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"The artist creates a set during the inspiration of the moment. But it's not like that. Reality is not like that. It's all by itself. No matter how much we try to implant scripts and see what results come out. For some, that's entertainment. They play by experimenting on others, but always from the comfortable position, safe. They're so insecure; they're terrified that pain can shake them up. So their 'victim' is the one that must not fall into their set of trap," he said very seriously, banging verbally without names, associates and acquaintances that he was taken advantage of financially and morally and with the first drop, they abandoned him, like he didn't deserve anything ever.

"But this is also part of the truth, Vince. Artists know that they will also face this possibility."

"You know, I find myself wanting to suffer through lies rather than the truth. And that's because in the lie, I realize I've done some bad things, but I have a little strength and endurance to move on. When in truth, I see I'm completely broken. And so as not to make the most desperate move, I isolate myself in my own world, without letting anyone in, as I told you earlier."

"I got it. So you have reached about forty years old, with a lot of experience in show business and a lot of life facts. What would you say to young artists who start their careers with the same dreams?"

"I would advise young people to focus on the Professional Forum, on people's satisfaction with their work. I understand that fame, publicity, and money are tempting. But it's not the quietest attitude of life. That makes little sense at first. It's about what happens next. Fame is not indelible, it fades. And the artist is called to live on. So let them focus on the business step and invest in always having a good time with themselves. Because in the end, it's the only one left."

"You're right, Vince. And your last song that you were in your home studio and it's already been a hit, what have you got to say?"

"Those who heard it understood very well the life fact that I experienced. And if they match, it's because they'll have a similar experience. I want to thank all my fans who still believe in me and my music and not in the classic stylized idol."

"Thank you so much for being with us tonight, Vince, we wish you all the best."

"Thank you, too."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Vince Cooper!" he was praised by Nigel and followed by loud applause with the end of the show titles.

Ray was waiting for him in the dressing room backstage, while Philip at the entrance of the channel made sure he has enough space in the early morning newspapers, with the much-discussed interview.

"Ray, I want to leave, I want to go home. Tell the people on the show I said what I had to say in public. I don't want another conversation," Vince said happy, calm, and quiet this time. It's like he got rid of an unwanted invisible visitor who had become unbearable lately.

"Vince, you heard your doctor. He said to return immediately to the hospital for review. Please do. You promised him," Ray advised and Vince obeyed him.

Sullen, but lighter psychologically, Vince lowered his head humbly and waited for Lavinia to visit. Kevin escorted her to his booth and left them alone after wishing for a speedy recovery.

"Hey, Vince. You asked to see me," she said to him as sweet as ever, leaving a beautiful basket of flowers next to him.

"How strange, Vinnie. I have so many things to say to you, my thought keeps on talking, and when I see you, I'm running out of words, I can't get a word out of me," he stuttered embarrassed.

"Sometimes we think that facing someone who we want to see, we feel, immediately, the answers to the questions that we would do. We do not lose our words, they are just all answered and we feel unnecessary discussion," she said with an oblique smile.

"I didn't want you to see me like this after your surgery. On a hospital bed exhausted and finished."

"Either way, I've always seen you, Vince."

"That's true."

"From carnal blindness, I will miss this world, which I can't feel now that I can see. I was feeling more before; now not so much. But I'm still the same person."

"You know! If you catch yourself having deviated from the royal road, you will immediately activate your inner alarm, in order to protect yourself and to get back to the original position," he said to her conspiratorially, highlighting how self-conscious he was.

"Yeah, something like that."

"Congratulations on your wedding."

"Thank you."

"Do you love him? He loves you?"

"To get to the wedding, surely the motive was love. I'm very happy with him."

"Well he'll certainly be happy with you; he's got the short straw, but you?"

"I think I answered that. And... I don't agree with you that he's definitely happy. I guess I'm really lucky to have him."

"You know each other from a long time ago, huh?"

"Since University. What I loved about Kevin is the stability of his character and discretion, not pushing anything and anyone, overestimating situations."

"Something I never had," Vince stuttered.

"Vince, you've got these, too. You just never cared about getting involved. Values are always there. As long as we choose them and cultivate ourselves."

"Bullshit. It is as much use as a plaster on a wooden leg. That's how I feel."

"Do you want when you get better to go see your parents? They'll be very happy to see you," she told him by changing the subject.

"How do you know they'll be happy?"

"I met them personally in a speech I made just before I was operated on."

"What did they tell you about me?" he sighed.

"Nothing. You weren't the subject of this conversation. They had learned that you knew me and they took the liberty of congratulating me in person for my action as a social worker. They're wonderful people. Like my parents, who I don't have them anymore. But if I had them, I'd appreciate them as they deserved."

"You're still right."

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