Wish ~Ruby~

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A/n: Part two of Mistakes
Requested by: Not requested
Prompts: 29, "I'm sorry"
Warnings: Cursing


Ruby went to bed that night, a sense of tension in the air. He told himself he'd try again tomorrow morning.

He sighed as he pulled the covers over himself. A frown present on his face and regret still evident in his heart. As he was drifting to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. That something was very very wrong.

Finally, after drifting into a restless sleep, he had a dream. A dream about you. A dream about the day you started dating.

You felt nervous as you took slow steps towards your best friend. You took a deep breath as you tapped on his shoulder.

"Y/n? Hey!" He smiled brightly at you, pulling you in for a hug.

"Hi, Ruby, can we, uh, talk?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

You smiled softly at took his hand. You lead him to an empty classroom for some privacy.

"There's something I've been hiding from you.." you started, slowly turning to look at him. "And it's time you know."

"Know what?"

"That I love you." You rushed out, wanting to get it over with.

"You what now?"

"I love you, Ruby. Like, love love you."

"Oh.. Well, I love you, too."

Broken. Ruby Martinez was broken. There was no fixing the pain he felt in his heart. His soul and every part of his body.

He frowned, taking in rigid breaths as tears poured down his face. The phone fell from his hands as he moved to run a hand through his hair frantically. He pressed himself against the wall and slowly sank down to the floor as the words he had heard rang in his ears and played in his mind on repeat.

No. It can't be true. There's no way. He thought, his head falling back and hitting the wall.

He felt his word crumbling around him as his eyes closed, tears now pouring freely down his face.

"No, no, no, no, no, no.." He whispered, barely audible over the sobs that forcefully left his mouth. He felt like his heart had been ripped of his chest and crushed. He sat in his room for what felt like hours.

Finally, his breathing slowed, the sobbing quieted, and his tears dried. Now he felt numb. This was the worse pain he had ever felt, and what he thinks he'll ever feel.

Ruby stood slowly and got into his bed, just wanting sleep to overtake him. For his mind to slow.

The next morning was no different. He still felt the pain in his heart and the numbness everywhere else.

He turned to face the wall, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he cried. He tried to think of anything else other than you. Other than your smiling face. Other than the way you would kiss him. The way you fit imperfectly in his arms when you slept.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered to himself. He tried to think of anything else than the last time he saw you, but he couldn't. The argument played over and over again in his head.

He wished he had never kissed that girl. He wished you were here with him. Ruby wished he wasn't mourning the death of Y/n Y/l/n.

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