Chapter 9:See the rays of the sun again on a cloudy day

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 On Saturday, it rained for most of the day, fortunately, the afternoon gave rare sunshine. Kim's banquet is always lavish, this time there are not too many guests, most of them are members of the Kim family, it is a mess in Luna's eyes. The same purebred family, but the Kim family is a little different, noble, and always upholds the cleanliness of the family.

     That was also the reason why the two families wanted her and Jin to be a couple, what could be better than when the two purebred families got married, but she didn't like it and she thought Jin did too. Fortunately, Jin is the second child so he is not too heavy and this Austen Jin Kim is not arrogant like his family.

     Shimmering in a dress with a blue-gray galaxy motif on the seabed, Michael Cinco is always a wise choice. She was like the shining moon, her blue eyes, her wavy blond hair, and her distinctive facial features, lethargic and peaceful. A little bit of nobility always lingers in her, a slightly different smile makes the opponent unpredictable.

      Along with her, Jin is in a black Dior suit, elegant and formal but not so that it reduces his scholarly look. The two of them are a really nice couple – some compliments from the guests when the two of them come together to greet them.
      "Those are my friends, I wouldn't mind if I came to say hello" Jin whispered in her ear as he pointed his eyes at the six guests sitting in the corner
      "Are you sure? I'm not sure I know them" she asked him back. "They're also Hogwarts students, maybe you'll remember something when you meet them," he patiently explained.
     "Is it rude to not remember them?" "I won't, I'll explain it to them," he replied. "Just explain briefly and don't reveal the cause," she insisted, he hummed softly and put his hand on his back to push her towards the 6 people.
      "I've been looking for you guys, this is Luna, you've probably met them at school before" he introduced her to them casually.
      "Come on Jin, I'm acting like it's my first time, hello Luna, how are you?" the guy laughed and replied that it was Jimin Jayen Park, the 5th year elder of Gryffindor, not too tall, but very polished in appearance. As a designer, it is very important to her to pay attention to the appearance of others, because someone's personality is partly reflected in them. But this guy is the most unpredictable, erecting a solid wall that is bold Italian but sweet and smooth like mochi.
      "I'm fine, thank you for your concern, I'm sure Jin has told you, even though it's a bit inconvenient, but I hope you can understand" she replied softly, trying to retrieve the memory but it was empty. , only knew very well that it was the 7 boys in the picture on the shelf of her room.
     "After all you've done for us, you're just saying 'forgive me', isn't that too simple, Luna" a bit grumpy it was Taehyung Victan Turlington, Hufflepuff boy, red hair characteristically, was looking at her with disapproving eyes.

Aware of the tension in the atmosphere, Suga Yoongi Min, the guy with a mint head as pure as powder, the 6th year Gryffindor elder said, "Come on, the past shouldn't be repeated at a party like this, V can It's a bit of an exaggeration, I hope Miss Park here doesn't notice."     "Yes, I'm fine, I'm sorry to leave, everyone is welcome" she hurriedly left after the unhappy conversation, wondering what she had done in the past to make them look at her with such eyes. so.    "I told Luna not to remember anything about you, you don't have to be so harsh with her." Jin waited for her to leave, then turned to blame V.     "As if nothing happened, I wonder if it's real or acting" Jungkook Kross Joan said after a moment of silence, a tall Gryffindor boy with a very youthful face and a stroked golden head. Acacia carefully looked at her from afar as they were pulling each other up to Jin's room instead of this noisy place.      "When you said she lost her memory, I thought you were joking, now talking, it's true but a bit disappointing Jin" Namjoon Henken Roberts laughs, almost the tallest of the group, the boy with the most biological look the other is the 6th year elder of the Revenclaw family, neatly trimmed silver hair and masculine Asian single-lidded eyes.      "Probably not, look at the way she looks at Suga with strange eyes" 6th year Hufflepuff brother J-Hope HoSeok Hurley said in a firm voice, looking very friendly but hard to approach is the right thing to do. to talk about this brunette.       "I'm always by her side, not really, but it's suspicious that it's just us that she doesn't remember, maybe first because she already knew I wasn't from this period" Jin explain.'       "Let's just forget, so what's the reason for her to turn her back on betrayal if there's no hatred, no motivation to act cruelly?" JK almost couldn't help but crumble the pillow on the bed.      "Soo told me that Luna almost found a way to let us go. But I'm afraid if there's anything left here, we won't be able to move on, that's probably why she chose this cruel way. " Jin stood leaning against the bed and said - "Sometimes trying to find a secret, we will find many more secrets. That means the organization plans to divide us along the way. her wish" Jin continued, it seemed like the days with her weren't all in vain to him. Trying to find evidence and secretly hoping that his Luna isn't the bad guy.       There was a person from beginning to end who did not speak, Min seemed to have found a separate reason for him and her.

     They listened silently to Jin, sincerely praying that what he said was true. Hate her, but deep in the hearts of these older boys, how much she means to them. The truth they've been searching for all summer is slowly being revealed. At that time, because I didn't want them to be in danger when I was with her. For Luna, parting may be powerful enough, but it's persistent and unbreakable. As for hatred, a blink of an eye can make us lose everything, it's cruel but lasting. So she chose the second way...but then she wasn't resilient enough.

       Sad that now, in her eyes, they were just school friends. She had forgotten the people she loved, the boys who played with her, and the love that was as beautiful as that June ivy bud.Then again, the familiar sentence was uttered to signal forgiveness and volunteered to write on a new page for both her and 7 people "Don't worry we can help you".

        Fate doesn't always come. At least if I wanted to use the word fate, it had to be the most dramatic and truly coincidental moment. That is destiny. So there is another word to describe fate that is "right time" between her and them...

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