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The raven haired was sleeping soundly and Maki can't concentrate on her reading.She closed her book and look at the girl beside her.Maki stared at her with knitted eyebrows,groaning.''Nico-chan...'' a little impatient,the red head stood up.She held the little girl's shoulder and started to shake it.''Nico-chan..!''

Finally,a minute passed,Nico opened her eyes as she was welcome with an annoyed crimson haired.

The raven haired groaned,''What's you're problem now..?'' She raised her arms and yawned when Maki removed her hands on her.

"It's already time to go home,you know.'' The crimson haired crossed her arms as she held her bag to her sides.''Anyway,why are you here?''

Nico stood up,following the other girl.She didn't reply immediately because she firstly removed the tear on her eyes cause of the continious yawning.''I was waiting for you here.'' Nico yawned again.''W-Well,sorry I fell asleep.I didn't get enough sleep because of last night's conversation.''

When the raven haired finally woke up and fixed herself,the two headed for the school gate,chatting about theirselves,with a slight arguing.

Out of nowhere,Nico suddenly brought up a shocking topic."Maki-chan,can I stay over at your house?'' Confident,the raven haired started startling Maki whose focused in her surroundings.

"Uehh?!'' The crimson haired look at the girl,eyes widened.She tried to bring words that came out just right.''W-Why?'' She started to feel her cheeks getting hot as she avoided eye contact with Nico.

"W-Why?'' The raven haired coughed,clearing her throat.''I-It's because...I,I want to do something.Y-You don't need to know what is it.'' When the redhead saw Nico blushed,she thought of things that a high school girl would think.

She thought of things that the raven haired might be done to her.Maki blushes as she shooked herself.

Calming down,the two walk in silence for a while until Maki spoke.''W-W-Well,it might not be bad h-having you,in my house.''

"E-Eh? Is it r-really okay?'' Slightly nervous,the raven haired look at Maki,widened.However a slight flush can be seen on her cheeks.

As if copying the other's expression,the crimson haired felt herself heat up.''Y-Yeah.''
"Mama and Papa w-won't be home until t-tomorrow evening anyway.'' Nico nodded.

As they continue to walk their way to the Nishikino residence,a somewhat awkward atmosphere surround them.They don't have any interesting idea to start,and it bothers the two.

After some long walking,the two finally reached their destination.Nico was stunned,in awe.She look up at the house in front of her,for some reason she can't help but feel jealousy.

The raven haired haven't noticed that Maki was already moving,and unlocking the front door of the mansion.''Aren't you going inside?''

The raven haired flinched and stuttered.''U-Uhhh...'' She can't clearly form words to say.She followed the crimson haired inside.''T-Thanks for having me.'' When she saw the inside of the house,she can't take off her eyes on it.''M-Maki-chan,you have a pretty big house.'' Almost a whisper,the crimson haired manage to understand the message.''Isn't it just normal?''

By what the girl said,Nico felt a bit annoyed.''W-Well,of course.It's definitely pretty normal...!'' Nico said sarcastically while she crossed her arms.

The crimson haired ignored the last reply.She was about to go to the living room when she heared some footsteps coming from one person in the room.Maki continued to go with the raven haired.

The two was welcomed by the red head woman that looks like Maki.''Oh my,welcome back Maki-chan.'' It was the crimson haired's mother,she suddenly hugged her daughter.''I-I'm home..?'' Maki muttered a bit surprised,but was heared by the two.

The crimson haired's mother shifted her gaze to the standing raven haired.''Are you my daughter's friend?'' She smiled at the stunned raven haired.Nico just managed to nod.''S-Sorry for intruding.'' She greet as she bowed.

"Oh my,what a cutie~Please,make yourself at home.'' The woman said.''I'm Maki's mother,nice meeting you.'' The two shake hands.The woman returned to Maki's.''It's already time,so I'm going to make dinner for us.'' She smiled as the crimson haired nodded.

"I-I'm going to help!..'' The raven haired tried to give assistance to Maki's mother,but got rejected''No,it's okay,you're the guest here.'' Mother Nishikino giggled then flee to the kitchen.

"Let's go..'' Maki suggested,the raven haired nodded and followed Maki upstairs,to the girl's room.

As they walk,the raven haired started a conversation.''Maki-chan,I thought your parents won't be here until tomorrow?''

"That's what I thought too.'' The crimson haired sighed and turn to a one door in the middle of the hallway.

She opened the door as Nico follows.When inside,the crimson haired noticed the girl beside her staring straight.Maki was somewhat confused at the other girl's behavior since arriving at her house.''Nico-chan,are you okay?''

The raven haired suddenly snapped out and looked at Maki whose looking at her.''Y-Yeah..'' She gulped,Nico was in awe since arriving in Nishikino residence.She can't completely turn to reality and was imagining things like,if she's born rich like Maki,she'll be having a king sized bed like what she dreamed to have,and a large room.Because there stood meters away from Nico,the bed and kind of room she dreamed of,unfortunately it was Maki's room.She felt jealous.

The raven haired whispered.''...As expected from a rich family.'' Nico decided that she will just going to ignore this feelings,'cause if she don't her plans for tonight might get ruin.

The crimson haired didn't clearly heared it so she started to ask.''Huh?'' The raven haired smiled.''Nothing..''

Maki didn't really pay any mind in that reply and went back to her purpose.She pointed at the couch and told Nico to put her bag there.Maki sat on her bed and started the awaiting topic to be discuss.''So,what do you want?''

"What do I want?...What are you talking about?'' Nico with a questioning look,shot back at the crimson haired.Maki knitted her brow but look away from the raven haired's eyes,nervous.''Don't forget things so easily.You told me before right?...Y-You said,you w-wanted to do something...'' She flushed pink.

Realizing something,Nico widen her eyes.''A-Ahhh,Yeah...Y-Yeah,did I said something like that?'' Her last sentence were whispered so the crimson haired didn't heared it.

"Then,what is it?'' The crimson haired tried to composed herself to hide her flush.

"Ehh,Umm..I-I just wanted to...see where you live?'' More like a question,Nico tried to dodge the question,the crimson haired asked.Because,number one,she don't really want to tell her,her plans,number two,if she told her all of that,Maki will surely get angry,for eternity.

Maki tilted her head and planted her confused look on her face.''Huh?'' Not really believing the raven haired's words.

Not looking at the staring crimson haired,Nico attempt to changed the subject.''A-Anyway,Your m-mom is really nice,huh~'' She teased Maki a little bit,luckily,it was a success,changing the topic because Maki blush slightly as the raven haired's teasing continued.

They talked about each other's parents with comparing their mothers' ability.The two argued a little but after that,they just giggled as if it's normal for them.

"Then,if your mother's here,then that means your father,as well?'' Nico brought up the crimson haired's father,because of this,the atmosphere between them changed.

"Uhh,Y-Yeah...'' The crimson haired replied in an awkward way as she shifted herself.Nico also noticed her changing behavior.''Uh,Erm,W-Well,I just want t-to say that your lucky in o-other way.'' The raven haired stammered as she once again tried to change the subject,thinking it was a mistake to brought that.

"W-What are you talking about?'' The crimson haired corrected the petite girl from the words she said,because she knew that she's not really lucky.Her father's words are absolute,it's like she doesn't have freedom.

"I-I mean,you're really lucky for having a father.My father's already gone so...'' The raven haired force to smile as she stopped midway,unable to say the next words because of the upcoming emotions.

Maki got surprised,she didn't know the raven haired's parents all along,so she can't really judge her.

The crimson haired was about to talk,comfort Nico as she noticed the tears that were about to fall.She wanted to be the one to wiped those crystal like tears,yet she don't want to see the raven haired crying,it was a weird feeling for Maki.

When a glint dropped,the raven haired suddenly wiped it and smiled.Maki felt somewhat bothered,thinking that the petite girl was faking her smile.

"N-Nevermind that! Let's just talk about other things~!'' Nico,in a blink of an eye,was back to her not so usual self.She tried to forcefully laugh,smile at the red head.

Maki was really bothered by this.Yet,she decided to go along with her to change the building intense atmosphere.She think of an idea to entertain the raven haired.

Fast thinking,the crimson haired thought of an idea,it was to play the piano for her.She have a personal music room,so she decided to dragged the raven haired in and play for her as thanks.

Nico was surprised,because of Maki's sudden holding her hands and dragging her to a unknown room.But without resistance,she obeyed.

This time,the two were inside the room,the crimson haired love.Maki shouldn't let someone enter this room except for her parents,but the raven haired wasn't a someone anymore.For Maki,she is a special person.Despite not having knowledge of the feelings welling up inside of her.She can't help but feel like the girl was special to her,an exception to be exact.

The crimson haired sat on the piano's chair,Nico didn't said a word and sat beside the other girl,making Maki flinched in surprise,yet,she let her be as she calmed herself.

While playing the piano,playing her favorite song,the two knew.Even if she don't know the reason why Nico knew it,she played it whole heartedly.They sang in unison,as they smile,full of delight.

When the song ended,the raven haired thank Maki.''Thank you,Maki-chan.'' And smiled,it was the smile,the crimson haired yearned for.

Knowing why she thank her,Maki also smile,a slight pink on her cheeks can be seen.

When Nico saw this gentle smile of Maki,she can't help but squeek in a teasing tone.''Kyaa~Maki-chan,you're really cute when you smile~!'' She suddenly hugged the crimson haired,making her surprised,blushing harder,resisting.''Not as cute as Nico though!'' Being boastful,again,as she tighten her hug.Maki was still resisting,pushing the raven haired off of her.

Nico didn't removed her hold until the two heared a tud and felt their body hurting from the fall.Maki was rubbing her head that hurts.

While doing this,she felt her face turned red like her hair when she saw the petite senior on top of her.Nico was also unconscious about what's happening,she's only staring down at Maki whose also doing the same.

They locked eyes,like they were glued into each other.Eventually,the space between them got smaller and smaller.Maki whispered.''G-Get off,of me...'' But ignoring it,the raven haired didn't budge.

Noticing the ignorance,the raven haired did,Maki didn't pay any mind anymore as their faces were almost an inch apart.Maki closed her eyes,wanting to feel what will going to happen.



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