Chapter Seven

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The old man from before happily swiped the Wingull into his arms. He laughed before grinning at the four friends.

"How can I ever repay you?" he asked.

"Do you know where the Devon Corp. is?" Bina asked. "We need to return some stolen parts that grunt took."

"Of course, the Corp. is in Rustboro," the old man replied. "I'll show you."

"Perfect!" Wally smiled. "I've always wanted to see the Corp."

"It would be nice to see the inside of Hoenn's largest Corp.," Arriete nodded. "What do you think, Larance?"

"Huh?" Larance snapped out of his dream like state when he heard his name.

"Never mind," Arriete chuckled.

Larance let out a small chuckle as well before frowning and looking at the parts in his hand. 

What does Team Aqua want with me?

He silently shook his head as everyone else began to move back towards Rustboro. 

"Excuse me, sir," he began, running up to the old man. "I don't think we got your name."

"Oh, my name is Briney," the old man replied. "I run a small boathouse near Petalburg Woods."

"I remember seeing that!" Bina exclaimed.

"Ah, here we are," Briney smiled, pointing up at a large building.

"Wow..." the four friends whispered.

Suddenly the doors opened to reveal the same flustered scientist that they met in the woods. His face broke into a hug grin as he noticed the parts that Larance held in his hands. 

"You got them back!" he exclaimed, taking them out of Larance's hands. "This will make the owner so happy! Come! Come!"

Briney waved goodbye to them as they entered the building. The scientist led the four friends up three flights of stairs before they entered a large room. There was a chair at the far end of the room where an old man sat, smiling at them. 

"Ah, you must be the four trainers that got the parts back from that grunt," the man replied. "I'm the owner of the Devon Corp., Mr. Stone, and I greatly appreciate your help. May I ask who you four are?"

"My name is Larance," Larance spoke up. "And these are my friends; Bina, Arriete, and Wally."

"Ah, the daughter of Norman and the daughter of Birch," Mr. Stone smiled. "I take it you're taking on the gyms, Arriete?"

"Actually, no," Arriete replied, smiling sheepishly. "But Larance is."

"Ah, so your next stop is Dewford then. In that case, can you take this letter to a man named Steven?"

"Steven? Steven Stone?" Wally squeaked, eyes widening. "The Champion?"

Mr. Stone nodded and Wally's face brightened.

"What are we waiting for guys?!?" he exclaimed, turning to run. "Let's hurry!"

He suddenly began coughing and Bina ran to his side.

"Wally, don't push yourself," Bina warned. "Don't forget about your asthma."

"R-right," Wally admitted when his was able to breathe again.

"We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning," Arriete suggested. "Besides, Larance's Pokémon need to rest up."

The other three nodded at this and they made their way towards the Pokémon Center.


Larance folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently as he sat on his bed, thinking.

"If you keep making that face it's going to stay like that."

Startled, Larance looked up to see Arriete smiling at him, holding Paragon close.

"Very funny, Arriete," Larance sighed as he looked over to where his Pokémon were.

Combusken had made herself a little makeshift bed and was sleeping peacefully, Eevee and Cascoon sleeping soundly next to her. He sighed and Arriete's smile vanished as she sat next to him.

"You still thinking about what that grunt said?" she asked, letting Paragon join Pipei.

Larance replied with a nod, and Arriete sighed.

"You don't have to worry about them," she smiled. "We'll figure this out. All four of us. Together."

Larance smiled warmly at his friend before giving her a small hug.

"Thank you, Arriete," he whispered before letting her go.

He stood up and stretched before he sauntered off to get ready for bed. Arriete watched him exit the room, aware of the faint heat in her cheeks. She quickly got rid of the heat as Bina and Wally entered, laughing at something that Bina said, their Pokemon trailing behind them.

"You two seem wide awake," Arriete chuckled, making her way over to them. "How are you guys even going to sleep tonight?"

"You should know by now that I can easily fall asleep," Bina giggled before yawning. "Where's Larance?"

"Just getting ready for bed," Larance replied approaching them. "I should get some sleep if we're waking up early tomorrow."

"Yeah," Wally nodded with a yawn. "I should turn in as well. Goodnight everyone."



"ISN'T THIS AMAZING?!?" Bina laughed letting the wind mess up her hair. 

"Ugh..." Wally groaned, leaning over the railing of the boat. "I-I think I might have seasickness." He leaned further over the railing, emptying the contents of his stomach, Ralts trying his best to rub his trainer's back. "Are we going to have to go on anymore boats on this journey?"

"Well...this region is basically 70% water," Larance smirked, folding his arms and leaning against the railing.

"Ugh..." Wally groaned again as he wiped his mouth and sat on the boat, leaning his head against the railing. ""

Larance and Bina chuckled at this as Arriete ran up to them.

"Hey, what's that?" she asked, pointing ahead.

Larance, Bina, and even Wally looked to where their friend was pointing. Their eyes widened when they saw a Wailmer crying out for help as it was tangled in a fishing net. 

"That poor Wailmer!" Arriete lamented.

"He's only a young Wailmer too!" Bina added sadly.

Wally shakily stood up, using the railing as help.

"Ralts..." he rasped. "Can you use any psychic powers?"

Ralts eagerly nodded and stood on the railing, raising his arms over his head. A light blue aura surrounded him and the net that was around the Wailmer. Wailmer stopped struggling and watched in awe as the net was carefully removed from around him. As soon as it was off of him, he cried out with joy and swam towards Wally.

"I think he might wants to go with you, Wally," Bina giggled.

Wally grinned as he took out a pokeball and opened it. Wailmer cried out with happiness as it was sucked into the pokeball. It shook three times before it stopped. Wally chuckled as he let Wailmer out of his pokeball, and smiled at his new Pokemon.

"Alright!" he cheered before immediately tossing half of his body over the railing and vomiting.



As soon as Briney docked the boat, Wally ran off, returning Wailmer to his pokeball and Ralts rushing after him. He fell to the sand and began to hastily kiss it before leaning back to cough. Bina ran to his side and kneeled down next to him, placing a hand on his back.

"Jeez Wally," Bina smiled softly. "You need to take it easy."

Arriete and Larance thanked Briney for the ride before climbing off the boat.

"Are you ready for your next gym battle?" Arriete asked. "Apparently it's a fighting type gym."

"Guess I'll use Combusken and Cascoon then," Larance replied, looking at his Pokemon.

"Vee..." Eevee muttered sadly.

"Don't worry, Eevee," Larance chuckled, shifting Cascoon over to one arm so he could pet Eevee's head. "You'll participate in the next gym battle."

This seemed to lift her spirits as she smiled at her trainer. Arriete giggled at this before a sound caught her attention. There was a small movement near the shore of Dewford, and she took off towards it, Pipei and Paragon hot on her heels. She let out a small gasp as she saw a Weedle weakling crawling towards her. She cautiously picked up the weak Pokemon and ran towards the Pokemon Center, passing by a confused Larance. He mentally shrugged before following after his friend, Wally and Bina soon following suit.


"It's lucky you came when you did," Nurse Joy smiled as she wheeled out a sleeping Weedle. "She was very weak."

Arriete silently nodded as she scooped up the Weedle in her arms before heading over to her friends. 

"So, do you think you're going to catch her?" Bina asked before anyone else got a chance to speak.

"It is strange that a Weedle is all the way over here," Wally stated. "I think that it would be safe to catch her."

"I'll let her make the decision," Arriete smiled as she looked down at the sleeping Pokemon.

"While we wait maybe we should ask around to see if anyone has seen Steven," Larance suggested taking out the letter. "We still need to give this to him."

As soon as he said this, the Weedle decided to stir and wake up. She looked up and was met with Arriete's joyful smile.

"Hello Weedle," Arriete whispered not wanting to startle the Pokemon. "Are you feeling better?"

Weedle blink a few times before nodding her head. Arriete chuckled at this before deciding to ask the next question.

"Do you want to go on a journey with me and my friends?"

Weedle vigorously nodded her head and soon Arriete had a new Pokemon nicknamed Krypta. She smiled to her friends as Krypta climbed onto her shoulder.

"Let's go find Steven."



"I-I'm sorry, son, but-"

"*sigh* Father, they aren't supposed to know about me yet. Now I'm going to have to tell them everything."


"No I'm going to have to tell him. I don't know how he'll react-"

"NO. Just tell them who you are. The boy can not learn about his past. Not yet. Do you understand? Birch doesn't want him finding out. HE. CAN'T. KNOW."


"Fine. But we're going to have to tell him eventually."

"...I know."

"I'll wait here for them. I'll contact you after I meet them, father."

"OK. Stay safe S-"

The voice cut out. 


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