Chapter 12: Hello My Moon, I am...

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      After 4 years of study, with the final exams temporarily considered as basic, to check the level as well as have the appropriate orientation. The 5th and 7th-year students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will pass two difficult magical exams, the O.W.L.s and the N.E.W.T.s. With O.W.L.s stands for Ordinary Wizarding Level: Ordinary Magical Exam. And N.E.W.T.s is written by Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test: The Ultimate Magical Exam. And Luna just hoped that she could pass the exam with an O, not an E.

      The first class was Transfiguration by the head professor of the McGonagall family, Luna loved this subject, according to her, although it was a bit scary, the professor taught it very well. Sitting at a desk near the back of the class, Ginny was pulling a quill and a bottle of the ink off the shelf, and Luna didn't like it compared to a muggle pen because it had to be dipped in ink each time. Suddenly someone tapped Luna on the shoulder, turned her head "Hi, I'm Jk." Kook greeted her with a smile, a far cry from the disgust at Jin's party. "Wow, pretend you didn't tell anyone that you're Jk." Ginny also turned around. Luna did not bother to explain to her friend, just smiled and nodded back to Jk.
     "Hi Luna, I'm Jimin" this time it was Jimin, she also greeted back happily, at least the impression of his and her meeting was not too bad.
     "You know, you two want to sit with Luna, dream, I'm sitting today!" Ginny was confused with the actions of the two friends, obviously knowing each other for 5 years and still greeting each other.

      Transfiguration is the Occlumency class of Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin House. For all students, this subject was difficult for teachers to teach, even harder to swallow. Always wearing a disgusted face with a long robe that reaches down to her feet.      Tae ran to Luna's table with a very natural look. "I'm sitting here with Luna, I'm Turlington V" a bit surprised but she didn't refuse, acting strange to her, she received indifferent eyes. of the rest of your friends.
      "Silence" – the professor stepped into the classroom. With his wand, he let down the curtains and glanced at the students.       "Didn't expect much from you guys, but tried to pass the exam," Snape said in a low voice, which she was sure the last desks could not hear. The class went by quite lightly, yes, it was just the beginning, then we knew each other's hands!

Walking along the corridor on the first floor to reach the stairs to the third classroom of Professor Septima Vector's Arithmetic, Luna met RM. Still looking like a student, carrying a muggle-branded briefcase on his shoulder, a striking blue light with the perfect badge on his chest.
      He waved to her "Hi, I'm RM" – "Yes, we met at the party, although not very friendly" she replied. Joon's face is unsightly, he seems to be a little guilty about his unmanly attitude at that time.
      "I hope you don't mind, we'll see each other more in the future, let's get closer"
      "Yes, it will, you are closer friends with Jin" she replied with a greeting to go to class, leaving the person who looked regretful, time was short and the class was far away, she didn't want to be late at all.
    She was in this class with Kook, he walked over to sit next to her as soon as he entered the class. Curious she spoke up
    "You must have been sitting next to me before?"
    "Always," Kook replied casually, turning the page. Perplexed with his attitude, she guessed that this guy was cold looking but shy, he didn't even dare to look at her face to face once. The class was boring for her, plus there were only 3 classes today, so she skipped lunch, so now her stomach is empty.

    As soon as she finished, leaving her tablemate behind, she sped off into the messy hallway, hoping only to have some dessert left. Entering the great hall, this place is never empty, cakes are always available on every corner of the table, some students do their homework, some talk, and she eats. Overjoyed, thinking about eating and studying at the same time, J-Hope appeared, quietly sitting to her right, always as bright as the sun with a bright smile on her lips.
      "Do you want more cocoa, I'll go get it" he asked as he poked her cakey cheek. Swallowing and shaking her head, she shifted slightly to the left, lest she disturbs her.
     "Don't you like sitting next to me?" he asked with a slightly sad expression, "I'm afraid I'll get in trouble when I study" – "No, I'm used to it" he laughed, but then explained, "Well, you were so good before, don't mind, I'm J-Hope", "Yes" she moved back to her old spot near him.

Casually continued eating, beloved pudding, humming while eating, forgetting his presence. For a moment, he noticed her, as much, as he always did.     "Do you have any more classes?" he asked when she finished eating her last pudding    "No, the library will probably have Newt's books, you should check them out," she replied.    "You come with me" – "Why?" she asked casually, seemingly without thinking     "I want to be with you for a while," he replied softly.   The Hogwarts library is full of books, it looks old, big windows surround the room, stacks of books are jumping on their own after the stacker swings his wand. Finding the book series Magical Creatures, she found Newt's book, sat silently through it, J-hope was still with her, silently reading her book.     "As a prefect, you seem to be very busy?" she replied while looking at the book.     "The only free time to go with you," he said without thinking.     "No need, I often go alone" – "I like"....well, even though she always radiates positive energy, her face is a bit serious.    Now that she had a quiet time after a long day, Luna settled down in her own room. Sitting designer alone by the window, thinking back she was a little afraid to face them, for no reason, just felt too rushed. Hermione was nowhere to be found all day, opening the door, this studious girl had signed up for almost 15 subjects, no free time left.      "You seem relaxed," said Hermione when she saw Luna in the room.      "Only 3 classes today" Luna replied to her friend.      "Dude, did I go out with Jin's friends a lot last year?" Luna decided to ask her friend.      "You mean JK, Jimin, or the rest? Hermione asked, receiving a nod from Luna who continued,       

     "Most of the time, but you're closer to them than to Jin. But you must be awkward, Min is Jin's best brother" – "But why are you asking so strangely?"
     "No, it's just confusing, I should have just gone with Soo" Luna replied her friend with a dreamy look.
     "No as far as I remember, everyone has a limit and you're their limit, I guess" Hermione couldn't find the right words to describe it.

     Luna wondered, were they, friends or enemies. Their attitude at the party, or Hermione's words, couldn't remember anything that annoyed her so much. Things that were supposed to be absurd were obvious to them. From the fact that she would definitely sit with Min at mealtime, or with Kook in class, or even be with J-Hope in the library. It reminded her of Jin, it should have been an act with him, but it was strange.

      Looking for a long time, I found my best friend sitting on the stone bench at the monument, the sun about to come down and shine on the schoolyard in burnt orange color.     "Don't you find it strange?" she asked as she walked over to Soo - "What's wrong?" Soo quickly replied.     "Obviously I don't have any memories, but they act like they're very close" she looked at him without blinking.      "I don't think you should rely on that gray memory, forget it, if they want to, they'll find a way to say hello to you." Soo closed the book he was reading and looked at her.      "Very strange, they were cold to me, and now they're friendly," she said with displeasure.      "You don't hate them, so just respond enthusiastically to their goodwill" Soo always gives her effective solutions.     "Just a little confusing," she replied.     "Have you met Liam yet, I won't pick him up from now on"     "Probably wandering around the school like a freshman."     "Heard he's going to be Slytherin's senior, believe it, I was expecting him to go to Gry or Re" Soo pouted.     "Probably Slytherin he is superior to the other 3, the snake family is not easy" - "But the more it is, the more I can't reveal the relationship of the 3 of us, it will be detrimental to you he" she said seriously.     "I get it, but given Liam's personality, he definitely wouldn't like to keep it hidden for too long," Soo said timidly – ​​"The longer the better" she replied firmly.

     Meals gathered in the great hall always started on time. Students from 4 houses scrambled to find seats. She rarely saw Jin, he always smiled at her but had to sit far up there, making her a little disappointed, after all, he was her closest relative because he understood her illness well. As usual, sitting between Min and Ginny, opposite Jimin and Kook, Luna also gradually got used to this position. Laughing with them, listening to Ron's jokes with the Weasley twins Fred-George, she quite liked the atmosphere these days, at least it didn't make her feel out of place.

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