Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Ugh I feel like we've been riding on Wailord's back for the past week," Larance groaned as he casually placed his hands behind his hands and laid down.

"It's only been two days," Arriete replied as she brushed Paragon's fur. "Thanks for the brush, Bina."

"You're welcome," Bina grinned, stretching. "And I happen to like surfing across the sea. It gives our Pokemon a chance to get some fresh, sea air."

Around them, Everheart, Krypta, Dustox, Latios, Swellow, and Beautifly flew around them, enjoying the open air. Swampert swam next to Wailord while Pipei and Blaziken sat next to each other. Sylveon, Leafeon, Flareon, and Lunar slept in a small circle, while Gallade, Hariyama, and Gallade scouted the area, to make sure that no one would attack them.

"The sea does help me with my asthma," Wally smiled as he sat next to Larance. "And don't worry, we'll be at Ever Grande in another day."

"Hey, Arriete," Bina began, sitting next to Wally. "How come you and Larance haven't let out Destructor and Groudon?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure Groudon would sink to the bottom of the ocean," Larance replied, sitting up. "And people would freak if they saw Destuctor just casually swimming by Wailord's side."

"Right," Bina frowned a little. "So, if-"

"'When'," Larance corrected.

"'When'," Bina continued, rolling her eyes. "Larance wins against Steven, what are we all going to do afterwards?"

A silence befell them as Wailord continued to swim on. Wally was the one who spoke first.

"Well, 'when' Larance becomes the new Champion, hopefully I'll be able to research Pokemon with the help of Steven," he replied. "What about you guys?"

"I guess I'll win my last ribbon and battle Lisia for the Top Coordinator title," Bina mused, smiling at Swellow, who landed next to her.

"I'll have Champion duties," Larance sighed. "But, I guess I'll visit my dad as well when I'm not busy."

"I'll research more about Mega Evolution in Hoenn," Arriete smiled.

"You're dad's allowing you to do what you want?" Bina asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he told me so after defeating Teams Magma and Aqua," Arriete replied. "And I guess everything is looking up for you three as well."

The others nodded and a comfortable silence washed over them as Wailord just swam on. A day passed by until they finally saw an island approach them.

"Oh thank Arceus!" Larance sighed as he returned his Pokemon and stepped onto dry land. "Ever Grande!"

The others followed suit, returning their Pokemon as well. They were standing in a small, flowery field that held only one Pokemon Center.

"I think we should stock up on supplies before heading through Victory Road," Arriete suggested as she pointed up at a large cave.

"Oh great, not another cave," Wally groaned, folding his arms.

"Oh, come on," Bina grinned, slinging her arm around Wally's shoulders. "After everything that has happened, you can survive a cave."

Wally sighed as he followed his friends into the Pokemon center.


Hours passed by before the four friends made it out of Victory Road. 

"Ugh," Wally groaned as he sat against a tree. "So many trainers!"

"At least the Pokemon League building can heal our Pokemon," Larance stated. "Let's hurry!"

The others inwardly groaned as they slowly followed behind their friend. 

Just as they finished healing their Pokemon, a familiar voice sounded behind them.

"Hey, Bina!"

"Lisia!" Bina exclaimed, waving her over. "Why are you here?"

"Looking for you," Lisia replied with a smile. "The last contest where you can win your fifth and final ribbon will be hosted here. So, are you going to participate?"

"Uh..." Bina replied, caught off guard. "Larance is actually going to compete against the Elite Four, and I thought that-"

"Don't worry about him, Bina," Arriete smiled, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Wally can go cheer you on while I cheer on Larance."

"Then we have no time to waste!" Lisia cheered, grabbing Wally and Bina by their wrists. "Let's go!"

She took off running, dragging the two friends behind her. Larance and Arriete chuckled at this before turning their attention to two large wooden doors.

"You ready?"

"Not really, but let's go."

As soon as they passed through the doors, they were met with Sydney.

"So, I heard that a challenger has obtained all eight badges and dares to challenge the Pokemon League," he smiled, tossing a pokeball up and down in his hand. "My name is Sydney, and I'll be your first opponent."

"My name is Larance, and I'll be happy to challenge you," Larance smiled.



Each Elite Four member that Larance fought lost against said boy, and soon he and Arriete were standing in front of Steven. 

"Well, looks like you made it, Larance," Steven smiled, placing a hand in one of his pockets. "I'd like to thank not only you, but Arriete, Bina, and Wally as well for everything that you have done. I hope that Bina and Wally will be able to make it in time to watch you either succeed or fail in becoming Champion. Also, you do not need to worry about your dad anymore, as Wallace his helping him track down the teams. Now," Steven took out a pokeball. "Are you ready to face me in a 3 v 3 battle?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Larance smirked, taking out a pokeball as well. "A fight for the title of Champion of the Hoenn Region!"

"The fight between Champion Steven and challenger Larance will now begin!" the announcer yelled, startling Arriete who was standing next to him.

"Skarmory!" Steven called out.

"Flareon!" Larance released. "Steven, you can take the first move."

"Well, I guess someone's thinking of a plan," Steven muttered under his breath. "Very well! Skarmory! Spikes!"

Thought so, Larance smirked.

"Flareon! Lava Plume!"

Flareon let out a loud cry and both Skarmory and the spikes were hit by the fire. Skarmory fell, weak, but still standing.

"But that was a direct hit!" Arriete exclaimed in surprise. "How has Skarmory not fainted?"

"It's ability, Sturdy," Larance explained more or less to himself. "I knew it had that ability."

"Skarmory! Steel Wing!"

Skarmory flew towards Flareon at a fast speed.

"You know what to do."

Flareon nodded and jumped onto Skarmory's back. 

"Flame Charge."

Flareon did as she was told, and soon Skarmory fell, fainted. Flareon landed next to her trainer, her speed boosting.

"Skarmory is unable to battle! Flareon is the winner!"

"Well done, Larance," Steven complimented, returning his Pokemon. "I see that you have done your research. Well then, let's try this next Pokemon. Claydol!"

"A ground and psychic type," Larance muttered. "Flareon will have no chance against it."

Flareon let out a cry and looked up at her trainer with determined eyes. Larance chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, I guess since you want to fight so badly, then use Bite!"

"Claydol! Earth Power!" Steven yelled.

Before Flareon was able to attack Claydol, she was struck with a full blown Earth Power, and she fainted.

"Flareon is unable to battle, Claydol is the winner!"

"Well done Flareon," Larance smiled as he returned his Pokemon. "Come on out, Shiftry!"

"Claydol! Extrasensory!"

The attack hit Shiftry, but he just shook it off. Steven mentally smacked himself. Of course. Shiftry is part dark. Before he was able to command his Claydol to use a move, his Pokemon fainted due to Shiftry's Leaf Storm. 

"It looks like you managed to get me down to my last Pokemon," Steven chuckled as he returned Claydol. "But this one's my ace. Go, Metagross!"

Steven sent out his shiny Metagross, and Larance braced himself. Steven's most powerful Pokemon.

"Meteor Mash!"

Shiftry tried to dodge, but the attack hit straight on, and the Pokemon fainted.

"Shiftry!" Larance called back his Pokemon. "You did great. Now, it's my turn to bring out my ace. You have been by my side ever since I began my journey. Now, it's your time to shine. Blaziken!"

Blaziken appeared, ready to attack. 

"Steven, should we go all out?" Larance asked, hovering his left hand over his right wrist.

"What kind of battle would it be if we didn't?" Steven replied, hovering his finger over his pin.

"Mega Evolve!" they both shouted, pressing their Key Stones at the same time.

Both Pokemon Mega Evolved, and fought as best as they could. Both soon began to get tired, and Larance noticed that whoever hit the other one first, that Pokemon would faint.

"Zen Headbutt!"

Mega Metagross speed towards Mega Blaziken. Larance nodded, and, at the last second, Mega Blaziken jumped up and hit Mega Metagross with a Blaze Kick, resulting in the Pokemon being flung into a wall.

"Metagross!" Steven cried out.

When the dust cleared, the Pokemon had fainted and turned back into a regular Metagross.

"Metagross is unable to battle, Blaziken is the winner!" the announcer yelled. "And that means the victory goes to Larance, the new Champion of Hoenn!"

"W-we did it!" Larance cheered, hugging his now normal Blaziken. "We beat Steven!"


Larance turned to see Bina, Wally, and Arriete run towards him, gathering into a group hug. 

"Wally? Bina?" he laughed. "You guys are back already?"

"Yeah!" Bina smiled as they all let go of him. "I managed to win my final ribbon and Lisia was able to bring us here just in time!"

The friends began excitedly chatting before getting interrupted by Steven. 

"Well, looks like I lost my title of Champion to you, Larance," he smiled, handing him a pin. "The official pin of the Champion of Hoenn. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Steven," Larance grinned. "Thank you for everything."

"And I believe that Wally wants to help me research Pokemon?" Steven asked, looking at said boy. 

"I'd love to!" Wally's eyes shined. "However, I think we should go visit our families before heading off to do our dreams."

"Of course," Steven nodded. "I'll just register Larance as the new Champion, and then you can be off."

"Wow, I can't believe we made it this far," Wally smiled a little sadly. "I'll miss traveling with you guys."

"Come visit us in Littleroot whenever you get the chance," Bina smiled, giving him a tight hug. 

The four friends hugged once more before starting their final journey back home. They were relieved that all they had to do now was to continue what they loved to do.

Or so they thought.


"... Looks like I won't be needing THIS... Hiyyup! Phew! That's sooo much better! Ooooh, I feel so free! That uniform got pretty stinky after a while! And all sweaty, too! Ohhh, my adorable little Aster! Are you that happy to see me looking like myself again, hmm? Ahhh, you're just too darned cute! Like always! Phew. But there's not much time left for us. It'll only be a matter of weeks... ...No. Days. Things have gotten a bit tricky now, since those kids managed to stop the super-ancient Pokémon from being revived like they should've been. Not that it's a really big deal. I've already thought of a new plan. If I just tweak a bit with a Key Stone, one with plenty of THAT built up... I swear I'll protect you. ...Aster."

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