only one who realizes something's wrong but can't come up with an answer and doesn't even know where to ask the question.

Everything is so vague and scary...

If he is not mentally strong, he will go crazy with his reasoning

In the end, he had to give up and accept this fate

The place he often visits is the submarine cars. He often hangs around this place watching the flow of people entering the train cars and watching the speed of the submarine moving forward.

The sound of railway tracks, the urgent footsteps of the people here, and the sound of conversations echoed everywhere. No matter how loud it is, in his heart there is still an empty song...

-"I'll go crazy..." He thinks so

- "If we keep hanging around here forever, our love won't be able to vomit any more money"

In fact, he had a lot of money, so much that every time he withdrew money he had to rely on the zero on the notice.

Based on this money, he can still live, but this is his country's money, it does not appear on the map, so the money he puts in his bank card is like 'money burned to hell', doesn't have any value

Having lived for nearly 33 years, he never thought that one day money would be so important

And don't ask why he doesn't work to make money, he doesn't know this Korean, he doesn't know a word

Don't ask if he will starve to death if he continues like this, he can starve for a long time, even without eating and still be able to live until now.

Yes, I'm not kidding, he's some kind of creature, not human anymore

What could kill him is probably without oxygen, he would die

Don't be afraid to starve to death

- "...I'll be bored to death"

His jet black eyes were always glued to the submarine that was stopping to let the people on board get off and continue serving others.

Today he slowly boarded the train

Since the day he arrived here, perhaps the guards at every stop remembered his face because he always appeared.

There were also some security guards who came to get to know him and knew he was homeless and didn't even know Korean. They wanted to communicate with him and had to use simple gestures to talk to him.

Korea is also a place that is not very hospitable to foreigners, especially those who do not know Korean like him

They consider these guests to be stupid, extremely rude people

(All the above words are lies, please don't believe them too much)

- Bulgwang train line, train number 3434, car number 3907 -

The train car is so familiar, he often parks in this train car. Watch the raindrops continuously tap the opposite glass

The sky was dark and gloomy with the sound of falling rain. The atmosphere in the train carriage today was unusually quiet

There was no more chatting, some people fell asleep waiting for the next stop

He took out his phone from his pocket, the phone's light blending into the light of the train car. Posts or notifications continuously appear. He doesn't have the habit of playing games so the machine is very simple

- "'s been more than 2 weeks since I've been in this place"

- "There are no clues..."

- Feeling extremely strange -

It's been a month since he came here, everything is going very normally, nothing new at all. Still the same old submarine, where some of the people working on this submarine got acquainted with him

There were also a few people who knew English who chatted with him, and everything went extremely smoothly

Today, he kept wandering on the street. This place is crowded, many people pass by

It seems that the most common occupations are office workers

Looking at advertisements or introducing famous singers and actors also makes him feel simple

This place is the past, it's very difficult for me to fit into this world...

-"Should I leave?"

He didn't know where he was going, his feet just kept walking aimlessly. Visiting a grocery store, he bought himself a box of cigarettes

Took money from some people at the old underground station he frequented for himself to buy a box of cigarettes

Then he walked again, walking for a whole day and it was almost evening, he arrived at Seul city or something he couldn't remember.

Walking along the small alley, he heard some small arguing sounds, he looked slowly at the place where the arguing came from.

Is there a baby crying? I heard that, the sound was very familiar...

Oh yes, that's the voice of the girl who gave him some candy the first day they met

Curiosity made him unconsciously go deeper into the alley where the noisy sound came from

That's right, it's the girl. The baby burst into tears in the hug of a woman with long brown hair, with a man in front of her. Facing them was an older man. Because his back was turned, he couldn't see his face, but he was probably a rude man.

After a while of observing, he realized that the rude man was trying to drag the child away to do some immoral things.

But luckily, two people, a man and a woman working in the office, accidentally saw it and tried to protect the child

The other man lost patience and screamed, wanting to hit the young man

The man with short black hair working in the office closed his eyes tightly as if waiting for a blow from a madman but saw nothing.

Opening his eyes, he was surprised by the appearance of another person. Fang Meishi appeared from behind the crazy man, clamped his neck with his hands, making him hiss and struggle.

After struggling for a while, he didn't seem to move at all, but the crazy man gradually lost his strength and lost consciousness.

He bluntly threw the crazy man aside, his dark eyes showing no emotion at all

The remaining two people were very surprised by his presence. He is 1m8 tall, has black hair and mysterious black eyes, a slightly skinny figure and porcelain white skin.

The baby saw him sobbing, burst into tears, and ran to hug his leg.

He had to pick up the child and comfort him

-: So scary, isn't it...:

- :Hic... he... he... wants to kidnap me:

The little girl buried her head in his shoulder and sobbed because she was almost kidnapped

He looked at the two and nodded in thanks

-: So these are the two people who helped you?:

-: I'm very grateful for that:

He kept speaking in English so they thought he was a foreigner and nodded. The other woman also spoke up and used English to communicate with him.

-:So you are a relative of this girl?:

-:Not really... I only met her while on the submarine:

-:can you take me home with you?:


The girl looked up at him, her sparkling eyes still had a few tears

Perhaps she was very afraid of what had just happened, he nodded and carried her in the direction she pointed.

[Today you helped that girl, the girl you met on the submarine last time

The two strangers were very surprised to see him. He was very impressed with the young man, perhaps because the young man knew he might not be able to fight that rude old man but still stood up to protect him.

The girl continuously hugged her to protect her

There's no one around, this alley is a bit deserted...

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