Chapter 8: The Journey Begins

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     When I got back to the house, I quietly climbed through the window. After I closed and locked the window, I carefully placed the box into the bag that Jade had packed for the trip. I closed the bag, then went back to my blanket and fell asleep.


     "Amber," called Jade, "wake up! Its almost time to go!" I sluggishly got up from my blanket and opened my eyes. "Before we leave," said Jade, "you have to be in a pokeball. My parents said so." She got out a pokeball and pressed the button. A red light surrounded me and suddenly I was in a room with a bed and some food. I guess this is what the inside of a pokeball looks like.

     I heard Jade's voice, "Hey Amber, we're leaving now." Since it would take a while to get to Nuvema town, I decided to sleep until we were there.


     "Hey Amber, you awake?" I heard Jade say. I nodded, which caused the pokeball to move. I was somehow able to see outside of the pokeball. Jade walked into a building with an orange roof.

     Inside of the building, there were computers and machines, as well as scientists. Jade walked over to a scientist with light brown hair and green eyes.

     "Hello Professor Juniper," said Jade. "Hello Jade," said Professor Juniper. "Its nice to meet you. I heard you wanted to go on a journey to capture pokemon and defeat the gym leaders. Is that true?" "Yes ma'am," Jade replied. "Well then," said Professor Juniper, "looks like you get your wish. Today you get a pokedex, as well as one of the three Unova starter pokemon." "Really?!" Said Jade. "Yes, really," said Professor Juniper. "Would you like Oshawatt, Tepig, or Snivy?" While Professor Juniper told Jade about the three starters, I waited. It took forever.

     When they were finally done talking, Professor Juniper walked to a different room, then came back with a pokeball. "Would you like to name the Oshawatt?" Professor Juniper asked. "Yes," replied Jade. "I'm gonna name her Lahna."

     Professor Juniper handed Jade a pink electronic device she called a pokedex. Jade thanked her and we left.


Chapter 8 complete! Jade now has 6 pokemon and something awesome is gonna happen soon. BYEEE!!!

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