3. Hell Hounds

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*Hello to the few people reading this, I know I've been putting this thing aside for a while so here we go! Enjoy!*

// Sam's POV

Sam paced around the room, thinking about what he should say.

"Samsquatch. Calm down man." Gabriel groaned, just watching him was making him dizzy.

"Gabriel, they'll be here any minute now!"

"You shouldn't be so worried. Even if they are competition, we've beat them before."

Sam sighed and sat down.

Their entire group was waiting for them in the practice room.

"They're gonna ask us about our soloist aren't they?" Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair

"Certainly." Gabriel stated, plopping a lollipop into his mouth.

"Okay well, let's go back to the practice room and get everyone ready." Sam sighed and started walking back to the practice room, Gabriel following close behind.

When they arrived, the saw their team on one side of the room, glaring intently at who was on the other side; Hell Hounds.

"Oh hello, boys." An eerie accent spoke.

Sam and Gabriel both looked towards the middle of the glaring stand-off. There stood Dean and the Hell Hounds leader and manager, Crowley.

"Okay calm down guys! Stop staring at each other like you want to murder each other." Gabriel chimed in, walking up to them and slowly pushing Dean away.

"Well that would be pleasing." A cocky voice blurted out.

The all turned to looked at a girl with wavy hair.

"Well...not you." She spoke again, eyeing Castiel.

Dean glared at her and stood next to him, as if Cas was his. Castiel of course had no idea what was happening. He looked at Dean confused, why was he being so protective of him?

"Okay, so guys, you all know the Hell Hounds, right?" Sam asked.

Their team nodded and glared at the opposing team.

"Oh but I'll introduce them anyway." Crowley smirked.

He pointed to the girl with wavy hair.


He moved over to a girl with longer wavy hair.


He pointed to another girl with shorter wavy hair.


He looked over to one with short hair.


One with long brown wavy hair and dark skin.


He rolled his eyes when he got to the last girl. She had firery red hair and piercing eyes.

"Not my favorite, but my best singer, Abbadon."

"And I would've been manager, but we somehow got stuck with him." She spat out.

Crowley rolled his eyes and looked back at the Treble Makers.

"So care to introduce your team, Moose?"

Sam sighed and pointed at Dean.

"You've met Dean."

He walked over to Cas.

"This is Castiel."

"Well hello there Clarence." Meg smirked.

"I don't understand. My name is Castiel."

"Same thing." She winked. Dean just glared at her.

Sam introduced everyone else, Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, Balthazar, Chuck, and Kevin.

Crowley eyed each of them and then eyed each one of the girls on his team. He smirked and walked over to a chair and sat.

"So can we see how well you guys are?" He asked, motioning for his girls to sit.

"What?" Dean asked, angry and confused.

"Calm down Squirrel, I just want you all to perform for us, and we'll show you how we run things." He winked.

Sam agreed and went to talk to his team.

"Okay guys, what do we uh sing?"

"Got it." Castiel smirked. "Just follow my lead."

Everyone eyed him carefully as he stood in front of the opposing team, everyone behind him in their usual spots, Castiel had told Dean what he was planning and had him sing first.

Dean breathed in deeply and opened his mouth to sing.

"Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pew in a church corridor, and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words..."

By then the rest of the team was singing the instrumental tune of the song as Lucifer sang along with Dean.

"What a beautiful wedding. What a beautiful wedding says a bridesmaid to a waiter." Dean sang. Castiel was getting ready to sing the chorus.

"Yes but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore." Lucifer sang and then Castiel stood in front and sang his part confidently.

"I chimed in with a haven't you people ever heard of, closing the god damn door, no! It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.

"I chimed in, haven't you people ever heard of, closin gthe god damn door? No! It's just better to face these kinds of things with a sense of. . ." He finished and slowly faded off as Gabriel began to sing. Crowley had been eyeing Cas the entire time.

"Oh, well in fact, well I'll look at it this way, I mean technically, our marriage is saved.

Well this calls for a toast so pour the champaign

Oh! Well in fact, well I'll look at it this way I mean technically our marriage is saved,

Well this calls for a toast so pour the champaign, pour the champaign..."

Castiel took in a deep breath and sang the chorus yet again, Crowley and Abbadon watching him intently.

"I'd chime in 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!'

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.

I'd chime in, 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!'

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality again."

"And that's enough." Crowley stated, cutting them off.

Castiel took in a few breaths and stepped away.

"You." Crowley spoke, pointing at Castiel. "You have a good voice. You boys are lucky to have him."

"Thank you. But I don't need flattery from you."

Crowley smirked and looked down at the girls.

"Well then, looks like we're up. Just a snippet girls."

The girls stood up and alined themselves.

"I think it'd be fair to sing something of the same artist." Abbadon said looking at the girls and whispering something. They all nodded and breathed deeply, Ruby was the first to sing.

"Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
no one knows it's you Miss Jackson

Found another victim but no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson..."

The girls all smirked and winked before moving on to sing the instrumental parts.

Abbadon was next to sing, she eyed all the boys with a smirk before singing.

"You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now

You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out

But we're so lucky, kiss the ring and let 'em bow down

Looking for the time of your life

A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud,

A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown, but back away from the water, babe, you might drown-

The party isn't over to-- "

A phone abruptly began ringing, causing the girls to stop.

"I did say a snippet didn't I?" Crowley smirked before getting up and answering it. "Well here's some time to get to know each other."

Abbadon groaned and stopped her foot on the ground. She walked into another corner of the room and pulled out her phone, she clearly didn't want to be bothered.

Meg quickly wandered over to Castiel and dragged him to a far area of the room.

Dean eyed them carefully until Lisa walked up to him smiling innocently.

Gabriel was dragged away by Khali, and Sam by Ruby.

Kevin, Lucifer, Michael, Chuck, and Blathazar were all cornered by Tessa. And they tried walking away, the really did, but she kept finding a way to make them stay.

"Moose! Candy Man! A word please." Crowley called once he was off the phone.

Sam and Gabriel quickly walked away from the girls they were with and wandered over to Crowley.

"What is it?" They both asked in sync.

Crowley smirked and quickly looked at Castiel then back at them.

"Who's your soloist?"

Sam gulped and looked down.

"We uh-- we haven't decided yet. You know, such great voices." Gabriel chimed in.

"Right. Well from what I can see, you two are choosing between Castiel and Dean. Those two seem to have the best voices on your team." Crowley stated.

Sam and Gabriel nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Well I can always take Castiel off your hands if you'd like. It'd give you an easier pick." Crowley suggested.

"What? No!" Sam said.

"Oh come on Samantha. You can just choose Dean and Cas would be devastated so I can give him solo on my team."

"The answer is no." Sam snarled.

"Well, alright then." Crowley sighed wandered over to the door.

"Girls! Come on!" He called. All the girls groaned and walked towards Crowley and soon disappeared.

Dean quickly found his way over to Castiel and walked with him back to Sam and Gabriel.

"What'd he want?" Dean asked.

"Nothing. He just wanted to know who was soloing." Gabriel blurted out.

Dean nodded and dragged Castiel towards the other boys.

"Gabe what the hell? Why didn't you tell them about how he wants Cas?" Sam asked.

"Samsquach. We don't need anyone to worry right now. Besides, Cas would never leave. If Dean's on our team, Castiel is obviously gonna stay." He smiled and plopped a lollipop into his mouth.

*Hello! And sorry I have not updated in a long time! But hey here it is!
I have four unfinished fics I need to work on so I'm doing it little by little so please be patient.
Hope you enjoyed,

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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