Chapter IV: his life before the apocalypse (3)

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[ Ha! You're truly a mystery after all, my former companion. ]

The mystery star watch as the figure protect the other person who have lost an arm. He didn't even give them mercy while cut down everything in his path in order to lead him to their other companion.

He have watch a piece of the former one memory. But that really just a part that can only tell a bit of his personality, not his ability or his way of survive.

Now that he look at him, he really surprised at how he can cut down anything, whenever is a divine items or stories, anything.

Now that he look back at his story, at some point in the timeline, he remember that before leaving in one piece, he remember him damage nebula <Olympus> with a skill that he have in the beginning of the scenario.

But then, with a powerful ability like that, there's of course a terrible backlash. The more he use it to fight those with more power than him, the more colder he get. He can see it in his eyes.

Certainly, he hid it very well. He didn't even notice it until later on.

He act like he's normal with his companions, but when they turn their back, he mercilessly kill anything stand on his way.

There's a point where he remember Anna Croft's quote before he kill her before she could make a slave out of him.

{ I-I can't.....see your future.....this is......huh? T-That ■■! Stay away! Get away from me! I don't want to die! I don't want to be a wander of the void-! }

And she die with a slash, no matter how strong her body is.

After that, he just certainly forgot about her until the next turn.

Lee Soo Hyuk is a scary individual indeed.

He even almost crush him in his spare if it wasn't that he care for him deep down. He almost like his master but only, he's his companion.

He never really have a choice than to make him his ally in every turn. He would regret it if he turn him to an enemy.

The unknown star too busy remembering his story that he didn't notice the figure say something in the screen.

['re right, ■■. After this regression of his, I will come back soon enough ]


























[ Welcome back to the revived train, how's your day, Soo Hyuk? ]

Lee Soo Hyuk appear again as he step down on the platform. The place is much cozier than his first day in here. Maybe it was because he come here too often by now?

There's a reason why he always enter here after all.

There's a notification about his status in the train while he explore it. It was a normal document if not for the things that been writing on it.

His soul have been damaged and it required the train to slowly stop him from breaking apart. It can't be fix as he still missing the other piece of his soul.

The thing is that to fix his soul, it needs the piece willing to come back to him. But if he's correct then the soul won't came back after a long time outside as they have their own will and won't be bound by him anymore. So it was impossible for him now.

The train offer to help him stable with his mentality (he didn't really care why the train help him. Maybe it was because it was bond to him?)

So right now, it was one of those time beside help his dongseang doing his homework, going to work (He just straight up finish the course to get a job. He choose to do his old dream job before the apocalypse that make him a fighter)

[ You should relax, it won't do you good if you're stress inside here. It would delay the effect to heal your mind ]

At first, this train wasn't supposed to feel much, like an emotionless object. But because it was for him only and it was bond to him till he die, it gets a side effect along side with it. They develop a mind on its own and they started to get more friendly also casually with him.

That he can feel greatful about it, he doesn't want it to keep saying his full title in his old life all the time.

– Sure thing, To■■. I will try I guess – Lee Soo Hyuk definitely need to think what else did he forget for the apocalypse. He need to prepare for the worse to come. Have he get more than enough food to last at least five years? Did he get the right sword for his dongseang to use? Have he prepare some electronic stuff to help them? Since Dokja would still be a bookworm in the future (he have a feeling and he need to trust it) then he should have more than enough to do so. Hey, would the monster be the same? Would they be different than the one he fought in the past? How much can he take it before–

[ Lee Soo Hyuk, please remains calm and stop think too much about it. Even if this is your mind, you still need rest for tomorrow ]

– Dammit.....fine, I guess I the way, can I even sleep in a dream?

[ ??.........?? ]

Maybe not then

He just stay there and enjoy the silent in the train. His mind wander off to the window, seeing the star pass by.

It was really amazing no matter how much he look at it. There's something that draw him near it.

Remind him of those time when he work in the night shift, patrol through the ruins and also admire the star shining so bright in the night sky. It was really beautiful and he used to wish that one day, him and his two dongseang would relax after retire looking at the sky while laughing at each other jokes (mostly Choi Jung Soo but sometimes he would join too)

Now that the trio break, it was an impossible dream to do so. Maybe that he can still do that with his new dongseang but sometimes, he can't help but look back at the memory of the trio Soo that Jung Soo so proudly called.

[ It's time to wake up, Soo Hyuk. Today you have work to do. You also have to help Dokja with work too]


























– Hyung-nim, it's time to wake up. You have work today

Ughh.....sometimes, he just wish he could just stay in the train for a long time without going out. This is tired than he thought.

He knows he should be responsible but sometimes he can't help it. Wake up in the morning always tired, even in his old life, he need Rok Soo wakes him up.

– Can you give me five more minutes? – he said in his morning tone, which is deeper than normal. Consider that everyone have a deep voice when they wake up.

– Hyung.....If you don't wake up right now. I will drop cold water on you.

This brat- he can't believe he dare to use that against me when he tell him about his old dongseang that he used to have (he still consider them to be his dongseang, but he didn't need to tell that since they're not here in this world)

He trust his new dongseang to keep it to himself, not that he threatened him or anything. It just....hurt when they're not here and Dokja knew that. So he won't mention much, just a few times.

He was really glad that Dokja did that, he definitely glad to have him as his dongseang.

Now back to the matter that's happening right now

– Fine fine, I will wake up. Happy now you brat? Who taught you to be this disrespectful huh? Where's that little innocent Dokja that I know?

– Aren't you the one taught me so? – Dokja raise his own eyes brow

– .....alright, fair. I suppose that today's gonna be the day you finally get to promote huh? What a great day to start, threat this poor old hyung to wake up this early – Lee Soo Hyuk dramatically said while put his hand on his heart to prove it.

– Hyung....I love you and all that but please– get up now – Dokja pull up his hyung from that very comfortable bed that he secretly love to stay on them too. He seriously regretted choose bed too early and he may or may not stuck with a bed also comfortable but not as comfortable as Lee Soo Hyuk's bed.

Yep, one of the reason why he want to go back to the time he chooses his own bed.

Hey, can he switch room?

Wait- no- this is not the time for that-

– Wait for a moment, I swear I would get up – he process to get out of bed, only the result wasn't good. Almost land his face on the ground. Sometimes he wonders if this was his karma for cursing out the god of Death. At least wasn't that bad compare to Cale since he will never achieve his dream.

– Pfft....careful there hyung – the audacity of his dongseang-

– You- haizz- hold up – Lee Soo Hyuk sit up and go to the bathroom to do personal things, to start a day.

What a morning, he thought.




















– So you're saying that I can't have my own modifier? I have to use with Jung Soo?

– Correct, my dear favorite human – the individual happily grow with that cheerful voice of his.

– .....well, can't complain much then. Not that it was bad, still better than nothing at all.

– Aww, dongseang~ this hyung is hurt~ – the brown hair individual dramatically said.

– Jung Soo, we literally born in the same day.

– But I born in the morning so that make me your hyung, you brat

– Fine fine, but still, do you think he would recognize us? – the red hair man calmly ask, but still worry for his former team leader.

– I'm sure he will, after all, he knows my pun intended in the modifier

– Ugh....can't believe you did that. Out of all thing you could choose-

– Hey! It was a genius ideas! You have to admit that! Besides, he should give him back his skill and also give him our skill you know? He would get yours since you have many- wait- I didn't mean that you would literally break your plate okay? I mean that we give him a copy of our ability to him. Even your ancient powers, it would be safer for him in his journey – Jung Soo explain to the red hair man in front of him

– Right, it should help him. We want to see him at the end of the scenarios after all.

– We will, definitely, it will happen no matter what. It's our duty to bring back our family after all.

– For once, I agree with you

– Hey-! Why are you so mean!

– Not my fault, it's the true. You're a knucklehead after all

– Hey! Sorry if I wasn't as smart as you, Mr.I-prepare-for-everything-incase-thing-won't-go-my-way.

– Shut up, or things will be worse for you – the man said with a threat yet it still have it playful tone in that.

Two dongseang planning things to reunite with their hyung, to reunite the trip once again, to see their family after a very long time.

They would do anything, no matter what it takes to do so.























[ The train of ■■ have begun its fate ]

[ The train of ■■ have started to move ]

[ Th in gsw ill st arte dto mo be toi ts des tin ys oo nen out h ]

[ Its houl dbe en oug ht ole tth e fa teb eg unit sun pr edict abl eway de fin edt hos eol do ady ]

[ Le tth e sto ryb egin ]

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