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After two months of rehab fighting, Vince visited his parents in Hollyburn, west of Vancouver. He literally begged Lavinia to accompany him; he didn't want to go alone after all these years. She accepted, and along with Philip, who, as he had said, was an opportunity to see them before he started a story, they accompanied him.

His parents gave him clearly to understand that he was always there to support him in whatever he needed. He always knew that his parents never saw him as an object of interest since he became famous and rich.

He hasn't met people like that in years. People that they would be treated to him exactly as he is. They'd take him for the real Vince, not the famous and rich artist. This gave him intimacy and courage to allow him to express himself as he felt, without playing a role, without standard behavior, as he had with show people.

It's what Philip's been yelling at him to do for a long time. Once again, he could distinguish the real people who stood by him and still do. He promised himself he'd never run away from his parents again.

"Do you want any money? Do you need anything?" Vince asked them with care.

"Vince, we're fine. But when we were having a hard time, did we ever ask you for anything? No. We're not doing it now. We've always wanted only our child and not his money. Whoever you are, you're our child. Understand this and accept it, because it is the truth," his mother replied, ruling out any suspicion aimed at his property.

"Luke, tell Vinnie to come in."

Lavinia preferred to stay in the car so he could be alone with his parents for the first time.

"The sweet girl who by her example inspires people," his father exclaimed.

"Hello, Mr. Nolan. It's an honor to see you again," she humbly said and sat a little further than Vince.

"When I had to hear her, I didn't, father. And now I'm paying the consequences. And serves me right," Vince responded by flogging his ego verbally.

"It's never too late!" his mother came out excited.

"It is, mother. Vinnie is married to a colleague of hers, worthy of her and a very good boy," he commented dismayed, lighting a cigarette.

"But you can always be friends, my son," his father said.

"No lies, father. I lost. And I lost miserably. And now, I'm running to collect what's left of me, just like I said in my interview."

After meeting his parents, Vince asked Lavinia to have a cup of coffee with him.

"I won't tell you to come to my house because you're a married woman now, even though you know it's always open to you. But we can sit here in the nearby cafe near my house. Luke will send you back to Harbor in my car," Vince suggested.

Lavinia didn't refuse him. She sat down with him and had a little more conversation with the two of them since Vince really needed it. She typed something into her phone and left it on the table.

"You notify husband, huh?"

"Just that I'm gonna be a little late. He knows where I am."

"And he's not jealous?"

"He's been doing the same job as me since we were in college. He hangs out with people. He helps people in need. And that's been cleared up since before we were married. He understands as I understand," she told him calmly.

"That's what I really am to you, isn't it? A man in need. Nothing more nothing less."

"I was also in need of when I was blind. But you didn't leave me, you encouraged me. So don't look at it narrow-minded, I'm a doctor, you're a patient thing. I'm here because I want to be, Vince. You know I never make hasty moves. All I did was accept this surgery, which you all pushed me into."

"And we were right. It's worth it."

"Yes, it was."

"Vinnie, please... I beg you, stay with me..." he responded with complaint and despair.

"Listen to me. I won't. Since it didn't happen then or a little later, it was never real and it wasn't written to be like that. But we stayed friends. And if you ask me, I think it's more important than love. Good friendship stays, Vince. Look at us, we stayed on time. Love is too close to running away. It disappears at all times. And leaves wounds behind, unfortunately," she explained.

"Love and relationship go through levels, Vinnie, that's how it goes. Why should we condemn it?" he insisted.

"Even if we were together now, it wouldn't work. I can't imagine sharing life with you. That's because time has passed. We changed. We've grown up. It's ok."

"Vinnie, don't go, stay, I'm drowning... I'm... please," he hesitated in despair.

"So you're just asking me to break up with Kevin for not being responsible for anything and being with you. I don't know how you see things, but I don't see them that way. I would never do that."

"You're right, as always. It's because I'm a mess and I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. We grew up as you said. But I don't feel any maturation. Although I've read a lot, especially when I was in the hospital."

"The mind develops over the years. Not with how many hours you read a day, Vince."

"You're right again."

"Don't worry about the time that's passed and you think it's too late. Time doesn't exist. But it has to be there just to count something. Try to get better, to calm down, and when a good woman is found, you realize she'll be perfect for you and you for her, this time don't let her go. Because now you know," she advised him.

He knew she was absolutely right about what she told him. He understood that, but it was too much for him to accept. By making superhuman efforts for his character, listening always, and faithfully to the advice from her speeches, he managed to stabilize his fickle life. He managed to calm his nerves with the help of doctors and to get off drugs and alcohol to a large extent, according to his treatment.

He continued to write music, not under the pressure of an artistic producer, but whenever he had an inspiration, granted that he was very wealthy and didn't need more money.

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