Chapter 11: Operation Spyfall

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Chapter 11: Operation Spyfall

After a double elimination, both Karen and Kara have been eliminated by they're teams. Now there as total of 9 contestants left. 

Selina: I can sense the merge coming soon… 

Pamela: Yeah, after that happens it's every men/women for themselves. 

Selina: Except for us that is. 

She smirked. 


Selina: I am glad to have Pamela in my side, after Karen's departure because of obvious reasons I can use Pamela to get to the finals… Until I backstab her and take the million dollars for myself.

She cackled. 

Pamela: To be honest, I don't trust Selina that much, because I know there's some shade in her plan so I'll just keep playing along with her. 

She smiled. 

"End of confessional" 

Barry: Well, Karen is gone and it's just me, Babs, Steve, Carter and Selina. 

Babs: By the way, where is she? 

Steve: Probably talking with Pam or something. 

Carter nodded his shoulders because he didn't know where she was. 

Jessica: Come on guys, we need to focus, I bet that after this challenge, the merge is going to happen. 

Oliver: *Mumbles* And I will be finally get rid of you all… 

Tatsu: What was that? 

Oliver: Nothing, nothing at all. 

He smiled. 


Oliver: That Tatsu is on to me and yes I am just 8 steps closer to recieving my million dollars and I will be rich! 

"End of confessional" 

Oliver: Well speaking of this, where's Pamela? 

Jessica: Your right Oliver, where is she guys? 

Tatsu: I saw her walking with Selina, that's all I could see. 


Tatsu: I believe that those two are up to something and I will find out. 

"End of confessional" 

Then suddenly a smoke bomb was launched and it started spreading smoke and it put the others asleep, except for Selina and Pamela. 

Selina: Crap, what happened? 

Pamela: I don't know, I-

Suddenly a dart was fired on her neck and she collapsed to the ground. 

Selina: Pamela, wake up-

Then suddenly a hat was tossed a boomerang and it hit Selina straight into her face and it was all black. 

"Minutes later" 

They were all inside a cave setting as they all woke up. 

Babs: Ah, my head… 

Jessica: Where are we? 

Oliver: We're inside a dirty cave. 

Then a TV screen came out of nowhere and Chris appeared as he weared a black business suit with a red necktie, he had an eyepatch on his left eye and a white cat on his lap as he petted it. 

Chris: Welcome, victims. 

Pamela: Chris, you're the one behind this? 

Steve: And why are you dressed as a super villain from a secret agent type of movie? 

Chris: Because that's today's challenge, like how Steve pointed out today's gonna be about secret agents, stoping the bad guys from world domination and yaddy yaddy yadda. 

Tatsu: So how's it gonna play out. 

Chris: Today there will be two parts of the challenge. This first part is to escape the cave as it's filled with traps all around, lasers, spike balls, sharks and etc. 

He laughed as all the stuff he mentioned actually appeared and happened. 

Chris: After that you have to get passed my loyal henchman Chef Hatchet as he's guarding the door of the second challenge. 

He then saw the teams and smiled at them as he held his spaghetti bazooka from season 4 and the others gulped. 

Chris:After you get passed the obstacles and my minion, you will move on to challenge number two. Good luck, you're gonna need it. 

He laughed as he petted his cat again and the cat purred and the screen turned off and disappeared. 

Jessica: Alright team, time to get passed the challenge, what obstacle is first? 

Then a fly was flying around until a laser zapped it and the others gasped. 


Jessica: Sudden death lasers? Yup, this is gonna be tough. 

"End of confessional" 

Tatsu: I'll go first. 

She got herself ready and she began running and a laser was fired and she jumped and did her acrobatic skills, then more lasers were being fired as she dodged the rest one at a time before she made it to the safe zone and the others wowed. 


Oliver: That Tatsu is one athletic girl. 

Steve: And that's what I call training to the max. 

Babs:That was AWESOME!!! 

Then Carter was silent as he pulled a picture of Tatsu and he blushed. 

"End of confessional" 

Jessica: Alright guys, if Tatsu made it then so can we. 

Babs: On your marks, get set and go! 

They all ran to make it to the safe zone and lasers were fired from all sides but neither hit anyone, until one hit Barry on the left foot and he tripped and Babs and Carter stopped. 

Babs: Barry! 

Barry: Go on without me guys, I'll be-

Then Carter grabbed Barry and put him on his back and carried him to safety. 

Babs: You alright? 

Barry: Yeah just a bit hurt. 


Barry: What is it with me getting hurt in each and every challenge? Is it some sort of a curse or something? 

Babs: I hope your alright Barry… 

She blushed when saying his name. 

"End of confessional" 

Steve: You alright man? 

Barry: Yeah, I guess I have to be carried for the rest of this challenge. 

Pamela: Well nows not the time for touching moments, you all forgot that we are stuck inside a death cave. 

Jessica: Pamela is right, we have to finish this challenge. Let's go to tier two. 

Then suddenly three big spiked balls were swinging around and around as there were small bridges that make a sideway path. 

Selina: Alright, so we have to avoid the spiky balls, should be easy. 

Then suddenly an electric eel jumped put of the water and it shocked itself before going back inside. 


Selina: And I spoke to soon… 

"End of confessional" 

Babs: Right, we have to be cautious with this one guys, I volunteer to go first. 

Barry: Be careful Babs! 

She nodded and she was the one to go to the three bridges and she walked on the first one then a spiked ball was swinging side by side and she moved away but then Chef started firing his spaghetti bazooka at Babs. 

Tatsu: Hey! That's not fair! 

Chef: Sorry, but that's what Chris ordered me to do, to stop you from getting here. 

Oliver: So he wants us to fall to our deaths? 


Oliver: I swear that this man is a psychopath that needs to put away for a long time. 

"End of confessional" 

Chef started firing more of his spaghetti but Babs dodged every shot and every spiked ball and moved to the other safe zone. 

Babs: I am safe guys! I am safe! 

The others cheered. 

Then there were many attempts from the others to pass the small bridges and avoid the balls and Chef himself, the last one to cross the bridge was Jessica. She was currently in the middle as she dodged the second spiked ball but she was losing balance and was then hit by Chef's spaghetti bazooka and she fell down to the water and shocked everyone. Then the eels started electricuting her and she swam away to safety until she was pulled by the guys as he gasped for air. 


Jessica: WTF Chris, I could've died! 

Selina: That was quite.. Shocking… 

She smirked. 

"End of confessional" 

Tatsu: Alright, we are at the final tier. 

Then sharks began circling around the water. 

Pamela: I have a plan, we will all swim and the sharks will have to choose one person since there's like 9 of us. 

Oliver: But what if one of us dies? 

Pamela: Then I don't know what happens. 

Then everyone had no choice and jumped into the water and began swimming to safety, the sharks began chasing them until they locked they're targets on Oliver. The others escaped while Oliver was being dragged on the leg by one of the beasts. The shark tried to devour him but he kicked it on the snout and he swam as fast as he can and he escaped the water and he was panting uncontrollably. 

Oliver: How dare you all leave me for dead with those insane beasts? 

Jessica: Sorry Oliver. 

Oliver: Pfft, whatever let's just end this challenge. 


Oliver: Soon all of those hooligans will pay, one at a time. 

"End of confessional" 

They then approached Chef. 

Chef: Alright, since you passed the tiers, you are free to go to the next challenge. 

He cracked the doors safe mechanism and they all went inside and he locked the door from behind and Chris' TV screen appeared again. 

Chris: Hello again victims, time for round 2. 

Jessica: What is it? 

Chris: Oh you can see that there's a gigantic bomb infront of you all. 

Then they saw a bomb and they all freaked out. 

Jessica: Are you trying to kill us?! 

Chris: Not unless you stop the bomb. 

Steve: How do we defuse it?

Chris: There are also two safes behind you, one of them contains the tools to defuse the bomb, the other one has something random. You have 2 minutes to crack the safes and defuse the bomb. 

He chuckled as his TV screen disappeared and a time with 2 minutes appeared. 

Tatsu: This guys is nuts!

Barry: Steve you went to millitary man, you should know how to defuse bombs. 

Steve: I do, I am gonna crack the safe. 

He kneeled down and put his head close to the safe as he moved the valve around and around. And currently the time was at 1:10.

Babs: Come on Steve, we're down to a minute and 10 seconds! 

Steve cracked thr first safe and when he opened it, it was a diamond, this made Selina had a surprised look. 


Selina: It looks shiny… I must have it! 

"End of confessional" 

The time was at 40 seconds left and Steve tried to crack the second safe. 

Pamela: Hurry up Steve or we will all be blown up sky high! 

It took him 10 seconds to help him crack the second safe and he opened it and grabbed the tools and went to the bomb, but there was a problem… There were two wired, one red and one blue. 

Barry: Steve, cut the blue wire, it's always the safest one. 

Carter nodded as he held Barry. 

Tatsu: No I say the red one. 

Babs: Blue! 

Jessica: Red!

So far blue were Barry, Carter Babs and Pamela while red were Jessica, Tatsu, Oliver and Selina. Steve was down to 10 seconds and he closed his eyes and cut the two wires together and the bomb stopped. 

Steve: Is it over? 

Tatsu: It is. 

They all cheered and then Chris' TV screen appeared. 

Chris: I see you all won contestants, report back to camp where Chef will lead you to the way. 

"Minutes later" 

They were all back where they were and then Chris appeared. 

Chris: Bravo, all of you put on a-

Jessica: We could've died because of you!!! 

Oliver: What were you thinking?

Chris: Hey hey, chill out. You were all lucky that Steve was from millitary to know that he can defuse a bomb. Now this time there won't be any Elimination Ceremonies. 

They all cheered. 

Chris: But someone is going home by my choice… 

They all went silent and Chris approached Selina. 

Chris: You are! 

Selina: What did I do to go home? 

He then had a TV screen appear and he showed a clip of Selina stealing the diamond from the first safe that Steve cracked. 

Chris: That diamond belongs to me and for you to steal it is wrong. 

He took the diamond from her pocket. 

Chris: Since you stole a priceless artifact of mine, your punishment will be a disqualification from my show and into prison. 

This shocked everyone. 

Selina: What?! 

Chris: Chef… 

Chef Hatchet grabbed her and escorted her away from the show. 

Chris: Alright you are all safe for now… But since there's 8 of you, it's time for the merge where it'll be every men/women for themselves. Good night he left. 


Pamela: I knew from the start when she looked at that diamond it would be her downfall and look where's she at...gone from the show…. 

She smirked. 

"End of confessional" 

Chris was on his room. 

Chris: And that is Selina gone, and there's 8 contestants that will have to go on they're own now. Who will win? Find out on Total. Drama. Revenge of the Action!!! 

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