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Hanabi POV

I opened my eyes, only to close them back as the sunlight from the window met my pupils. After a few seconds, I opened them up slowly, not to strain my eyes. I adjusted my vision and looked around. The curtain from my window was open, so I could see the sun wake up from yesterday's slumber. A bright glow casted over my whole room. The brightness casted squares on the bedroom floor.

I gripped the blankets lightly enjoying the nice feel of the warmness. Little specs were coming out of the window floating around my room.

Oh how I wish I could stay like this...

But sadly I can't. I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms to the ceiling. A yawn comes from my mouth as I pull the covers off me. I step out of bed, and start to adjust my legs from the 8 hours of rest.

I stumble my way to the door that leads to my bedroom and grip the doorknob. Just as I way about to push open the pulley, I stop myself. I could hear someone's voice but could barely make what they were saying. It's probably only Hinata. She is the only other person that lives here after all.

I turn the pulley and push the meter wide object. I stand in the doorway shocked about what I was seeing. Or rather "who" I was seeing.

"Neji- umhp!" I squeal happily before the said relative clasps his hand to my mouth. Neji put a finger to his lips, indicating that I should keep quiet. I nod my head and he drops his hand to his side.

"I'm glad to see you Hanabi, but we have to be silent. Hinata is still sleeping and I wanna surprise her when she wakes up."

"How are you going to surprise her?" I whisper.

"You mean how are we going to surprise her."

"I get to help too?" I hopefully ask.

"Mhm." He hummed with a slight nod.

"Yay!!" I accidentally cheer out loud. "Oops! Sorry..."

"It's okay. Just keep your voice down. Come on Hanabi." Neji ordered before walking through the hallway. I happily trail behind, excited that I get to see my favorite cousin again.

We enter the medium sized kitchen in just a few moments later. "I was planning on making Hinata some cinnamon rolls for breakfast since it's her favorite. It looks like she already has the ingredients for it too..." Neji explained.

"Okay. I've helped her make those before so I know a thing or two." I said

"Good. Okay let's get baking!" Neji enthusiastically replied.

Wow! I've seen this side of Neji. Usually he's strict and stern, but he seems so eager now!

I smile wide nodding my head rapidly. "Okay!"


"Ok Hanabi, on the count of three." I nodded and took a long deep breath.


"GOOD MORNING HINATA!" I shouted. Hinata woke up with a jump, startled by the sudden outburst.

"Is there a fire?! Is the house burning?! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Hinata yelled hopping out of bed.

"No no onee- chan come down! I was only waking you up!" I explained.

I saw Hinata's shoulders ease down calming a bit. "You shouldn't scare me like that Hanabi. Someone could've seriously got hurt!"

"Eh heh heh heh....sorry about that." I apologize.

"Oh so you don't want to see me?" Neji suddenly said startling the lavender eyed beauty yet again.

Hinata turned in the direction of the voice and slightly gasped. "Neji I didn't think you would come back so early. I missed you!" Hinata explained as she brought our cousin in a tight hug.

"And I missed you too." Neji replied giving back a brotherly hug. A few seconds later they both let go.

"Hey...are those cinnamon rolls I smell?" Hinata asked sniffing the air.

"Yeah we made them for you, onee-chan! I hope you like them!" I gleed happily.

"Thanks you two! I'll eat them straight away, so they don't get cold." Hinata quickly grabbed the plate of rolls that we placed by her dresser and started to eat. After she finished eating, I helped her finish packing her belongings for her trip back to our father. While we were doing that, Neji unpacked his things making himself comfortable in the process.

"Hey Hinata...how come your taking another basket of cinnamon rolls?" I asked not noticing the brown woven carry on her bed.

"I'm planning on giving them to father when I see him. And just so you know," Hinata leans closer. "It's the secrect family recipe rolls.

I gasped amazed that she knew how to make the sacred food. "That's awesome onee-chan! That will surely make him better!"

"You think?"

"No I don't just think," I reached my hand to touch the side of my head. "I know."

We finally finished packing all Hinata clothes and other stuff, it was time to say our goodbyes.

"I'll miss you onee-chan!" I cry out as I hug her tightly. She wraps her arms around me too. I really don't want to see her go. Even if it's only 2 weeks she'll be gone, it'll feel like two years for me.

"It won't be that long Hanabi, don't worry. But I'll miss you too." She then turned to Neji and gave him a quick, but tight squeeze. "It was good seeing you."

"It was good seeing you too." He patted her head.

"Well then I guess I'll get going now." She giving us one last hug.

"Bye one-chan!" I sniffled out as I felt the water works threatening to pour out of my eyes.

Her purple hood slightly flew in the morning breeze as she walked away. I had given her that hood for Christmas when she couldn't find a coat. She was wearing a purple loose tee to match, and a mid-thigh black skirt. She wore purple flats with black ribbons on the tip of the shoe on her feet.

I watched as she slowly paced out of my vision. Just as she was about to disappear in from of my eyes, she turned back and waved longingly.

Sparks flown to my eyes as I frantically waved back. In the corner of my eye I could see Neji waving too.

And just like that,

She's gone.

I couldn't control my emotions anymore and sobbed right then and there. I clung to Neji's long white shirt, soaking his piece of clothing with my tears.

He patted my head and said, "It's okay. Come on let's go inside. We can watch a movie if you want to."

I sniffled out an "okay" and followed him inside the house. Just as my foot was about to reach the front door, I rotated my head let my lips whisper her name.


No ones POV

"So she's visiting good old pops now, isn't she?" The mysterious man silently said to himself. He made sure he was hidden behind a thick tree so no one could see him.

He ran a hand through his golden like hair. As he was doing that he saw the said female walking away from a nearby house, and onto his direction. He watched her secretly walking along the road taking in her appearance. Even thought he has seen her figure before, he would always look at her as if she was a total stranger.

Her long exposed legs moved in rhythm. Her skirt slightly moved upwards as she took each step. The purple hood that she always wears flowed in the wind behind her. She had long arms that looked almost silky as they swayed from side to side. And those arms led to the one thing that he wanted the most.

The basket.

He knew what the basket holds: he could tell by the way she protectively held it that what the basket held was important.

He smirked evilly and stared at her backside as she past the tree that he was undetectable behind.

"Little Red Riding Hood." He murmured once the bluenette was out of earshot.

"More like Little Purple Riding Hood." He chuckled quietly.

"Mmmm yes..." he then turned his playful tone and switched to a serious face.

"I will get that basket. Believe it!"

Finally posted chapter 2!! Sorry it took so long, I had a lot of school work.

I'll make the third chapter sooner this time so don't fret! Also check out the other book on this account called "No Animu No Laifu" Its a FABULOUS story and I recommend it. It's made by razzy2233

Can't wait to make chapter 3 now. See ya!

-Dari-Sama 🐻

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