Thief ~Latrelle~

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A/n: Sorry this took so long to write i had no idea where to go or what to do with it.
Requested by: DanaChristineEdwards
Prompts: 13 and 27, happy "Is that my shirt?" "I'm stealing your shirt.. because it smells like you."

You pulled yourself out of bed, shivering when the cool air hit your bare arms. You slowly walked over to your boyfriend's closet and searched until you found the item you were looking for. You grinned when your eyes landed on the treasured item.

His hoodie.

"Perfect!" You mumbled to yourself as you pulled on his hoodie. You hum to yourself as you shut the closet and walk outside of your boyfriend's room.

A smile crossed your face when you stepped into the kitchen. You saw Latrelle standing over the stove with his hair tied up. He had a spatula in hand as he cooked.

You leaned against the wall as you watched him, a smile never leaving your face.

He spun around to grab something when his eyes landed on you. Obviously not knowing you were there, and being on edge with the whole Cesar trying to kill him again thing, he jumped.

"Damn, Y/n, baby, didn't see you there." He smiles and walks over to you after setting the spatula down. "Wait, is that my hoodie?"

"Yes, yes it is." You winked, twirling jokingly.

"But why?"

"I'm stealing your hoodie.. well, because it's cold.. and, uh, it smells like you.."

"It smells like me?" He questions, a teasing smirk playing against his lips.

"Yep, yep, yep.." You nodded, taking a step forward towards him with each word.

He chuckles as his arms fall to around your waist. Your arms snaked around his neck as he leaned down to kiss you.

Your lips move in synch as you pull his hair out of his ponytail. He slowly backs you up into the counter. As your hands tangle into his hair his lips move from yours down your neck.

Soft whimpers left your lips as he grips your waist. Your e/c eyes close as you drift into a world of bliss.

"You're a little thief, aren't you?" He whispers in your ear causing shivers to shoot down your spine.

"I was col-cold.." You stuttered, a tint of red covering your s/t cheeks.

"I think I know a way to warm you up... if uh, you know what I mean?" He winks pulling away.

You were about to respond when you noticed the burning sent that filled the air.

"Do you smell that?" His smile dropped as his eyes widened. He quickly spun around and groaned when he saw the stove.

"Shit, the eggs!"

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