Your Average School Shopping

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Cheyenne and I were were outside playing soccer when I saw the owl. She kicked the ball right passed me as when I saw it.
"Cheyenne... That's an owl." She crossed her arms. "I hate it when you call me Cheyenne, you know that." But she looked where I was pointing and stared. We had both read Harry Potter and talked about it all the time. We knew it couldn't be real, but some small part of me knew there was real magic somewhere. We had both made some pretty weird things happen.
"Case, do you really think. Could it possibly..." I looked over at her. "I have no idea. Race you to my house!" I beat her there and what I saw made me run into the counter. "Chey, I think- I think it might be real." The barn owl was sitting on the table with two letters in it's beak.
My dad got the letters and looked at us. He read the books too, but never believed them. "Uh, Casey, I think this is for you. Yeah... And this one is yours." He handed us the letters and I ripped mine open.
Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall
Dear Ms. Dare,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

I read the letter twice to make sure I wasn't just making this up. I was almost in tears. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Will you go?" Cheyenne started laughing. "Of course, is that even a question?!" I told him.
"I will be right back. Keep the owl here while I go tell my mom about this." I hastily wrote a short letter saying that I would be coming and put it in an envelope. Cheyenne came back with her own envelope and an ecstatic expression.
The owl left and we went to my bedroom. "I knew it! Chey, I totally called it. Especially after Alexis's "hair malfunction"." She nodded and couldn't stop smiling. "She totally deserved that."
It was finally the day when we were going to Diagon Ally. "Oh my god. We are going to get our wands and cloaks and cauldrons and I might be hyperventilating!" I was close to a panic attack. It would look so stupid to faint in the middle of Diagon Ally. That helped me to calm down and we went back to fangirling.
As we entered Diagon Ally it took all of my strength to not run around looking like an idiot. "We have to go to Gringott's. I only have my muggle money." We walked into the looming bank and walked up to a goblin. Cheyenne and I touched everything as my dad switched out the money.
"Let's get your wands first." We ran over to Ollivanders. It isn't run by him anymore, not after he died... But he still has wands in his shop and he had an apprentice. "Hi, my name is Michael. You're first years?" I nodded. "My name's Casey, and this is Cheyenne."
"Cheyenne, you first. I think I have one for you." He went back and pulled a wand out of a box. "Eleven inches, mahogany, flexible, unicorn hair." She waved it uncertaintly. It shimmered like glitter. "Oh. My. God. I love this wand!" He laughed and turned to me. "This should be interesting."
He brought back two different boxes. "First one. "Twelve inches, yew, very stiff, dragon heartstring." I waved it and Cheyenne's wand flew out of her hand. "I'm so sorry." I gingerly handed it back and he took the other one out. "Ten and three quarter inches, ebony, not too stiff, Phoenix feather." I waved it and little spots of light (green and blue) came out like bubbles. "That wasn't too tricky. Wonderful." We paid him and went back out.
After that we got animals. I got a very pretty snowy owl. Cheyenne kept calling me a "stereotypical potterhead". "Well then, what are you gonna get?" She looked around. "That is a very pretty barn owl." I rolled my eyes and we paid for the animals and their food, cages, etc.
We got our cauldrons and potion supplies and I touched everything that looked touchable. We went into the bookstore and I saw a person... Or persons. The first one was a girl with red hair. The second was a boy that looked almost exactly like his sister. Then the parents following them. The father had his children's red hair and a scarred face. The mother had beautiful blond hair and an amazing smile. This had to be a joke. Was, everything in the book true?
"But dad, it just our last year. Come on, uncle Ron didn't go through his last year and he's an auror." The mother turned him around. "Louis Weasly, you will go to Hogwarts and you will like it." He deep sighed and went back to the list.
Cheyenne looked at me in amazement and I probably looked the same. When we got all of our books we went to get robes. We told her we needed first years robes. "Well, your a small one, aren't you?" I blushed and she took measurements. Being an eleven years old the size of an eight year old isn't exactly fun.
I looked over this list to see if we missed something and it turned out yes, we did. But that's because it wasn't on the list. "Holy shist. I need a broom. I need one now. Like right this second." My dad looked at me confused. "But I thought first years couldn't have one..." I grinned and looked over the paper again. "The words don't lie. And there aren't any on there that say we can't have one."
He nodded at my logic and I got my broom. It was a nimbus 2012. It was gorgeous and beautiful and amazing. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.
We took our things and went home after a long day. I was still excited and could barely sleep. I was going to be at Hogwarts in a week.

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