Chapter 10: Chocolate Box

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  The days of August pass quickly by the ripples of the River Thames. Liam and Soo also returned to London as planned, shopping together at Diagon Alley to prepare for the new school year. They lamented a lot of fatigue about their summer vacation.     Quietly sitting on the windowpane with Jin, "I'll see your friends again, they don't seem to like me" she looked at Jin nervously.      "No, we're really close, don't worry" Jin stroked her hair.    Silence enveloped the room, something weighing heavily on Luna's chest, their attitudes towards her at the party paying little attention to her.       "Just be yourself" Jin said as her eyes looked at the flowers climbing in front of the balcony and she smiled at him...      Loving someone means that no matter how much pain or suffering they cause you, and no matter how much you want to hate them, in the end, you can't hate them...----      The last night at home before going back to school, Luna nervously, mumbled checking her personal belongings for the 4th time, she didn't want to miss anything. There was a knock on the door, entering after she spoke. Mom hasn't slept yet, she has prepared something for her. Quietly put it in the suitcase. "Why haven't you slept yet, tomorrow is going to be a long trip" she softly told her."It's okay, mom doesn't need to prepare much, school has it all" she said "It's really fast, it's only been five years when I was your age, my grandmother was also awake to prepare things for me, at that time I was so excited, I couldn't sleep at night." Mom smiled and said to her - "With many responsibilities, it will be difficult, but be strong".

     Her mother, Herrena Cara Pandora is a fashion designer. The British-French woman with blonde hair has a rather tall appearance, she is friendly but always has the cold and powerful features of someone who holds the position of deputy creative director of LVMH. As a purebred witch, but living and working among muggles, raising her children to live in two worlds is her top priority.

       Her father, Richard Thomas Kors Park, is a pureblood wizard. With a glimpse of Asian beauty mixed with British and Korean blood, his family immigrated to the UK from the past. He was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D but retired.       The Park family lived among muggles, not really involved in magic in life, but not because of that, his two princesses were allowed to ignore the witch blood in them. He always taught her that "Always remember who you are but never promote yourself, we are purebred but we always live with love".    When he retired from the organization, he entrusted his two daughters to Nick Fury. Her mother did not agree to let Luna into the organization because she was too young, so he persuaded her on the condition that she only be free to decide until the end of the seventh year. She was very excited to go to the organization because she said that there, her father's colleagues were very cool.----    "I always remember what you taught me," she smiled at her mother.    "Always remember in life everything is possible and you should never worry or think about anything other than choosing the best way to solve it" she always gives her the right advice. Best.     "Mom will feel proud of you"     "Do what you want but don't interfere with your studies, remember don't mess around, now that there's more Liam, I don't know what the three of you will do. But anyway Liam, he moved here from Iivermorny so so I also feel a bit more secure. Now go to sleep. Sweets, staying up late is not good for your skin." Mother comforted her.       All have mischief. An aristocratic mother always taught her how to stand, how to hold a cup of tea. But she has a father who reciprocates that knowledge. "What do you think about moto... Luna, try this skiing, ... Oh my gosh, go to school and make money..." sayings associated with her growing up. Luna lives to try everything second in this world, from being a real woman with a sword and a gun while exercising.     The reason this girl stands out, is not exhausted, breaks her limits. But there are also things that are already in and cannot be changed....

    Sitting on the familiar bed, trying to take a nap to sleep, then the night gradually fell silently in the big room.

       A new journey will begin for this little but powerful Luna.     She breathed evenly, thinking that the rest is to try to live like Luna here lived, obeying nature and not changing what the other Luna has created, that is her responsibility. She once made a wish to live in the world she created and she got it, so do it well. Life is like a box of chocolates full of flavors. When you open it, you'll know what's inside. You may choose to hit a bitter candy, but you have to accept it. It is the destiny that you choose to have. Don't regret it, don't cry, and don't be sad because of that.

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