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No one's POV

Hinata skipped through the forest trail, enjoying the scenery that she would come and pass to. The butterflies were flying, the bees were buzzing, the birds were chirping, and the flocks were flocking. It was as if this was unreal, like it was from a movie.

The blonde was still following and stalking her every movement, looking for the best time to approach and pounce. It's been about an hour that she left to go to her father, and how long the slender man has been watching her. Suddenly, his foxy ears twitched as he heard ruffles in one the nearby trees. He saw that the girl in the purple hood, or as he calls her "little purple riding hood", stopped in her tracks, looking for who made that sudden sound. After a few seconds of only hearing the birds chirping did she starts trolling along again.

Was there another person here? He wondered in his head. Very carefully he went into a crouching position and stepped towards where the noise came from. He tried not to step on the autumn leaves and avoid twigs all the while still keeping himself concealed.

Surprise came rushing through his body as he unexpectedly heard another creaking twig. Danmit... these twigs are so annoying! He cursed in his head. This time, the bluenette turned and stuttered out, "W-who there?"

She didn't mean to sound helpless and weak, but she couldn't help it. She was afraid that someone would come and try snatch her, or even worse. She knew karate and could use that to her advantage, but she wasn't very confident with herself or her skills so she lacked endurance. She looked around the forest slowly, hoping to catch whoever made the creaking sound. Much to her dismay, she did not see any human being in sight. She continued through her journey, cautiously moving with each step she took.

The fox-eared boy sighed in relief he was not caught. He knew if he was ever found out that he was following her, his plan would never work, and she would pay the price.

Just as he was about to persist onward, he felt two large hands on his bare back push him forwards onto the ground. He landed his a thud, landing on his exposed chest. He grunted in pain as he tried to sit up, but failed. "I need to see who pushed me damnit!" He loudly murmured forgetting that he had to hide himself as if he was a ninja.

The hooded bluette quickly swerved to where the rustling came from, spotting the fox boy. She screeched in fear, for she has hear of the fox/human hybrids that roam around. Hybrids like him were known to eat and devour humans, for that was the only thing they could eat without puking their insides out. (A/N: Tokyo Ghoul anyone?) Or so she's heard. She stood in utmost fear, she found herself unable to move do to her fright.

The blonde hybrid heard a faint snicker and swiftly turned his head in the direction it came from. Then he saw it.

Black hair.

"THAT BASTARD!" He yelled out gritting his teeth. He had quite an idea of who the mysterious person was. Hinata jumped in surprise and got even more scared than she was before. Why was he so mad? Was it because he had been found out? Will he eat her now that she sees him? All these thoughts brought shivers down the girl's spine. Just thinking of him roughly grabbing her waist to hold her down and taking a giant chomp out of the nape of her neck. He would lick his lips in satisfaction, while she screamed in extreme pain. He would bite harder causing her to wail even louder. Chaw after chaw he would devour her until there was nothing left. She shuddered at the cerebration of that horrid image.

The young boy didn't seem to notice her present state, for he was too angry of the little fucker who blew his cover. He hesitantly stood up. He was still in pain since twigs and the ground scratched his bare chest and stomach. Hinata flinched afraid of what he may do next. She still couldn't bring herself to move, much to her dismay. Her legs wouldn't listen to what she desired, to run for her life, and sprint all the way to her father's house knowing that she would be safe. But instead, she was stuck standing there like a deer in headlights.

The fox human suddenly turned to her, realizing that she had the chance to run. But she didn't. Why is that? Probably because she was too spook to move. He thought. He started to trudge over to the bluenette. Each step the boy took chilled her to the bone while her legs would shake wildly. H-he coming closer! Move legs, MOVE!!" Hinata screamed in her head frustratingly. Her legs must be really stubborn. They wouldn't move a muscle.

While she was thinking of a way to leave, she didn't notice the swollen boy was now at just a foot from her. He took one more step: and that's all it took. He towered over her, do to his tall height and her short measurement.

The hooded girl then wondered why the sun abruptly stopped shining. She looked up, only to be met by ocean blue eyes staring right back at her. They seemed menacing and dominate, as if he's piercing into her soul. She gasped at the sudden close tension. Her knees felt wobbly. She couldn't hope to stand anymore, she fell to the ground with a thud landing on her knees. The frightened female had tears in her eyes threatening to spill. Suspense filled the forest. Neither of them made a sound, as they kept staring into their eyes. Hinata couldn't stand the dreadful feelings that came over her and she finally managed to open her mouth. She shrieked her heart out, sending all the nearby birds and animals in the opposite directions and fleeing. She hoped that someone would hear her, anyone, and come and rescue her from being tonight's dinner.

The fox stumbled in surprise at the unexpected shriek. He quickly regained himself and outstretched his hand to her mouth. Muffles came out of her covers lips. He grabbed her by the waist and dragged her by a tree. She struggled to leave his grasp, but he was too strong. Next thing she knew, she was being slammed into a tree. Her breath hitched as she felt the pain in her back. She grunted. The slender girl shut her eyes close, scared and knowing what would happen next. He would eat her and she would never be able to see her father. He would never be healed and his condition would turn worse. Tears spilled out her light orbs. She failed to do just one thing that would make life or dead.

She truly was useless.

"Make a peep and I eat you. You can only speak if directed to. If you talk while I speak, I will punish you. Understand that?" The fox harshly whispered into her ear. She silently gasped as she felt his breath on her cheek. H-he's so close! She exclaimed in her head.

"Oy, answer my question." The stunned girl couldn't find any word anymore so she just nodded her head. "Ok then. Now hold still and don't ask questions." He ordered. The girl followed his orders, not wanting to make him mad and be punished.

The fox hybrid picked her up and threw her on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, and started walking forward. The girl squealed in bewilderment at the contact. Her legs were in his face while her upper body was trailing behind him. Hinata did not protest, for she would be punished if she did.

"I'm taking you somewhere secret. I promise not to eat you, as long as you don't irritate or provoke me. Got that?" He said.

"Y-yes..." Hinata answered. She gripped my basket tightly as I felt it slightly slip from her hand. She will deliver this to this to her father even if it costs her her life for his sake.

The cinnamon buns have a special medical ingredient in them that can heal someone in a matter of a day. It could cute diseases, infection, heck it could even cure cancer. That's why it was so important that she gives this to her father.

Once I'm out of his sight, I'll run!" She determinedly thought.

"By the way...my name is Naruto. What is yours?"

"M-my name is Hinata..." she told him.

In the background of this whole scene watching, was none other than the person the pushed the fox and blew his cover.

"Heh heh heh..." he chuckled to himself. "That's what you get for last time, dobe."

3rd chapter! Do you guys have an idea of who pushed Naruto?

Please vote and comment! I'll try to update as soon as possible.

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