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Hinata POV

"Onee-chan do you really have to leave?"

I smiled down at my little sister finding it adorable that she didn't want me to go.

"Hanabi, I'm not going until tomorrow." I said.

"But I want you to spend time with me before you leave." Hanabi whined. "But it's too late for that! The sun is about to set!"

I looked out the room window to see the sun getting ready to set.

"Hey Hanabi?"

"Yeah Onee-chan?" Hanabi peeked up.

"Let's go watch the sunset together. Before it goes down."

"Really? You want to?"

I looked at her with a closed eye smile. "Of course. Who else would I want to see it with?"

Hanabi's face lit up as she grabbed my hand. "Come on then. We can't miss it!"

We ran outside and climbed up our roof, finding a comfortable sitting spot. We had a ladder so that we could come up here anytime we want. Hanabi and I lived alone, including our cousin Neji, who was traveling right now. He's supposed to come back tomorrow, when I leave. He'll have to take care of Hanabi while I'm gone.

We looked over at the vast area, admiring its beauty. The sky was a tint of orange-pink. The sun's glow could melt you as if you were a popsicle. The sun's light seemed to illuminate the two of us, sending heated shivers down my spine. The sun's rays felt so nice and warm that it felt as if I couldn't move even if I tried to.

The orange ball of fire slowly began to come down for its own time of slumber.

"Aww and it felt so nice too!" Hanabi broke the silence. "I wish the sunset could stay longer."

"Yes, the sunset does feel very nice. But the other part is just as amazing, if not, better than the sunset." I said.

"What do you mean Onee-chan?"

"Just look and see for yourself."

Hanabi turned to look back at the horizon. She gasped, mesmerized by it's fabulousness.

Just as the sun was falling into deep sleep, the moon emerged to take its place. The sky seemed to turn a moonlight blue, taking away it's orange-pink tint.

"Wow.... then moon is so beautiful tonight." Hanabi said amazement in her voice."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes still fixed at the sky. The moon was in its waxing gibbous phase. The moon was supposed to go into its full phase in a matter of days. The full moon is a very dangerous experience. Even though it's beauty is mesmerizing, it came with a cost. A cost that could change your life forever. So whenever the full moon came, we would stay away from any contact with the moon by closing windows and staying in the house the whole day. I've always wanted to see the full moon face to crest, but I wasn't allowed to.

"Come on Hanabi. We have to go inside now." I said standing up.

"Aw but can't we just stay up here for at least 5 more minutes?" Hanabi asked pouting.

"Oh, I thought you wanted to hear a story." I said jumping off the roof. "But I guess I was wrong."

At the corner of my eye I could see her scrambling up. "Wait I wanna hear a story! I wanna hear a story!" Hanabi yelled while jumping off the roof.

A/n: btw everyone is the age they were in the shippuden series. That means that Hanabi is 10 and Hinata is 15.

"Ok bunny-chan. Come on." I said calling her by her nickname. I love her nickname. I think it suits her well.

I opened the door and we went inside. Our home was decent size since this wasn't the official Hyuuga compound. Our father lives their. We were sent here for our safety. Our home is in a area where almost no people are present. Father had to stay behind so he could get better. But that's not working out so well.

We walked through the living room and into a hallway to Hanabi's bedroom. Hanabi ran inside her room and grabbed her pajamas to put them on.

After she was done changing, I tucked her into bed.

"Onee-chan can you tell me the story now?"

I smiled at her and answered, "Yeah Imōto-san."

I knelt down on the royal purple bed, making the bed silenty creek. "Now, what story do you want to hear?"

"Hmmm.... I wanna hear the one about the hooded girl!" Hanabi said.

"But Hanabi you've heard that tale a thousand times. Wouldn't you like to hear another story?" I chuckled.

"I know but I love that story! Can you please tell the story? Pretty please?" She begged.

"Mmm ok. But just this once."

Now where should I start off with? I thought for a moment then it came to me.

Hanabi's eyes twinkled in anticipation as I found the words.

Once apon a time there was a little beautiful girl who lived in a small village. Her grandfather doted on her still more. The girl had a cap made for her by her mother who was excessively fond of her. The hood suited her so extremely well that everyone called her little red riding hood.

One day her mother, having made some cinnamon rolls, said to her, "I want you to see how your grandfather is doing. I have heard that he is very ill. Go and take him these cinnamon rolls, and this pack of icing to go with it."

Little Red Riding Hood set off immediately, for her grandfather lived far off in another village.

While she was walking through the woods, she acquainted a wolf, who was thinking very hard to eat her up, but dismissed the idea because of some woodcutters that were nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was headed. The poor maiden, who had no clue that it was dangerous to stay and talk with the wolf said to him, "I am going to my grandfather's house to give him these cinnamon rolls and this pack of icing from my mother."

"Does he live far from here?" the wolf asked.

"It is over that hill over there, and the 5th house in the village."

"Well let us play a little game while we're at it. I'll go this way and you'll go the other, and we shall see who arrives there first." The wolf said. I made my voice sound as mischievous as I could. I knew that this was Hanabi's favorite part, recalling that everyone time she squealed with delight.

"Squeeeeeeeeee I love this part so much!" Hanabi shrieked.

See. Told you.

I continued on to the story, glad that Hanabi was enjoying my folk tale.

The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, while the girl took a long path, entertaining herself by running after butterflies, gathering berries, and making small bouquets of flowers while skipping along a long pathway. It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old man's home. He knocked on the door. Tap tap. I knocked on her dresser for "emphasis."

"Who is there?"

"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood." replied the wolf trying to make his voice as girly as possible. "I brought you some cinnamon rolls with a little pack of frosting sent to you by mother."

The grandfather, who was in bed, because he was somewhat sick, cried out, "Push the latch up and the door will open."

The wolf pushed the latched up, and the door opened, and he immediately jumped on the poor man and ate him up in a matter a seconds, for he hasn't eaten in so long. He then shut the door and got into the grandfather's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came a little afterwards and knocked on the door. Tap tap.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I brought you some cinnamon rolls and a little pack of icing sent to you by mother."

The wolf cried out to her, hardening his voice as much as he could, push the latch up and the door with open." The girl cringed at the sound of her fake grandfather's voice that sounded oddly like the wolf's. But she dismissed the idea to the back of her head.

Little Red Riding Hood pushed the latch up and the door opened.

The wolf, seeing her come in, hidden behind the bedsheets said, "Put the cinnamon rolls and little pack of icing on the table and sit beside me on the bed."

Little Red Riding Hood did what she was told and sat by the bed. Greatly amazed by her grandfather's presence she said, "Oh my what big arms you have!"

"All the better to hug you with,

"What big legs you have!"

"All the better to run with, my child."

"What big ears you have!"

"The better to hear you with, my dear."

"What big eyes you have!"

"All the better to see you with, honey."

"And what big teeth you have!"

"All the better to taste you with!" The wolf said with a sneer growl.

And with the saying of those words, the evil wolf pounced on the poor girl, and ate her up.

I took a breath from all the talking and took a glance at Hanabi. She was turned face to me and sleeping soundly.

How did I not notice she was asleep this whole time?!

I admired my little sister, taking in her slightly tanned skin and her long, chocolate brown hair. Her breathing was paced, the covers going up and down, up and down. I could hear her snoring faintly, a habit she doesn't know about. A gentle smile came upon my face thinking of our time together. I was going to miss her badly. We were always together and got along surprisingly well. When Neji was around, we would all be together and enjoy ourselves. It was always us three. But now I wouldn't be there with them. I know it is only for a while, it would maybe take 3 weeks, but I've never been away from Hanabi for more than
a day.

I stood up, gently tiptoeing so I wouldn't wake Hanabi up. I took one last look at my sleeping sibling and silently whispered:

"Good night Hanabi."

Just then I saw a closed smile creep across Hanabi's face.

And I closed the door, seeing my sister for the last time that day.

I do not own this version of Little Red Riding Hood Hinata told to Hanabi. This was done by Charles Perrault. I just edited some of the words.

First chapter! What did you guys think? I tried to make Hanabi and Hinata have a really good bond unlike their relationship in Naruto Shonen Jump.

I don't know when I'm going to work on chapter 2. I have no writer's block but sometimes I'm just it lazy to write. I'll try to update soon!


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