New friends, new enemies

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After my unfortunate incident earlier, even if it was only like two minutes ago, I recovered and went to the task of finding our seats. We got here kindof late so most of the compartments were full.
I spotted all the cliques I didn't want to be with and dismissed them. The "Popular" girls, gushing over the next couples, lipstick, and god knows what else. The "hipsters", there aren't words for them. I can't even. Just... Wizard hipsters.
I came up to a mostly empty compartment. It held a bleach blond boy, a dark girl with nothing In particular, and another boy with straight black hair. Maybe this was gonna be my seat.
I opened the door with a small flourish. "Hi! I'm Case, this is Chey, there aren't many seats left. Can we sit here?" I put on my prettiest actress smile.
"What are you? Another Weasly... No, better yet, you're one of those Potter scum aren't you?" His grin spread evilly wide and I glared daggers at him. "I'd rather be a Weasly or a Potter than be a Malfoy." I turned, making sure to slam the door and went down the little aisle.
None of the ones I was looking at looked very nice. I could sit with the Ravenclaws over there, if I really had to. I came up to the last compartment. I took a deep breath, realizing these people were the only ones I hadn't seen. I took a deep breath and opened the door with the same flourish as last time.
"Hi! I'm Case, she's Chey. I don't want sit with the Ravenclaws and the Slytherins in the other compartment are prejudice against muggle borns. Do you want to be my friend?" I plastered on a smile while they made eye contact and took a small vote. I took that time to see who was in there.
A red haired girl with poofy hair, Rose Weasly. A brunette boy with messy hair... Probably Hugo Weasly. James and Albus, too. Of course. Just as my face started to hurt they made their decision.
Rose looked at me and smiled. "Of course." She smiled at me and I sat in the seat closest to her. Cheyenne sat beside me. They made introductions, (my predictions were right). Then the questions started.
"You're American aren't you *confused face to me from Chey.* I can tell by your accent, you weren't even trying to do one of those American British accents." Albus
"Uhm... Yeah, defiantly American, southern and American at that." Me
"So you're a muggle born?" Rose.
"Yep. Mudblood and proud." Me.
"So... Chey?* I nodded encouragingly at him.* Why do they call you shy... You don't exactly look shy." James.
I laughed to the point where I had to leave, because I never thought of it that way before and I really needed to break the tension.
"Uh, they call me Chey, with a C and an H. It's short for Cheyenne." Chey.
"Oh! They call me Al, what is Case short for?" Albus.
I was tempted to tell them it wasn't short for anything and my parents were insane, but I didn't. "It's short for Casey." Me.
"Okay, what house are you in- or rather, going to be in?" Hugo.
Everyone nodded at the return of the subject to school and looked at us.
"Uhm... Probably Ravenclaw, but maybe Slytherin." Me.
"Same." Chey.
"Oh... Well everyone here's a Gryffindor except me. I'm a Slytherin." Al.
Our conversation went like this for a while until I realized I wasn't properly robed yet. "Oh! I need to change." Chey looked at her outfit and jumped up. "Me too! I almost forgot."
Just as I was reaching up to get my stuff out, the train lurched or bumped or did whatever jerky thing that trains do. I yelped and fell backwards when I failed to get a grip on anything.
Instead of hitting the floor like I expected I hit something soft. "Oof." I landed on Albus Severus. Great. I laughed nervously. "Uhm... Hate to bump into you like this again..." We were both blushing. A lot.
Attempting to play it off I got up and walked out of the compartment. Then I remembered I had to get my robes. I turned around and opened the door again. Smiling sheepishly, I got my stuff down and went back out.
Chey came out just after me and we walked to where the bathrooms were. "That was stupid. It was hilarious." She told me as we were walking. I looked down. "I know. I'm so ashamed." We started laughing and didn't stop until after we were in the bathrooms.
I stopped Chey just outside the compartment to see if they were talking about us. We had only been gone about five minutes, so they haven't had much time to talk yet.
"So, do you think she likes you, or is just really clumsy?" I knew it. Using my context clues, I put together that Al had already told the story about me running into him. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe she's a little bit of both." I rolled my eyes, stating the obvious. Wow. "Soooo... Do you like her?" Oh, I hadn't thought of that... "Uhm..." I could practically hear him shrug his shoulders.
Chey looked at me and smirked. I glared at her, but nodded towards the door. We walked in and all conversations stopped. I looked at them "confused" and smiled a little. "Hey, what happened, it got quiet. What were you doing? Talking about me?" I happily giggled and went all white girl with it. They didn't suspect a thing.
"Oh, we uhm... Uhm... No?" Beside me, Rose facepalmed. I smirked. "Well, James, that was not the answer. But I'm just playing anyway." He looked down and I smirked again.
Then, the trolley witch came through. "Hello dears, is there anything you want?" I looked at everybody else, seemingly confused. "Oh yeah I forgot you were muggle borns. Uhm... I'm partial to Berti Bot's Every Flavor Beans. Al likes chocolate frogs. Rose usually gets pumpkin. And Hugo, well Hugo gets what Rose gets. He's a first year."
We got out things (me with Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans and Chey got pop rock things). The conversation started back like nothing happened.
"So, are you gonna be in quidditch? This is the first year they've let first years play in a long time." I laughed at James' question.
"Oh. My. God. Why wouldn't I want to play?" I was fangirling. I needed to stop so I turned to Chey. She got the message and nodded. "Yeah, I'm playing too. Who else in here plays?"
James stuck his chest out, why do guys even do that? "I'm captain of the Gryffindor team... And the only one in here that plays." I smirked at his guyishness and everyone else did too.
Our conversations went on. We talked about, what felt like everything. That's okay though. I like to talk.
After what seemed like twenty minutes, but was probably longer, we stopped. The adrenaline rushed through my body and my toes went numb.
I looked over at Chey and then Hugo to see if I was the only one. I wasn't. Hugo was very pale and Chey had a look somewhere in between anxiety and excitement... So probably my exact mirror.
I stepped off the train and looked around until I heard a booming voice say something I always wished I would hear. "Firs' years! Firs' years this way!"
I felt a panic attack crawling its way up. I mentally slapped myself and pulled Chey towards the voice.
"Why you're a small un, aren't ya? Come with me and you can sit in my boat." I followed him and sat, as if in a dream. I was really at Hogwarts. My dreams were slowly coming true.

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