I Have A Date?!

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                 Y/N's POV
Right now me, Evie, Jay, Carlos And Mal just finished baking our cookie for Ben... thanks to Lonnie of course, it's all just a spell though to make our parents proud, I'm the son of the queen of hearts and we made this cookie so Ben will fall in love with Mal so at the coronation she can get the wand...

*Flash Back*
We all get out the limo and of course Jay and Carlos are fighting *leave it like you found it" fairy god mother sung they threw what they took back into the car and we looked infront of us to see a boy and a girl
"Hi I'm Ben" the boy said "prince Ben soon to be king" the girl corrected, she sounded very full of herself, I rolled my eyes then Ben shook everybody's hands while talking nonsense, I could only really focus on The girl tho she seemed like one of them, prissy pink princesses that were so full of them self "I'm benny boos girlfriend of course" she said, ugh I really wanted to wipe that smile off her face "Ben and Audrey are going to show you to your dorms" fairy god mother said... we all got to our dorms and i was lucky enough to get my own one... while all the other were talking about how to get the wand I snuck out and went to Audrey's dorm to get some info,

I knocked on her door. She opened it, looked me up and down. Then immediately shut the door, I knocked again and she opened shouting "what do you want VK!" I uninvitedly walked in and could see her rolling my eyes "I just wanted to ask about the Coronation," she rolled her eyes again "what about it VK" she said ignorantly "well I was just wondering... do they use the wand in it," she looked confused "yeah of course now get out!" She shouted "hmm okay... so who sits at the front then..." I asked "uhm definitely not you and your little villain buddies, only bens family and me, his girlfriend" she smiled at the end, she's really starting to get on my last nerv "so you're saying his girlfriend sits up at the front with him..." she nodded her head "now leave you're disgusting me with that horrible outfit" I immediately left and went back to our room and told everyone "I think it's time benny boo gets himself a new girlfriend" Mal smirked

*end of flashback*

And here we are now watching the tourney game, I may have told Ben to do something

A while later this happened

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Half way through the song Audrey came up to me
"Y/N!" She Shouted "what do you want" I rolled my eyes "be my boyfriend so I can make Ben jealous!" She shouted, "WHAT! Why would I want to do that!"
I shouted louder "please if he wants to date a VK then me dating one will make him jealous Just do it!" I thought for a minute Audrey will be sitting quite close up to the coronation... that means if Mal can't do it I'll be here to help "fine... I'll do it" she smiled and pulled my wrist we walked over to Ben and Mal and after the song Audrey said "Y/N's my boyfriend now, and I'm going to the coronation with him so I don't need your pity date" the vks looked at me shocked and Audrey grabbed my collar and pulled me in to kiss me, it lasted about 5 seconds before Ben took the mic and asked Mal to the coronation thats was honestly the best kiss every... wait what... don't you dare tell anyone I said that

*time skip*

"What was that!" Mal shouted at me "look Mal just think about it if I'm up there with you nothing wrong will happen Audreys only dating me to make Ben jealous and as long as he's under the spell, he won't, Audrey will be up at the front as well along with me so if anything goes wrong I'll be right there with you, you didn't actually think I liked her right!" I shouted clearing things up for her "Mal he's got a point" Carlos said "fine.." Mal agreed

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