Something Great

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-Lauren's P.O.V-

His sentence got interrupted by the stern , steel like, monotone voice of our English teacher. "Well, how are you two out here, hmm?" She glared at us, foot tapping impatiently. While, in my mind, I tried to come up with an appropriate excuse, I heard Niall's voice speak up, interrupting my flow of thought.

"Y'see miss, we was discussing the procedure of writing an absolutely stunning literature essay... " he trailed off, not knowing what to say next. Mentally face-palming, I stepped into continue his weird excuse. However, before I could continue his dialogue, there came the soft pattering of shoes on the carpeted  flooring of the long,winding corridor of the upper floor of Block 2.. Almost immediately, all three of our heads swung towards the sound. The petite secretary was making her way confidently towards us. As she neared us, I could see a bright green pass in her left hand. Anxiously, she started her sentence, bespectacled cat eyes looking down at her nails. Not meeting our eyes, Ms. Jones came to say what she had to say - a sentence of thirteen words (yes, I counted). "Mr. Constable wants to see Niall Horan and Lauren Roberts in his office now".

Glancing at our irritated teacher for permission this time, we followed our leader to the main block, exchanging confused glances at each other. Knocking on the door, she twisted the knob and entered the room, us following meekly behind. Once inside, the receptionist waited for our Head's permission and silently slipped out the room, shutting the door quietly.

Suddenly, (as we were stood shoulder to shoulder) I felt Niall stiffen at my side, his muscles tensed. Following his line of sight, my eyes landed on the back of a man's head. His posture was slightly slouched as he dwarfed the chair he was sat on. I, for sure, had no idea who he was but Niall sure did. The elderly headteacher stood up abruptly, calling us to step forward and meet the brunette. The young man stood up and turned around immediately. I briefly gave him a once over. He was really tall, around 6 feet. I couldn't do much else. Why? It was because  really suddenly, Niall launched himself at the tall stranger. Wrapping his arms tight around his waist, he hid his mop of blonde hair in the crook of his neck. Sobbing, he chanted only one word, one name : "Harry". Oh. His name is Harry.  Harry himself tried to calm the petit Irishman down, rubbing his hand up and down the sobbing man's back, all the while murmuring encouraging and comforting words into his hair.

Finally detaching himself from Harry, Niall stepped away from him, furiously rubbing at his now red eyes. Mr. Constable awkwardly cleared his throat, his face red (A/N You know.. LGS). Rubbing his palms together in that excited way that adults do, he attempted to begin conversation. Key word being attempted . In other words, he failed to do so because Niall, in his state of relief and worry, launched a volley of questions at the old man.

Chuckling, eyes twinkling, John placed his hand on Ni's shoulder "I'll answer all your questions in a bit. First, let's conduct some introductions".  Looking at me expectantly, he stepped back and leaned back against the Victorian mahogany desk.

'Oh um no.. we don't really need to be introduced 'cause Niall already told me about Harry. However,' I stuck out my hand formally, 'Lauren, a pleasure to meet you". I was slightly disconcerted by his forest green eyes meeting mine, almost staring into my soul. "Hi. I'm Harry. Harry Styles."


A big thank you to Anastacia for encouraging me.. ILY x

Sorry guys, I was unable to update an actual chapter on the 4th due to issues I'd rather not disclose BUT I made many changes to Chappies 1 and 2. Please give me your feedback on this relatively short one..

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Diya x

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