Chapter 12: Mixed Martial Atrocities

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The contestants were sleeping, until a air horn sound was played and woke up the remaining 8 contestants. 

Jessica: What was that? 

She got out of her trailer and saw that they were inside a studio along with a huge cage with a boxing ring inside. 

Jessica: What the-

Chris: Good morning contestants. 

He came to Jessica's side along with Chef Hatchet who weared a referee shirt, then the others got out of they're own trailers. 

Oliver: What is this Chris? 

Chris: Today's newest challenge, it's based off MMA which is short for mixed martial arts. Basically you will all compete against each other, knock your socks off and the last man or woman standing wins invincibility. 

Babs: What?! We have to fight each other? 

Chris:... Yes… 

He smiled with glee. 

Jessica: But I don't want to fight anyone. 

Chris: Too bad, too sad. 

Barry: Your rotten to the core McLean. 

Chris: I know, put your gears on and meet me back here. 

"Minutes later" 

All 8 individuals had they're boxing gear on as they approached Chris. 

Chris: Alright, since you changed, me and Chef have been making the matchcard all night and we decided to start off with Oliver and Tatsu. 

Oliver was shocked and eyed Tatsu who had a smile on her face. 


Oliver: I get the karate girl? I object to this! 

"End of confessional" 

Oliver: Chris, I object to your plan to have me square off against Tatsu. 

Chris: Sorry to disappoint you, but you and your objections are irrelevant while your in my show. 

This made Oliver grit his teeth as Chef grabbed him and tossed him inside the caged ring and Tatsu went inside as did Chef and he locked the door while Chris and the rest watched on. 

Chef: Alright listen up you two, I want a clean fight. The victory is either by knock out or submission! 

He turned around. 

Chef: Ring the bell! 

Chris ringed the bell and Tatsu was in a fighting stance while Oliver was afraid to move. 

Oliver: Tatsu, can we talk about this? 

Tatsu: There is no talking when we are fighting, only the weak try that just to get away! 

Oliver gulped and tried to climb the Cage just to get away but Tatsu grabbed his foot and slammed him on the ring before starting to throw punches to him that made the others cringe. 

Oliver: Mommy! Mommy! Help me! 

She then grabbed his arm and twisted it and Oliver tapped on the mat hence he submitted. Chef then raised her hand in victory while Oliver was on the ground as he spat out a little bit of blood. 


Oliver had an ice pack on his jaw. 

Oliver: That girl is crazy! She just broke my jaw! 

"End of confessional" 

Chris: And Tatsu is going to the semi finals baby! 

He then crossed Oliver's name as a few interns grabbed him and took him for medical treatment. 


Babs: I might just quit now. 

"End of confessional" 

Babs: Chris, this is dangerous. 

Chris: Sorry but that's what the audience want. And speaking of you, your up next as you will collide with… Barry.

The two were shocked. 


Barry: I can't fight Babs, she's too innocent for me to fight. 

"End of confessional" 

Chef brought the two inside the caged ring and Chris rang the bell. 

Barry: Well this is it Babs, sorry if I ever hurt you. 

Babs: It's okay, only one of us will go out. 

The two fist bumped in respect before turning around in a fighting stance. Barry landed a punch but Babs ducked and she landed a jab to his face and he landed on the ground. 

Babs: Barry! 

Chef:! Ring the bell!

Pamela: She just knocked him out with one punch to the face. 

Chris rang the bell. 

Chris: What a knock out right there! 

He laughed. 

Chris: Babs is going to the semi finals while Barry is going to the infirmary. 

Babs kneeled down. 

Babs: Barry, are you okay? 

Barry: Yeah, I am alright Babs… That punch of yours was impactful. 

Babs: Thanks, I've been working out a bit. 

Barry: That's great. 

He got up. 

Barry: Good luck, your gonna need it. 

Babs: Thanks Barry. 

He left with a couple of paramedics. 

Chris: Next up is… Steve vs Carter, it's gonna be like David vs Goliath. 

He cackled as the two entered the caged ring.

Steve: Good luck man. 

Carter nodded as the bell rang and they took a fighting stance and Carter tried to land a punch but Steve ducked, he them tried to target Carter's knees with his legs and swiftly kicked Carter's left leg and he stumblef a bit and he them launched himself at Steve and tried to throw jabs at him but Steve ducked every single one. 

Pamela: That Steve is so fast. 

Tatsu: Tell me about it. 

Carter then landed a punch to Steve's chin and he stumbled to the corner and everyone gasped, except for Chris. Chef went to Steve.

Chef: You alright kid? 

Steve: Yeah, I am fine alright. 

He got out and starred at Carter. 

Steve: Come one big boy. Hit me with your best shot. 

Carter then tried to land a jab to Steve but he caught his fist and then landed an uppercut to his face before grabbing him for a leg sweep and then locked in the Fujiwara armbar and he submitted to Steve in a shocking fashion. 

Chris: And Steve goes to the semi finals in a shocking manner. 

They got up and Steve gave Carter a hug. 

Steve: Nice battle Carter, hope you rest well. 

Carter didn't say anything and he hugged Steve too before leaving the caged ring. 

Chris: And to end the quarter finals, we got Jessica vs Pamela. 

Jessica was shocked while Pamela was smiling. 


Jessica: I don't want to hurt Pam, I like her and it will be cold hearted. I am great friends with her. 

Pamela: Me against Jessica, I can get my revenge after all the things she put me through back at Metropolis. 

"End of confessional" 

The two were inside the caged ring and the bell rang. 

Jessica: I don't want to hurt you Pammy. 

Pamela: But I do. 

She swiftly landed a jab to Jessica and hit her abdomen. 

Jessica: But why? Fighting is not the answer. 

Pamela: Sometimes in life you have to fight your way through certain things. 

She tried to land a punch to her face but Jessica ducked. 

Jessica: Why do this? We can probably talk things over. 

Pamela: Save your breath Cruz, I am here to win it and not to be friends with you… InIn fact I never was your friend. 

Those words hit Jessica like an arrow to the heart. 


Jessica: I don't know why Pammy doesn't like me so much? What did I do? Did I upset her or something? 

"End of confessional" 

Pamela hit Jessica with an uppercut and she was lying on the ground and Chef began counting. She was thinking at what Pamela told her and she grit her teeth, at the count of 8 she got up and eyed Pamela with a look of anger. She then screamed and began landing a flurry of punches to Pamela and backed her to corner before grabbing her for a Kimura lock submission move and she trapped out and Jessica won. 

Chris: Wow, now that… WasWas awesome!!! Jessica is moving to the semi finals right now! 

He crossed the name of Pamela off the list and paramedics grabbed her so they can take her to the infirmary. 


Jessica: I don't know what just came over me… But Pam deserved it…

Pamela: What the f*** was that?! She kicked the crap out of me!

"End of confessional" 

Chris: With that out of the way, let's move on to the semi finals, starting off with Tatsu vs Babs. 

The two looked at each other and nodded as they went to the caged ring. Chris rang the bell and the two took a fighting stance. 

Babs: Good luck. 

Tatsu: Thanks. 

"Minutes later" 

The two then traded punches but dodged every single one. 

Tatsu: Your good. 

Babs: I know how to fight. 

She landed a swift blow to Tatsu's shoulder and she looked at her. 

Tatsu: Time to get serious. 

She began moving much faster and she landed uppercuts to Babs' direction and dodged them all but she got one to the face and Tatsu delivered a leg sweep and dropped Babs to the ground and did a Fujiwara armbar and Babs screamed as she trapped out. 

Chris: Alright Tatsu is going to the finals now. 

Babs: Nice match. 

Tatsu: Thanks, it doesn't matter if you win, it matters that you tried your best. 


Babs: Tatsu is one badass girl! 

"End of confessional" 

Chris: Now let's get onto Steve vs Jessi-

Jessica: Chris I just wanna say that I forfeit from this challenge. 

Chris: Your forfeit?

Jessica: Yes, I am a lover and not a fighter. I only want peace that's all. 

Chris: Well okay, you forfeit then. 

He crossed off her name of the list. 

Chris: Well then it's Tatsu vs Steve for an invincibility. 

The two finalists looked at each other before going to the caged ring. 

Tatsu: It doesn't matter if one of win, it matters that we all tried out best. 

Steve: That's true-

The bell rang. 

Steve: Shall we? 

Tatsu nodded and the two went on a war. 

"Minutes later" 

The two finalists were trading blows to blows. Tatsu managed to land a couple of jabs to Steve's mid section. He managed to land kicks to her legs and a knee strike to her face, basically they were equaly matched. 

Chris: This is awesome! 

He ate some popcorn as he watched the match while the others watched on too. Oliver had an ice pack on his jaw, Barry had a bruise after the punch from Babs, Pamela was bandaged over her arms, shoulders and legs with a small bit of tape. 

Tatsu managed to land a spinning back kick and Steve landed on the mat with an unconscious look on his face. Chef counted to 10 and he rang the bell and signaled that Tatsu won the challenge. 

Chris: And the winner of this challenge is Tatsu! 

Everyone clapped for her victory as chef raised her hand in the air and Chris came to the other contestants. 

Chris: Alright everyone Tatsu is safe from elimination but some will be going home right because as the hours passed I got a call from the producers and they said that Jessica won't be continuing with us since she forfeited today. 

Jessica: But why? 

Chris: Apparently they said that if a contestant forfeits a challenge they immediatly go home. So pack your bags, it was nice to have you here with us but all good things must come to an end. 

Jessica sighed and got up. 

Jessica: Well it was nice being with you everyone. 

She then turned her attention to Pamela. 

Jessica: Pamela, I am sorry that I kicked the living shit out of you. 

Pamela: Apology not accepted, get lost! 

Jessica had a frown on her face and left to pack up.

Chris: The rest of you are safe… For now… 

They all nodded and left the studio. 

Chris: And 7 are left, who will go home next? Find out on Total. Drama. Revenge of the Action!!! 

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