Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So, this is your last badge that you have to earn, am I correct?" Wallace asked from the other side of the battlefield.

"Right," Larance grinned, pokeball in hand. "Now that everything is done and over with, I can finally really focus on my gym battles."

"He wasn't before?" Wally asked in confusion, resulting in a small shush from Bina.

"I'm curious to know which Pokemon Larance will be using," Steven smiled, folding his arms.

"You can do it, sweetie!" Tessa yelled, startling the others.

"Are you okay with a 3 v 3 battle?" Wallace asked, ready to release his Pokemon.

Larance nodded just as the announcer shouted the rules.

"Begin!" the announcer yelled.

"Dustox!" Larance sent out.

"Whiscash!" Wallace sent out.

"Dustox! Psychic!" Larance commanded.

Dustox attacked, but it seemed to do little damage to the Whiscash. Larance's eyes widened in shock while Wallace just grinned.

"Whiscash! Zen Headbutt!" Wallace commanded.


Dustox managed to dodge the attack, resulting in Whiscash slamming into the wall.

"See, your Whiscash might be powerful, but my Dustox is faster," Larance grinned. "Now! Giga Drain!"

The attack hit Whiscash straight on, resulting in the Pokemon fainting.

"Whiscash is unable to battle!" the announcer reported. "Dustox is the winner!"

"Hm, using Dustox's speed as an advantage," Norman mused out loud. "Smart."

Wallace let out a small chuckle as he withdrew his Pokemon.

"I see I should have not underestimated you, Larance," he smirked, releasing his other Pokemon. "As from now on, I will not go easy. Sealeo!"

"Dustox!" Larance commanded. "Signal Beam!"

Wallace merely moved his hand and Sealeo dodged and hit Dustox with Aurora Beam. 

"Dustox!" Larance yelled as his Pokemon fell.

"Dustox is unable to battle! Sealeo is the winner!"

"That's a really powerful Pokemon," Arriete commented as Larance withdrew his Pokemon. "And all Wallace had to do was wave his hand to order it to attack."

 "Well done Dustox," Larance complimented as he took out another pokeball. "Shiftry!"

Said Pokemon let out a cry as he was released, his eyes narrowed.

Wallace nodded and Sealeo fired an Aurora Beam, but Shiftry dodged and attacked it using Leaf Storm. Sealeo tried to dodge, but the attack was faster, and the Pokemon fainted.

"Seleao is unable to battle! Shiftry is the winner!"

"Well done, Larance," Wallace complimented, returning Sealeo. "However, good luck against my ace. Milotic!"

Larance stared in awe at the large, yet beautiful, Pokemon that stood before him.

"Shiftry, do your best," he muttered. "Leaf Storm!"

Milotic easily dodged and hit Shiftry with an Ice Beam. Shiftry was blown backwards into the wall, and fell. 

"Shiftry is unable to battle! Milotic is the winner!"

"Now, I wonder," Wallace began as Larance recalled Shiftry. "Which Pokemon will be your next choice?"

Larance held Latios' pokeball in his hand.

"Go! La-!"

He was interrupted by a flash of white light and soon Groudon stood in front of him. Wallace looked up in shock, as did most of the others.

"Y-you caught Groudon?" Wallace asked in surprise.

"Groudon?" Larance asked. "You want to battle?"

Groudon let out a roar that bounced off the wall, causing everyone's hair and clothes to ripple from the wind the roar caused. A red light began to glow from Larance's bag, and he opened it to find the Red Orb glowing.

"Dad must have put it inside my bag when I wasn't looking," Larance muttered to himself as he held the Orb in his hands. "But why is it glowing?"

Suddenly, the Orb rose from his hands and floated towards Groudon. Groudon stood still as he absorbed the Orb and a bright light blinded everyone in the room. 

"I-It can't be!" Steven exclaimed as the light vanished. "Primal Groudon!"

"We can still beat it," Wallace muttered. "Milotic! Hydro Pump!"

Milotic attacked, but the attack didn't even hit. 

"The Hydro Pump just...disappeared!" Wally commented in awe.

"That's gotta be Primal Groudon's ability!" Bina said, looking at her Pokedex. "Desolate Land!"

Groudon looked back at his trainer, and seemed to grin. Larance shook the shock off and nodded.

"Groudon! Precipice Blades!"

Groudon roared again and large, jagged rocks appeared from the ground, striking Milotic. The Pokemon went down, fainted.

"M-Milotic is unable to battle," the announcer stammered. "Groudon is the winner!"

"W-we did it!" Larance cheered. "Great work, Groudon!"

A light soon sprouted from Groudon's body as he went back to his regular form, the Red Orb once again resting in Larance's hand. 

"So, this is kind of like Mega Evolution, huh?" Larance smiled as he placed the Orb back into his bag. "Well, I guess you should take a rest."

Groudon nodded and was brought back into his pokeball. Larance placed it away, and turned around to see Wallace walking towards him, clapping.

"Well, well," Wallace smiled, handing him the Rain Badge. "That Groudon was quite unexpted. However, congratulations. You are now able to enter the Pokemon League."

"Thank you, Wallace," Larance smiled as he took the badge. 


Tessa tightly hugged her son while said person struggled to escape her grasp.

"Mom..." Larance muttered.

"Oh, sorry sweetie," she smiled, letting go of him. "I'm proud of you!"

"Thanks mom!" Larance smiled. "I guess now I have to head off to the Elite Four. Bina? Wally? Arriete?"

The three friends nodded, and, with a wave to the others, left the gym.

"I guess I should get ready for his challenge," Steven chuckled, releasing Skarmory. "Wallace, do you think you would be able to help the others get home safely?"

"Of course," Wallace nodded. 

"Don't worry about us," Caroline smiled. "We all came by Birch's car. We'll make it home safely."

With a wave, they left, leaving Wallace and Steven alone.

"Do you want me to follow Maxie?"

Steven looked at his friend in surprise as Wallace folded his arms.

"If Maxie is going to try and disband both Aqua and Magma, I think that he would need help," Wallace explained.

Steven nodded in understanding, and took off on his Skarmory to the Pokemon League. Wallace released his Milotic, healed it, and took off towards Lilycove.


Archie walked along Route 121, arms folded. Everything that he had worked for was destroyed, and by a couple of kids no less. Maxie stepped out in front of him, arms also folded. Archie merely scowled, and moved past.


Archie reluctantly stopped and turned towards Maxie.

"What do you want, Maxie?" he asked with a frown. 

"I'm here to disband Team Magma," Maxie replied. "And to try and get you to disband Team Aqua."

"What's this?" Archie laughed. "Has Maxie gotten soft?"

Maxie looked down with a huff, and Archie's eyes widened with realization.

"Ohoho, so the little scamp finally figured out that you're his father, right?" Archie grinned. "My, how upset he must have been. If only I was there to see the look on his face."

"He didn't figure it out," Maxie muttered. "I-I couldn't keep it a secret any longer, and I told him the truth. And, after everything that's happened, I do believe that it would be best for the Hoenn Region if both Teams were disbanded."

Archie simply grinned and turned.

"You'll have to catch me first."

"Wait-!" Maxie was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Let him go," Wallace frowned as he watched Archie walk away. "Deal with your Team first."

Maxie looked at Wallace before sighing and nodding his head. Both of them walked off to Mt. Pyre, in hopes of finding out where Team Magma had vanished off to.


"Steven!" Phoebe waved as said person's Skarmory landed. 

"Phoebe," Steven nodded as he noticed the rest of the Elite Four. "Drake. Sydney. Glacia."

"Welcome back, Steven," Glacia smiled. "Do you have good news for us?"

"Why, yes," Steven replied. "The threat to Hoenn has be extinguished, and you have a tough challenger coming soon."

"Everyone, into positions!" Drake announced, the other three scattering off.

"It's been a while since a challenger!" Sydney grinned.

"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy?" Phoebe giggled.

"Hopefully they will give me a great challenge," Glacia smiled.

As soon as the three of them were gone, Steven turned around to go into the Champion's chambers, but was stopped by a hand.

"This trainer, what is their name?" Drake asked.

"Larance," Steven replied, already aware that Drake knew. "Son of Team Magma Leader Maxie."

"Has the boy-?"


Drake simply nodded, and let Steven walk off.

Larance, Drake thought, folding his arms. Do give me a challenge that would make your father cower on his knees. 

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