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Lately Audrey's been taking me out to loads of places, literally everywhere Ben and Mal goes me and her go, I don't like Audrey but I'm getting sick of us following them just to try and make Ben jealous so I'm gonna ask her on an actual date... I don't like her!... it's just to annoy her

I found Audrey on the field with Jane and I pulled her aside "Audrey, meet me at the enchanted lake at 5"... she looked disgusted... "whyyyy?" She asked "because I'm sick of us following Ben and Mal I know we don't like each other but I want to get to know you better, even if you are a spoilt brat" I whispered at the end "you know I heard that!" She said pushing me backwards, I grabbed her hand and pulled her down with me I wrapped my arms around her and she looked at me with her eyes wide open and her face going bright red "I knew you'd fall for me one day," I winked at her, she got up annoyed "I would never fall for a VK! And fine I'll go on a date with you but no sappy stuff!" If that's what she wants then I'll scrap the picnic idea "fine it'll just be me and you nothing else" I smirked and walked away leaving Jane laughing at Audrey as she heard and saw everything

*time skip*

"YOU WHAT!" Mal shouted,
"I asked her on a date what's so bad about that" I said "uhm you said you didn't like her!" She shouted again "I don't but if it's just me and her that will give you and Ben a chance to be alone also giving you a chance to ask him about the wand without Audrey being suspicious!" I said Evie then butted in "he's right you know... we do need some info and if Audrey is always there she'll get suspicious" Mal look unsure but then agreed "fine what time is this date" I looked down at my watch "just about now seeya" I walked off to go to the enchanted lake, I waited for about 10 minutes before I saw Audrey approach... she looked beautiful, I MEAN.... what...
"I'm here so what now" Audrey scoffed while sitting down next to me "did you just invite me here for nothing" she rolled her eyes I was ready to flirt with her to hard I mean if she's gonna fake date me to make a boy jealous at least let me have some fun "aww you dressed up nice for me, I knew you fell for me" I smirked, she hit my arm then rolled her eyes "wow you're quite weak... I guess that just makes you even cuter," I winked she look really angry "so that's your game huh!" She pushes me down and tackled me to the floor "h-hey! Audrey!" I shouted "don't you dare flirt with me!" She shouted wrestling me on the floor I manage to get up then she got up. We stopped and just stared at each other with an angry look, I tried to walk a bit closer to her but then I tripped on a rock or something and ended up falling on her, I lifted myself up and found myself basically on top of her, looking down at her, I started to blush and I could see her blushing a bit as well... I guess you could say at that moment I fell for her...

WHAT... I did not mean to say that of course I wouldn't fall for her... she looked so, cute though... but also a bit annoyed I got up and lended her a hand, of course she didn't take it she just got up by herself "sorry about that..." I said a bit embarrassed "shut up... VK" she said, that's it I started to get really angry... "you know all vks aren't villains right!" I shouted, she looked a bit shocked "pfft of course they ar-" I cut her off "no! I've  been nothing but nice to you and you're being a brat! I mean you are always a brat but you're being extra bratty!" I rolled my eyes shouting, I walked away annoyed, I didn't mean to shout at her like that but if I'm gonna "date" her I'm gonna need to set some boundaries...

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