The Platform

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We stayed in London for the week following up to when we would be leaving. Cheyenne and I got ice cream from the parlor, butterbeer from the leaky cauldron, and went to Weaslys Wizard wheezes on a daily basis.
The night before I was so jittery it felt like I'd eaten a weeks worth of sugar all at once. I checked, double checked, and triple checked my bags. Cheyenne was in no better shape than me. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Are we really doing this? I- I don't- I can't even."
I smiled at her and mentally clapped for myself. I hadn't let my crazy out yet. Well, I had today... That is my daily struggle and I fail every day.
When I woke up, I was tired and really didn't want to get up. Until I remembered where I was. I jumped out of bed with a newfound energy that no person has ever had in the history of mornings.
I checked the time, sure we'd missed the train. 7:03. Really? I woke up for nothing?! I am no morning person, I don't even know how I woke up this early.
There was no going back to sleep, so I got ready. I pulled on my favorite hoodie (stressed, depressed, but well dressed... Or not.) over my shirt because London was cold. Nothing like the coastal plains of NC.
I went down to get breakfast from the restaurant downstairs. "Free breakfast to all people with rooms!!" I don't know about you, but I like food, free or otherwise.
I got the same thing I'd gotten all week; chocolate chip pancakes, a fruit salad, and apple juice. I can't stand orange juice. It tastes gross, I don't know how people drink it. "Here you go miss. Made it special. First of the month, good food." The chef/waiter/host put the plate down and I thanked him.
I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I started to eat. I finished off my plate with a new record time. The waiter came up to me. "Uhm... That was pretty impressive... I don't know what to say..." I smiled and hopped off the bar stool. "Thanks. Here's your tip." I put a three pounds on the table, hoping it was the right amount for a tip.
As I got back to my room, Cheyenne was awake with a panicked look on her face. "Where were you Case?! I was worried sick! I thought someone abducted you!! You know it wouldn't be hard to do!" I smirked and rolled my eyes. "I just went to eat. God, you sound like my mother sometimes."
She glared at me, but didn't say anything as she gathered her outfit as left.
She came back fifteen minutes later, dressed (hair and clothing wise). We were randomly doing nothing until about 8:30 when everyone woke up and London really got busy. We wandered around until my dad came to get us and we loaded up our things.
We parked at King's Cross station, my heart pounding so loud, I'm not sure how nobody heard it. My dad hugged me as we reached platforms 9 and 10. "Be good. Stay out of trouble. You better write to me often. I love you." I rolled my eyes and pretended I wasn't going to miss him or anything. Key word there, pretended.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I ran through the wall. I opened my eyes slowly to make sure I didn't just crash into the wall and die. I didn't.
I turned to see if Cheyenne was coming through and just as she burst through the wall, a smile plastered on her face, I smacked right into somebody.
I looked, about to tell whoever off, if needed. I turned and looked straight into green eyes, messy black hair, and a shy smile that melted when I rounded on him. I knew in that moment I was looking at none other than Albus Severus.
My eyes widened, pupils dialated, voice jumped, and heart fell into my stomach, and my face flushed a bright red. "I- I'm sooo s- sorry. I really didn't mean to- uhm... I- just- erm- sorry." I finnaly stammered that out and bit my tongue so I couldn't say anything else stupid.
I looked around to take the scene in. Cheyenne was laughing behind me. A brunette like boy with a toothy grin (had to be James Sirius) was making fun at Albus. I looked past in time to see that his face was flushed as much as mine. Looking past his face I saw a man that looked like the older version of Albus, except he had a faint scar on his head. That was Harry freaking Potter. And next to him holding a red headed child's hand, was the other half to my biggest ship. It was Ginny Weasly. They both had that amused "aww that's so adorably embarrassing!" Look.
I could have fangirled right there, at that second. But I didn't. So proud of myself. I nodded curtly and turned to Cheyenne. "Chey, I hate you. Where were you at when I was up there looking stupid?! Come on." I grabbed her arm and half dragged her to the train.
She laughed the whole way there, but was caught silent when she saw the number of people on it. Now to the task of finding a seat. Da- oops, gotta watch my mouth. Wow! This is gonna be hard.

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