Chapter 4: Arrogant creature

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- Bulgwang train line, train number 3434, car number 3907 -

It's still the same familiar train car, but this time he's no longer alone

He sat next to the two people who had helped the girl who gave him candy

At first they didn't pay too much attention to him because honestly it looked like he was slowly fading away

But then Yoo Sangah, thanks to her foreign language skills, agreed to teach him some simple Korean words for him to communicate

He learns very quickly, knows how to learn quickly and can write a few Korean characters himself.

After that, he had to let Yoo Sangah have her own space so she could learn foreign languages ​​on her own

- "Great... Korean is not that difficult" Fang Meishi thought so, because for him, he had to learn all foreign languages so that during his mission, he would not be stuck in a language barrier

He leaned back in his chair and looked to the side, quite surprised to see Kim Dokja, the man just introduced by Yoo Sangah.

Fang Meishi also wanted to say thank he for helping that girl that time, but when he saw Dokja reading novels so diligently, he had to stay silent.

Dokja alone will be 'reader' but if there is the word Kim in front, it has a different meaning

Meishi guessed his family gave him this name because they wanted him to be happy and strong

Like the name Fang Meishi

If the word Fang stands alone, it means happiness, and if it contains the word Meishi, it means being faithful to the person you love

But even though he was happy, was his life ever as happy as its name?

Just like the name Kim Dokja, he actually lives in solitude

Always curled up in his own world without wanting someone to break it and enter his own world

He didn't know what to call this but he felt like he was sympathizing with him...

Someone he doesn't know

「When he was at headquarters, not many people wanted to get to know him. His appearance is always cold and gloomy, and he can count the number of friends on the palm of his hand

There, there was also a guy who got acquainted with him named ■■ According to my assessment, he is a troublesome person who likes to drink and talks a lot.

In comparison, he looks like a white fox

Well, he's also been sick since childhood. His body is very weak so he cannot be exposed to sunlight otherwise his skin will turn red, ulcerate and cause skin burns leading to high fever.

That's why he always wraps himself under many layers of thick cloth... 」

Suddenly the light inside this train carriage flickered and then turned off

Everything in the train car was swallowed by the darkness. He was a very sharp person and immediately took out his phone and turned on the phone's LED light.

Actually, he doesn't need to use the phone, he still has many emergency items on him

(Mostly weapons because he is a member of the organization. Before going out, how could he know where there were superstitious objects? At that time, if he didn't have a weapon in his body, he would be waiting to die. All over his body. There are weapons everywhere, he wears an ankle-length coat - similar to the one Kim Dokja wore later - white and at the end of the shirt is black, that's enough to know. How many weapons does he hide?)

The subway shook violently, the sounds of metal rubbing against each other made a deafening 'Squeakkkk' sound

He frowned, what happened? If I remember correctly, this train is about to go to a certain station and has to cross a bridge located on a very deep river. If you accidentally fall down, you will die.

Luckily it hasn't gotten there yet, it's still quite a ways away

But because of this mysterious collision, the passengers on the train immediately screamed

He looked over and saw Sangah holding Dokja's hand tightly, but holding it so tightly that her fingers turned white was enough to know how tight she was squeezing.

Everyone started to ask each other confused, kept looking at each other and asking in a confused and worried way

- # Uh... what just happened?#

-# What the hell is going on!?#

Then one or two LED lights from the phone turned on, he quickly saw the scared expressions of the surrounding passengers.

They are scared, the crowd will definitely be noisy if someone doesn't come forward and explain the situation

-"If it's a superstitious object, it will be very troublesome..." Because he currently doesn't keep 'that thing', he can't clean up the superstitious objects.

-#W... what's going on?#

-# Don't worry, it's not a big deal#

-# Is that true? #

-# Yes, probably a malfunction, the track engineer will make an announcement soon #

Worried whispers were accompanied by curses

He heard a few voices comforting each other although he couldn't clearly understand what they were saying. He looked up at the glass door and touched it.

If anything happens, I will definitely break this window so everyone can escape.

[#Attention all passengers on board, attention all passengers on board#]

After that announcement, everyone gradually calmed down.

That's right, just one person with the right to speak up will appease the crowd in a short period of time...

-#You see, it's not a big deal. Now an apology will be given and the power will return to normal#  As soon as Kim Dokja finished speaking, an announcement rang out, causing everyone there to stop.


There was a scream on the other side of the radio station, and everyone who was relaxing immediately stiffened.

He frowned, what happened again? This scenario... I feel very familiar, I feel like I've heard it before...

「_ The symbiote with the superstitious object 745 continuously repeats the same story, to be exact, it is the first chapter of the series "■■■"

_ She said that the submarine was haunted, a creature would appear and start taking fees

_ Fang Meishi looked inside from the outside of the glass, looking at the woman with messy hair and smiling.」

-"Why do I think about her?" He quickly dismissed the strange thoughts in his head and returned to reality

When did it all start? he can't remember...

The whole train car started to make noise, but then a vague light gradually formed in front of the train

There was a loud drumbeat followed by an explosion, something approaching from the darkness. Coincidentally, the clock just struck 7 o'clock

For a split second, he felt like the world was stopping, then a cold voice similar to that of a robot rang out, reminding him of the old robot at the organization...

[#Planetary system 8612 free service has expired#]
[#Main Scenario Begins#]

Submarines having to stop sailing has happened before, but it seems to be very rare

At that moment, the door of car 3807 opened and the power returned

-#.... Dokkaebi?#

[With two small horns, wearing a straw mat, the strange, hairy creature was floating in the air.

It's too weird to be called a fairy, too evil to be called an angel, and too quiet to be called a devil.

Therefore, it is called “Dokkkaebi”]

-"Dokkaebi..." _ Fang Meishi suddenly fell into old thoughts..

「Dokkaebi once appeared in his world, but it was just 'once'

I remember it was also classified as a superstitious animal but it wasn't too strong, it was quite weak and the first Dokkaebi that appeared had white fur, it was round and had a small horn on its head

At that time, he looked at him and cried again. It said something he couldn't understand

Then it flew towards him again, rubbing its head against his cheek, seemingly wanting to say something to him, but in the end it disappeared into thin air」

That was the first Dokkaebi he saw because he heard it say so, so he named it Dokkaebi

At that time he didn't care much about it

Now, there is a completely different Dokkaebi...

It also has white fur, two yellow horns on its head, and a cloth loosely wrapped around its body.

It had arms and legs, but the first Dokkaebi he saw was just a round ball of cotton...

- "Dokkaebi.... superstition 4700... is it the second Dokkaebi?" _ Fang Meishi looked up at the creature that had just appeared
-"No... maybe the first Dokkaebi isn't the only one.."
-"Things are starting to get complicated..."

The Dokkaebi said something, the sounds overlapped each other, causing him to frown

He silently observed it for a while, what would be new about it compared to the Dokkaebi with code 4700? It was definitely something very new that he couldn't explain

- #What is it?#

- # Virtual reality? #

He listened to what everyone said to each other. Luckily, he had learned a few Korean words earlier so he understood a word or two.

He looked at the other two people, Dokja and Sangah were standing next to each other and he was simply sitting in a chair and observing everything.

The crowd kept making noise because of the appearance of that unusual object. He just looked and caressed the mark on his hand. Could it be that he was brought here on purpose?

Up to now, he still keeps wondering about this, how and how...

-# It sounds like Spanish, I wonder if I can converse with it? #

-# .... Do you know what it is? Are you planning on asking him for money?#

-# No... but... #

He understood a little, why did Dokja seem to know this creature? Maybe I'll ask when I have time...

After a moment of thinking, the Dokkaebi finally spoke, because this is Korea, so the language this Dokkaebi uses is definitely Korean.

[ # Ah ah ah, can you hear me? Ah, I'm having a bit of trouble due to the Korean package being corrupted, can everyone here hear me? #]

They immediately relaxed when they heard the familiar language, but he alone was still like a bewildered golden deer thrown into a strange world without any instructions.

So he had to fend for himself, this place had no relatives and no country where he lived

Like a small ant brought to a strange place and having to explore and research on its own to survive every day

People here are no different from people in the old world, they will also have people who are contemptuous, deaf and not afraid of guns like this man...

-# hey, what the hell are you doing?#

[# ... huh? #] _ The Dokkaebi looked up, its expression seemed completely harmless

-# Are you filming? Please let me go, I'm going to be late for the audition#

-"Actor..." _ Fang Meishi heard a few words he had just learned from Yoo Sangah

The Dokkaebi, hearing those angry words, was not worried or angry at all, and even simply smiled lightly.

It was floating in the air, a dim light still radiating from its body

[# Ah, audition, that's right, this is also a rehearsal, haha ​​seems a bit lacking in data, right? It was just charged at 7.0 p.m and I immediately went in#]

-# Huh? What are you talking about? #

Lose patience

[# Now, everyone relax, return to your seats and listen to me. From now on, what I say will be very important to everyone #] The Dokkaebi raised its two small hands in front of its face as if trying to reassure everyone

-# What? Get off the ship quickly! #


-# Someone call the captain! #

Not interested

- # Without the consent of the people, you dare to do that? #


-# Mom, what is that? animation? #


Those are probably the basic feelings of the people here, they have never experienced hardship and think that their lives are always protected from powerful others.

The innocence and curiosity of children is nothing strange when the world around them is very new to them.

People still take out their phones and record videos to mistakenly post on social networking sites to attract views...

This world is not strange, he leans cross-legged on the chair, his overcoat hidden inside are scary sharp iron weapons.

Bored and bored, he kept looking at that Dokkaebi, he would rather listen to them talk than listen to the sharp words of the people in here, their voices are not hard to hear.

-# Yoo Sangah -ssi, it's dangerous, sit still #

-# Huh? #

-"Why does he know danger?... does he know this?" _ Fang Meishi seemed very suspicious of him. In his eyes, each person radiates a mysterious energy, which sometimes appears in his eyes

Good people will be pure white, evil people with snakes and centipedes will be black, but good people who have done evil things in the past will turn from white to black. But he never used it, for him... it just made people vulnerable in his eyes

[# Haha, you guys are really noisy #] _ The Dokkaebi smiled but its smile gradually became distorted

[ #I said be quiet!? #]

The Dokkaebi's eyes, which were once like dry black beads, are now wide open and bright red like blood, its eyebrows are wrinkled and very unsightly.

It spoke and at the same time there was a sound of something breaking, the sound was so familiar that it became normal to him.

Something exploded, making the noisy train compartment silent...

There was a big hole in the forehead of the actor from before, blood splattered out the back and then fell to the floor again. He staggered back and then fell...

- "... Really good" _ Fang Meishi silently exclaimed

He watched the falling movement of that unfortunate actor, the faces of everyone on the train changed from surprise to fear.

They were speechless, blood flowed to the floor and continued to flow around, sticking to the top of his shoe...

[ # This is not filming#]

Another explosion and another unfortunate person fell

[ # It's not a dream or a novel #]

One, two... explosions rang out one after another, mixed with the sound of something falling. Blood splattered all over the glass, everyone panicked, wondering if it was them or not...

But the people whose exploding head fell were all the people who made noise on the train while Dokkaebi was talking. Even the smallest thing would still get a hole in the middle of their forehead...

Just like that, this ship compartment became a bloody massacre, he looked around at each explosion caused by Dokkaebi...

[ # This is no longer 'reality' you know. Do you understand? So shut up and listen to me#]

More than half of the people on this train died without knowing it, blood and bodies were scattered everywhere like a game of survival. One of the two people on the new train car is likely to survive...

At this time, they did not dare to speak up anymore, they cowered and were afraid. This is the instinct of a normal human, or more precisely, animals that can sense the level of danger.

Until now, when animals encounter strong opponents they will become afraid, afraid of those stronger than them...

Yoo Sangah tried to swallow her sobs. When he saw that scene, he stood up and used one hand to rub her back in a circular motion to calm her down.

-: Inhale and exhale slowly... you are gradually losing your composure...: When scared, some people will fall into a state of losing their composure, unable to control their emotions or even their breathing your own breathing

If people cannot control that fear, it will be difficult for them to calm down...

-"#.... #"Dokja looked at him, he seemed to be the most calm person in this cabin. The expression doesn't change at all, it's simply looking and observing everything

He bowed a bit to let Yoo Sangah see him, guiding her to catch her breath

[# Everyone, your life has been good up until now, right? #]

[ #You have lived a free life for too long. Is life through being generous to others? You were born and there is no charge for breathing, eating, sleeping, resting, and giving birth. Ha! You are truly living in a good world! #]

Obviously they still have to pay for this life and they can still fight back, but right now they just keep their mouths shut and don't dare to protest because now they are prey in the eyes of the workers. hunt

If he just raised his head, he would definitely be killed without being able to handle everything. He looked up at the Dokkaebi, is this the true nature of the Dokkaebi? Arrogant to the point of being obnoxious...

[ # But, now that good life has ended, you've had enough of living for free, now, if you want to be happy, pay for it! #]

Everyone in the cabin seemed to be suffocated without saying a word

Suddenly a timid sound spoke up in this quiet space

-# sir... do you need money? #

Dokja and Sangah looked up at the same time, it seemed they knew that man and that man's words surprised them.

-# Yoo Sangah-ssi, isn't that the head of finance department Han?# _ Kim Dokja spoke first

-# That's right... # _ Yoo Sangah nodded

-"Correct... what correct???"

He thought to himself as he looked up at the man named Han, he held up the money and began to speak...


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