Chapter Eight

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"Oh...okay. Thank you anyway."

"You're welcome, young lady."

Bina gave the man one last smile before joining her friends. She smiled sadly and shook her head, resulting in a sigh from Larance.

"Well, we've asked all around Dewford for Steven, and nothing," he muttered, stretching. "Except for the gym."

"Do you think Brawley knows where he is?" Arriete asked, letting Krypta nibble on a berry.

"It's the only place we haven't asked," Larance replied with a curt nod. "Besides, I do need to obtain my second badge."

"Alright then," Wally perked up. "Let's hurry!"

Larance clutched Cascoon tighter as the four of them approached the closed doors to the gym. 

"Hey I just thought of something."

Larance turned to see Arriete lost deep in thought before snapping her fingers.

"Maybe Steven knows something about your dad," she brought up. "He is the Champion after all."

"You're right!" Wally piped up. "We need to see him immediately!"

"Do you just really want to meet him?" Bina asked with an eyebrow raise.

Wally mumbled something incoherent while the others just laughed.

"Well, it's worth a try," Larance said with a small smile. "I need to get my badge first." He sighed before widening his smile. "Let's go."


"Ah, another challenger."

The four friends found themselves face to face with Brawly, who's blue eyes were shinning with excitement. He nodded at each of them, his sky blue hair bobbing with each nod.

 "So, which one am I challenging?" he asked, grinning.

"Me," Larance said, stepping forward. "My name is Larance and I challenge you to a battle."

"Well, someone has fire in their veins," Brawly chuckled. "I hope you don't mind having a 2 v 2 battle."

"No, I don't," Larance replied, nodding to Eevee.

Arriete, Bina, and Wally settled down on the sidelines, Eevee sitting next to them. Brawly tossed his pokeball up into the air before catching it and releasing his first Pokémon.

"Go, Machop!"


Larance felt Cascoon sag in his arms, and he smiled warmly at him.

"Don't worry, you'll get your chance to shine," Larance whispered.

"Battle start!" the referee announced.

"Machop! Karate Chop!" Brawly commanded.

"Dodge and use Ember!" Larance yelled.

Machop attacked, but missed as Combusken dodged and used Ember. It hit Machop, and said Pokemon winced in pain. 


Larance opened his mouth to order Combusken to dodge the attack, but it came too late and his Pokemon was slammed against the wall. Combusken steadily stood back up and shook herself. Larance grinned at this and ordered his Pokemon to attack. Hit after hit Machop and Combusken battled until Machop finally fell.

"Machop is unable to battle!" the referee shouted. "Combusken is the winner!"

"Yes!" Arriete yelled, pumping her fist in the air, while Wally and Bina cheered.

"Very well done, Larance," Brawly smirked, returning Machop. "But can you fare against my next Pokemon?"

Larance and Combusken tensed as Brawly sent out a Makuhita. It was Brawly's strongest Pokémon. Combusken nodded at her trainer, and Larance nodded back.

"Double Kick!"


Combusken tried to kick the Makuhita, but said Pokémon dodged the attack, and Combusken collided with the wall. She fainted, resulting in Larance's shoulders sagging sadly.

"Combusken is unable to battle!" the referee announced. "Makuhita is the winner."

"Well, I guess it's up to you now, Cascoon," Larance smiled as he returned Combusken. "Let's show them your power!"

Cascoon excitedly jumped out of Larance's arms, and faced Makuhita. Brawly let out a small laugh as he eyes the bug Pokémon.

"Well, now, this will be interesting," he grinned. "Makuhita! Tackle!"

"String Shot!"

Cascoon hastily spewed out a sticky web that stuck Makuhita to the ground.


Cascoon slammed his body into Makuhita, resulting in the Pokémon falling onto its back, breaking free of the webbing.

"Makuhita!" Brawly began. "Use-"

He stopped midsentence as Cascoon began to glow a bright white, Larance watching on with amazement. The glowing ceased, and in Cascoon's place flew a Dustox.

"No way..." Larance breathed. "You evolved!"

Brawly shook off his shock and commanded Makuhita to tackle Dustox again.

"Gust!" Larance ordered.

Dustox dodged Makuhita's attack and furiously flapped his wings. Makuhita tried to brace itself, but it was soon thrown against the wall, before it fell, fainted.

"Makuhita is unable to battle!" the referee announced. "The winner is Dustox! Which means that the challenger wins!"

Larance pumped his fist into the air while Arriete, Wally, and Bina ran to him, congratulating him. Brawly returned Makuhita and walked over to Larance, clapping.

"That was a great battle Larance," he smiled. "Here. You deserve this Knuckle Badge."

"Thank you, Brawly," Larance thanked as he received the badge and pinned it next to his first one. 

"Oh!" Wally suddenly spoke up. "I almost forgot! We need to ask you something."

"Yeah? What is it?" Brawly asked, folding his arms and smiling.

"We were wondering if you know if Steven Stone was anywhere around here," Bina replied. "Mr. Stone said that we needed to deliver a letter to him."

"Hmm..." Brawly mumbled, thinking. "Knowing him he's probably checking out the ruins in Granite Cave. It's a small cave north of Dewford."

"Thanks!" Arriete thanked. "Come on, guys. Larance need to heal his Pokémon."

The others nodded as the left the gym, Larance smiling happily.





"Oh, I can hear you now."

"Yes, I am in Granite Cave right now. I am following Steven as you told me to, sir."

"Good. Have those kids arrived yet?"

"No. Not yet. Do you think-"

"Yes. Steven does know. However, I don't think that he will tell them."

"I see."

"Just keep your eyes open for them. And make sure that they don't interfere."

"You mean T-"



"We lost the signal, sir."

"*sigh* Well, I guess there's nothing we can do now except sit back and wait."


"You see a member of their team following the Champion?"

"Yes. What would you have me do sir?"

"Keep a close on them. Those kids are sure to find that man. And make sure that if you get a chance, bring that boy to me."

"Yes sir."


"These ruins are...interesting. Did these three really have that much power back then? It doesn't seem possible. No...I can't focus on this now. Dad said that they were coming. I must tell them some things, but I can't let the boy know the truth."

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