Chapter 11: Express train

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    At 10:30 a.m. on the first day of September, pushing a cart full of luggage quickly walked on the tile floor of King's Cross station, quickly looking for platform 9 ¾. Rushing through the wall between platforms 9 and 10, the familiar red Hogwarts Express appeared before his eyes. Masterfully packing up on the train, the three Park children turned to greet their parents, then stepped onto the train following the attachment of Mrs. Herrena.

      Seated neatly in the cabin, joined by Harry Potter, Ronal Weasley and Hermione Granger, the trip was going to be a lot of fun, she cheered. "Are you feeling better, Luna?" Harry asked politely as he met her. "Seems like the butterbeer pen necklace has made me feel better," answered Harry with absent-minded eyes. "The one sitting next to you is..." Hermione rolled her eyes at Liam, who seemed strange to her friend "New classmate, moved here from Iivermorny" introduced Luna without mentioning their relationship."Nice to meet you." Hermione greeted politely and Liam greeted back.

   The conversation lasted for hours, from the train's departure to the darkening of the air outside the ship, and Luna assumed they were going to school soon.

     Get off the train with a changed uniform on. The shirt is flat ironed with a crimson tie in the middle of the chest, and Lion's badge is always shining in one corner. The robe was shortened a bit to reveal bright white Stuart Weitzman boots with rhododendrons in Luna's style.   Thestral was only seen when there was a dead witness, the sled animal, only seen by Luna and Harry.    Harry was surprised. "You're not crazy, neither am I," Luna said. Luna's comforting words helped Harry a lot from the way to the castle. "Hopefully Pudding tonight," Luna cried again as she watched the trailer.    The hall was decorated with shimmering decorations, with thousands of candles hanging between the ceiling and the clouds symbolizing the night sky outside. 4 rows of tables appear in front of your eyes. This place is always crowded at dinner time, breathing lightly, she feels familiar with this atmosphere.     "Long time no see." Jimin greeted her with a smile as he approached the Gryffindor table. Ah almost forgot, Kook, Jimin, Min, and Jin are all in the same house as her, they waved when they saw her, different from the annoyed look at Jin's party.     "Long time no see" she hesitated whether to sit near them or go to where Jin sat.     "You guys act like strangers, Luna, this is Min's side, I'll take your place." Orange-haired Ginny Weasley pointed to the space between her and Min. Only Ginny and Hermione were probably her best friends since she was only seen with these girls while at Hogwarts.     Gently sitting down next to Min, she greeted him softly. Glancing at Jin's eyes was a bit unhappy but Luna didn't mind. "I'm a bit busy so I can't visit you much, sorry" Min said quietly to make sure only she could hear, but it was clear that he was trying to avoid her after the meeting to adjust his feelings. "Nice to see you again," she said again.

Professor Albus Dumbledore motioned for silence after glancing at the students through the half-moon glasses he wore before his eyes. The old man's appearance did not obscure his witty majesty. Professor gave a few words about the new school year, the change when Professor Dolores Umbridge will return to teach the Dark Arts. Somewhere around the auditorium, Hermione was not in good faith, "That means the Ministry wants to get involved in this Hogwarts". A few more words, Professor Dumbledore paused to snap his fingers signaling it was time to eat, the empty tabletop was filled with beautifully decorated dishes and the beloved Luna Pudding was present, she was slightly delighted. . The school ghosts began to hover around the room. Above, Professor Minerva McGonagall was still on the job of sorting out homes for the freshmen. Students are eating while talking. Min gently offered her some meat, which Luna happily accepted, his actions catching the attention of Kook and Jimin. Sitting not far away, Jin observed everything with a puzzled expression.

     After dinner, the students returned to the common room. The Gryffindor Common Room is located in the tallest tower of Hogwarts, with the entrance on the seventh floor, the east wing of the castle, and guarded by the Fat Lady, whose password can only be accessed by reading the password. Surrounding the tower is covered with gold filled with crimson red typical of Lion's house, the large common room extends up the winding mahogany stairs leading to each separate bedroom. The four-poster beds were covered with thick dark red blankets and embroidered with gold the read. The golden chandeliers will also shine warmly throughout the space around people.
        "Congratulations! I'm Austen Jin Kim, and I'm delighted to welcome you to the GRYFFINDOR house. Our symbol is the lion, the bravest of all creatures; the colors representing our home are crimson and gold, and our common room is located in Gryffindor tower. Left stairs for men and right for women, don't go wrong, furniture has been moved up Now enjoy your time at Hogwarts - but how could you not? first-year crowd. When Luna was about to approach him, Jin turned his back and left, making her a little sad.

     The long journey made her quite tired, leaving behind the not-so-good argument between Harry and Seamus Finnigan. Seeing that her friend is normally free to sit and listen, but now she's not, Ginny immediately went up to her room with Luna. "Are you okay, you look tired" Ginny asked worriedly Luna, who was quietly packing. "I'm fine, I just want to clean this up and I have a present for you"Luna pulled out a box from her suitcase, "There's more from Hermione, but I'll give it to her later." "You sent a lot of presents to our house over the summer, and my dad was very interested in the Muggle things you sent," Ginny said cheerfully."I'm glad your dad likes them. That dress is new for this winter, wear it to this year's Christmas party," said Luna, glancing at the box that had just been delivered to Ginny's hand.     The orange-brown velvet dress, with its lace bodice and heeled pleats, really matched the color of the youngest Weasley's hair. "Dior's newest model, I had to hurry as soon as it came out" Luna cheerfully recalls her achievement - "Hermione's too"   "Then it must be expensive, then I won't dare to wear it" Ginny asked shyly.   "Probably about ten thousand Galleons each," said Luna casually.   "Oh my, that's more than my annual allowance," Ginny's bewildered expression wasn't the first time she'd seen Luna, so she just laughed and held up a few boxes of Muggle Chocolates to show Ginny. Luna says that this Dream Chocolate is better than Horror Frog Chocolate but not as good as Honeydukes Chocolate.

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