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- Lauren's POV-

Around 20 minutes into the last of 5 Lessons, there came a loud bang. However , I knew that this one was not in my head because , as if in synchronization, all of our heads snapped up towards it's source. Let me tell you, the reason for the sudden interruption left me breathless. Actually, that statement is factually incorrect and this can be verified by all the other females in this room - it felt like , like time had freaking frozen "let it go let i- " No. Focus.

I did a quick scan of the bottle blond's appearance. The tall quiff added around. 2 damn inches to the already around 5.9 newcomer. "Geek glasses" covered the ocean blue irises of the clear, pale , flushed and rosy cheeks of the male. Dressed in the school uniform, everything seemed completely normal. Other than the tie being askew and loose and shirt un tucked, I thought everything was fine until I spotted something completely unexpected. A symbol. His identity. He'd concealed it well, but not well enough.  Strangely, I felt like someone was staring at me expectantly. Who was it?

Suddenly, all of the hushed whispers and giggles kind of faded and slowly my eyes met his. A slight , imperceptible lowering of his chin was the one gesture that flipped my whole perspective of him around. That was all it took. A second.

"Hi. I'm Niall.". That was all. Three words are not an adequate introduction.

End of sentence. Literally all he said. Once more, unintentionally ( I presume ), Niall had begun another wave of chatter around the room, this time of confusion. Without another word, Niall sat down in the empty seat beside me, his face like stone: cold, uninviting to any questions from the others, the general response to a newcomer. He was ice. Nice. Note, once again, my sarcasm.

After a few awkward minutes of silence, Niall pushes back his chair, startling me. Silently, he makes his way to the front of the room, seemingly not acknowledging class decorum. Having reached the door, Niall turned and I jumped slightly when his piercing eyes met mine. For a second, I thought he'd see sense and return to his seat. I thought wrong, unsurprisingly. This guy is unpredictable.  Indicating, briefly, with his thumb to follow him, Niall disappeared out of sight. Literally.

Knowing I had to, I exited the room, muttering that I had to go to the loo, a poor substitute for actual permission, I know. Stepping out the classroom, I headed to the loos. What? I actually needed to pee. Don't judge me okay?  Before I'd even begun to cross the corridor, I was yanked backwards by my wrist. The grip was harsh, leaving clear prints on my tan skin.

I spun on my heel, eyes flashing with anger, already annoyed. Well, how else was I supposed to feel? This boy just walks into my life, doesn't say more than 3 words - It's been 15 minutes and I've only heard "Hi I' Niall" and remains silent. Pathetic. On top of that, he behaves like an A-Class jerk. To finish of his cake, he's attractive. That is a fabulous cherry for his cake of first impression, note the sarcasm. Good Lord, this boy is just-

Fingers snapping in front of my eyes bought me back to Earth with a, well, snap. My internal monologue (read rant) must've puzzled him because he had his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well.. Um.. I don't know your nam-" I don't even let him finish his goddamn sentence.

"The name's Lauren Roberts" I bit in frostily.

"Well as you've figured out, I work for MI5. I'm an agent. I do not doubt, from your behaviour, that Mr. Payne neglected to inform you of me assisting you during M91. I work alongside Harry Styles.' When he said his name, Niall's eyes showed the first signs of emotion, this one, sadness.  'I need to work alongside you. Only this will ensure our success.' "We need to co operate with each other. Please. His eyes held mine, blue versus brown for goodness knows how long. Finally, I caved in. Sighing, I nodded my head in agreement. As rapidly as it had formed, the crease in his forehead vanished and Niall smiled softly. Yet, the smile did not reach his eyes. The keys to his soul remained misted with grief, clouded with pain and nostalgia, revealing his true state of mind.

I decided to start afresh, a new leaf, if you like. Straightening my back, I held out my hand, a faint smile gracing my lips.  "Hi I'm Lauren Roberts. I work alongside Niall..' "Horan" he supplied, chuckling. 'Horan for MI5. What is your name?"

Reciprocating my actions, Niall introduced himself accordingly. I began an interrogation on my fellow agent. We continued our banter, completely forgetting the existence of our ongoing English period. Eh, who cares. However I felt kind of rude about it because Miss Middleton was my favourite teacher so far and that was saying a lot.

---- x----

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