Chapter III: his life before apocalypse (2)

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[ You have meet the requirements to unlock the hidden memories of the unknown individual ]

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The person in the white coat with his face hidden with a fabric that resemblance the star of the night sky staring at the blue screen.

He knows that 'he' is the unknown individual. But he can't quite put what was wrong with 'him'

He have been wondering who was that unknown individual that helps him in his past regression. There's always a familiar feeling when that person looking at him in the eyes

Now he get to see the memories, would that solved anything about him?

He just have to try and see

[ Yes ]

As he made up his choice, the space around him started to change to a red screen with a notification

[ Memories of the unknown individual 1/3 ]

[ *:..。o○ Loading....℅0 ○o。..:* ]














[ *:..。o○ Loading....℅100○o。..:* ]

[ ⋇⋆ Loading complete ⋆⋇ ]

The space around him started to lit up and show a reality where the capital city in ruins, this is a reality where star stream can't access to since he didn't see any of the Dokkaebi anywhere.

There's a person standing tall fighting the unknown monster that he have never seen before while protect those behind him.

That monster.....he can see it..

It was the type of monster that could rival those disaster individual in the main scenerios

But something doesn't add up...

The monster doesn't just head on and kill those around. They're more skillful than those monster he kill in the past.

They have intelligent, and also can split up into two and attack. They move more syncing with each other that could mistake for a human turn to a monster like those in apocalypse.

What an interesting monster

[ Rok Soo! Hurry! Quickly hide! Me and Jung Soo will keep them a bit longer! ]

That man, the person he so curious about and also have respect for him. That person was his companion, he accept everything about him and yet....he never get to know the person before regress back to the past

[ Team leader! You can't-! We can't fight them-! ]

That boy who has those dark red eyes with a stoic face flash through his eyes were panic and scared, but he can feel that it wasn't the fear of death but rather.....scare that the other person would get killed.

He can understand the feeling since he used to be like that, too.

(He's more powerful now. He won't make the same mistake as his past regression)

Team that's why he's good at leading people

The battle with monster continue for many hours as that figure getting tired and at that moment, he got a blow that too strong for that strain body of him

His last words for that small person was to pass on his title and say the exact same words that he told him everytime Lee Soo Hyuk try to save him as his vision started to blur.

[ Living is the best alright? Live for me ]

That sentence always repeated in his mind as the looks of despair and horrifying filled his eyes at that time when he was about to regress

[ Memories of the unknown individual 2/3]

[ *:..。o○ Loading....℅0 ○o。..:* ]





[ ❌ Error ❌]

[ The memories contain things that only the owner of the memory can access, you can only watch the censor version until the time the memory unlock itself ]

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— Kim Dokja, put that phone down right now or face the consequences – the person that got mentioned flinch as he slowly look back at the angry hyung of his.

It's been two years since that fateful meeting between them. They get to know each other as they spend thrice a week to meet each other at the cafe until they so close like siblings.

Lee Soo Hyuk – a stranger that slowly walking into his life, a strange individual that warm up his heart. The one person that step up for him everytime he got scolded by his relatives and then one day, he decided that it was a good ideal to kidnapped him and also change the information about legal guardian to him (he doesn't know how in the world did that happen, and he doesn't want to know how did Soo Hyuk do that, he doesn't want to know about that, ignorance is a bliss)

Lee Soo Hyuk also the one to give him the truth that his relatives using him to get the money that his mother sent for him. But it won't go to them anymore but to Soo Hyuk to get him to live without having any thought of pay back.

(He also glad that his mother actually care about him even when in prison. She has always listen to his rant about the novel and eventually, his now guardian)

After everything that has happened in two years, he definitely thought of Soo Hyuk as his blood brother even though they aren't. He even get as close as called him Soo Hyuk-hyung, too.

(The more he got close to him, the more attached he is and there's something back in his mind telling him to trust him to survive even when he got involved with a murderer's son)

– But hyung, I have done all my work and also I remember those pieces of work already – he just want to read his favorite novel and also catch up to Lee Soo Hyuk speed of reading too.

– Oh really? Then what's the 50/100 one that I have received here? – and to prove his point, he bring out the test that have that same mark that he said as Dokja nervously looking away.

– O-Okay, it wasn't enough time a-and- – Dokja got cut off as he feel the intense look from his hyung. Lee Soo Hyuk then did something unexpected, he pat Dokja's head as he speak in a sweet voice that makes anyone who heard it feel relax, but to those who have experienced it before hand definitely want to hide away from him at all cost.

– If you can make it to a higher point, I will make your favorite food and buy you more novel – but there's a pause in that sentence that bring down a chill behind Dokja's back – If you can't make it then......

The next sentences that make his soul almost leave his body right away

– I will make every dishes that have tomatoes and you have to eat it all for a whole month. – his hyung right now have that innocent smile on his face, a face that make Dokja to hide everytime that appear

– Hyung, w-wait- we can talk about this- please-

– No but, Dokja. You brought this upon yourself. Now, I guess it's time for you to go and improve your stamina. I need you to be a healthy teenager after all – every day, Lee Soo Hyuk slowly let Dokja adjusted to eat healthy and train his body. It wasn't a body that have muscles right now but it wasn't that skinny anymore. With this continues to happen then Dokja would be able to survive the apocalypse that would happen soon.

After all, he can't really protect anyone now, could he?

He can't repeat the history of his dongseang dying along side with him. He need Dokja to stay alive even if he die one day. That's the goal he wants to achieve.

In this apocalypse, he won't be that mercy anymore. He won't blindly save anyone. He have to focus on protecting his family more than anything else.

– Alright, fine, I will go – Dokja stand up as he go pass his hyung to train stamina as Lee Soo Hyuk would like to call it. It was the evidence of him care for Kim Dokja well being as he got to a good stamina then Lee Soo Hyuk will started to train him self-defense.

– Good, don't even try to slack off you hear me? – the warning tone of Lee Soo Hyuk echo the room. He definitely didn't want his warning to come true at all cost.

After Kim Dokja left the room, Lee Soo Hyuk finally sigh as he took out a letter that personally sent to him. He didn't remember been that close to anyone at all in his work. He has always been serious at work and try not to get too close to anyone.

This practically make him like Kim Rok Soo somehow but it's not that he don't want to, he's scared.

He knows with his ability in the past would come back and he's confident that he could control it to protect them.

But somewhere deep down in his heart, he knows that not anyone can be save. He have to protect his family. He can't make the same mistake.

He open the letter as he curious about the content in the letter. There's something about it that told him this is an important message.

As he look at it, there's an unknown language that he never knew about. But somehow, he can read the content of the letter. He knows who sent him this with a dimensional bag full of bottle, food that somehow couldn't decay in there, sword, mana bombs (that he have seen from watching Cale's journey), blanket, books, pen, more ingredient, tea, pie, snack.... He can't really count anymore but to describe it then maybe it was like Doraemon.

[ Dear ability user 1, Lee Soo Hyuk

I know that you still remember me even after all this time. You did make a deal with me after all.

I'm sure by now that you have a question in your mind right now.

I have been looking for you all this time. It wasn't that I have slack off in my job at all.

The world you are in right now even farther than your team member's world. You're in the world where ■■ ■■ will happen. This apocalypse will be more different than your typical monster apocalypse back in your world

I have sent most important thing packed by your sworn brother, Cale somehow find out so he threatened me to bring you everything that he have put there for the apocalypse.

But anyway, when the times come, we will meet again so, you should know that we would be there. All you need to do is choose one of us. That way, we could protect you

Sincerely, God of Death
P/S: this is from Cale words: "The food in your bag won't get decay, I make sure of it with my children so you don't have to worry about it"]

To be honest, he didn't really surprised anymore. He guess that he couldn't repeat his history as the founder of the company that built in the apocalypse.

Not that he expected that he would do it of course.

Some parts, he almost laugh because he can imagine how his dongseang threat the God of Death, that's so a Kim Rok Soo move that he couldn't help but feel amused by it.

He still amused by his dongseang's charm till this day, he manage to make every gods love him. He's the one that have seen it first hand, and the funniest thing is that he didn't even believe in any Gods at all.

At the end, he feel really thankful for his dongseang, he knows that Rok Soo care about him. He's a tsundere that never want to call him hyung. He's still sad about that but he can't force him at all.

– I guess that I will keep it at my side until the time come then – he put the bag on his work table right besides the bed.

Ten more years until the apocalypse happen.

Time to work harder for his only dongseang of this world.






























[ Constellation Most Ancient Dream wonder about the individual ]






[ Constellation Most Ancient Dream want to know about the individual ]









[ The train of ■■ have block the unknown guest from access the information from incarnation '■■ S■o H■k ]

[ the re's at hing yo u sho uldn 't k now ye t ]

[ yo u sh ouldn 'tp oke yo ur's nos ei nso meo ne e lse m emori es ]

[ on eda y ]

[ wh enth etim eis rig ht ]

End chapter 3

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