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The raven haired's face was almost an inch apart from Maki,a slight move from the two,and their lips will come in contact.

Holding their breathe,as the two close their eyes,wanting to feel what will happen next.

Suddenly,Nico rose up and back away when she heared the knocking on the door.She immediately got off of Maki and stood.

The crimson haired was shocked,unable to stand up.Nico noticed this and gave the redhead a hand.''H-Here...'' Still embarassed,as she look away,avoiding eye contact,she put her hands in front of the stunned crimson haired.

"T-Thanks...'' She blushed as she held it and stood,Maki can't clearly process what just happened or why didn't she tried to resist even if she knew it was coming.Lots of question piled up in her head.She was in a daze when she heared the second or third knock of the door.''Maki?'' Said the person behind it.

She got startled when she heared her mother's voice."Y-Yes,C-Coming...'' Running for the door to open,still blushing,Maki shooked her head and tried to focus herself on the situation now.

She opened the door and faced her waiting mother.''W-What is it?''

"Ah,I was here to say that it's already time for dinner.'' Her mother smiled.

"Ah,Uh,Y-Yeah...'' Without looking at her mother,she tried to calm herself because she don't want to be seen blushing.

The crimson haired's mother tilted her head in question and confusion but didn't say a word and looked at the standing still petite girl behind her daughter.She caught her blushing,this makes her more confused.''Then,I'm going to wait for the two of you downstairs.'' She decided to let them be for now,she thought it was some serious business,so she left the two.

When her mother left,Maki didn't turn to the raven haired for a while,still thinking of before's event.It was quiet until Nico broke it by calling the latter's name.''M-Maki-chan...'' Still don't know what to say or what to do anymore.''...I-I'm hungry.'' She pretended to be and so the crimson haired finally look at her direction.

"T-Then,let's go downstairs...'' She still can't really understand as she continued to flush pink.

The two didn't really done it,or really kissed,it was just a nearly kissed,yet it was still kind of weird,while not knowing what Nico was thinking back there.The crimson haired fixed her building emotions,trying to process,trying to figure out why or what did she felt at those times.She don't know anymore.

There is a side in the crimson haired that she was weirded about that,but there is also a side where she wanted to feel those kinds of things.It's really a weird/gross feeling,like eating a fried grasshopper with strawberry filling.

While walking down in silence the two were somewhat in a tense awkward situation.No one spoke a thing until they reached the dinning room.A luxurious rectangular wooden table in the middle,a bit longer than a normal one,Nico was kind of surprised,first time seeing a table like those of a royalty.

The two sat beside each other despite the awkwardness between them.First to arrived was them,next were Maki's parents.Her mother didn't sat because she's the one serving the three people.The man with glasses,Maki's father,sat on the side of the table,a confident,prideful and intense high aura surround him,as the raven haired noticed.When the crimson haired's mother finished serving,she place on the other end of the table.

The four started eating,first,it was utterly silent,until the woman broke it,asking."How was it?'' Looking at the eating raven haired,as she noticed her eating like a soldier,a bit stiff.

"It was good!!!'' Nico yelled as she stood up,surprising the woman.She felt embarassed afterwards,noticing that her volume was too high that it can be heared up to the sky and because it was improper of her.She bit her tongue as a compensation while she carefully sat down again.''I-It was r-really good.''

The crimson haired looked at her,widen.Because Maki knew that her father won't like this bahaviors while having dinner,specially with the whole family.

Maki expected her father to stand up and lecture her,or walk out,but he didn't,when her mother spoke.''Well,I'm glad you liked it!'' Her mother giggled and smiled at the raven haired whose blushing.

While they continue to eat,her father now spoke,a little cold.''Maki,what is you're friend's name?'' Asking the crimson haired all of a sudden,because of nervousness she had in herself when speaking with her father,she stuttered.''Um,S-She's Yazawa Nico.'' Not looking at him,expecting the cold eyes he have.

The raven haired wince,when she heared herself being talk about.She looked at the father,the raven haired was somewhat in a shock when she saw his cold piercing eyes,like she was already being test even if she hadn't done anything yet.

"Yazawa Nico,huh...Yazawa-san..'' He called out as he was now facing the almost trembling raven haired.''Y-Yes,Sir.'' Her hands were sweating as she held the cold silver utensils on her hands.

"You are Maki's classmate,right?''

"N-No,Sir.I'm a third year,h-her senior.'' Nico was really trembling,but she was able to answer all of Maki's father's questions.

She gave a little intro to the crimson haired's parents,she was asked a lot of question by the father,including how they met.It was like an interrogation for her.Still,she was able to answer it all.This made the crimson haired kept quiet in amazement.

But when her father asked Nico about her dreams,the atmosphere change to very intense.The raven haired can't answer it at first but when she was about to,she was cutted off by the redhead,standing up.''Papa,I think that's a bit too much of a question.'' Despite being nervous,she spoke with confidence,defending the raven haired even if she knew she didn't need to.

She was also concerned about this topic,it's not really for the raven haired,it's really for her situation.Maki hated this kind of topic about dreams,mostly and specially when it comes to talking with her family.

Her father sighed and nodded but unnoticable.Her father also knew when he's already asking too much so he stopped and the four continued to eat.

"Oh,Maki,how's your studies,school?'' A little while passed,her father spoke,this time facing her daughter.

"It was fine,I'm always the first in our school..'' Said the crimson haired,as she look at her father.

"You better be,and you should focus more on studying.You need to be ready for entering the Medical School.Don't always mess around and play the piano.'' Her father said,pure emotionless.''Or else,I'm going to throw that piano away.'' Maki gasped,eyes widen,she was about to spoke,protest,but was broke by the suddenly standing raven haired.

Nico look like she was the one whose shocked,her eyebrows are slightly knitted,lips in contact,hands on the table as if demanding.''What?! No way!'' Not realizing that she yelled,the crimson haired's father look at the still raven haired,looking at her coldly.

Her father suddenly stood,surpassing Nico's height,glaring at her.When Maki saw this turn of events,she suddenly stood too,and was about to prevent the raven haired from talking anymore,but failed,when her mother held her.''Maki-chan,you know your father..'' When her mother whispered this,she backed away,even if she wanted to talk,prevent,defend Nico,she can't,because,as her mother said,she knew her father will only be upset more.He hated being cut off by words,he hated it when his enemy were being defend,specially by a family member.

This time,unfortunately,Nico was his enemy.He spoke as if killing a bird with words.''What did you say?!'' The two were glaring at each other,electric was already being form.

Nico didn't really mean to yell,she wanted this conversation flow smoothly,but because of her impatient,she didn't realized herself yelling.

She backed away,shrinking,when she saw the crimson haired's father's killer eyes.Nico didn't answer the man's question,as he was noticeably pissed.

After some minutes passed,glaring at each other,as the quiet game continued.Nico spoke,bursting her built frustration,still with respect to the father.''Do you love your daughter?'' Changing the topic.

Maki's father twitched,as if shocked at what the raven haired asked.The mother and daughter who were watching and listening were also a bit surprised.''What kind of question is that?'' He smirked.''What kind of father who wouldn't love their child?''

"Just answer the question,Sir.''

Her father didn't spoke,he just nodded and averted his glare to the raven haired and eye contact with the other two.While his ears turned red.

"Then,will you do anything for her?'' Nico asked,narrowing her eyes.

"What are you blurting out?! I should be the one getting answers to the questions..!''

Nico backed away,when Maki's father came back at the confident,respectful one.The raven haired didn't hesitate anymore,and decide to say it directly.

"Then,Why don't you let Maki choose what she wanted!!?''

Silence surround them again,cause of the burst,Nico let out.Making the crimson haired spoke now.''Nico-chan!''

The raven haired ignored Maki's pleaded of not wanting her parents to heared about this things.

"W-What are you talking about?! We've been giving Maki all the things that she wanted.'' Her father's eyes,were now again,glaring at Nico,as if wanting to remove her presence.

"Didn't you know that Maki was suffering?!''
"Don't you know how hard it is for her not to be able to choose what she wanted?!'' Nico panted,asking for air.

"Choose?'' The crimson haired's father muttered.

He gritted her teeth and steal the attention from the raven haired.''What do you know?!''

"Don't meddle with someone's family because you're a friend!'' He smashed his hands on the table.''Don't pretend that you really care!''

"I do care!!!''
"But what about you,her father,don't you care about her or what she likes?''

Because of Nico's words,Maki's father was surprised,he kept silent,listening.

"Specially,when she plays the piano.She plays it for you to feel the emotions she's puting in,on the piece,she want you to be proud of her.She loves music.She wanted to be free,and choose what she likes...''

"She wanted to be a Composer!!''

The crimson haired's father widen his eyes as he listen to every words,the raven haired had said.Maki and her Father were not really close,he don't really know everything about her daughter,including what she likes,or her ambitions.He straighten his back and looked at the raging raven haired,continuing her broken sentences.

"Not a doctor like her parents----!!!'' Suddenly,pain linger on Nico's cheeks,she bit her lip.She was slapped.

Looking at her surroundings,while
She held her throbbing cheeks.Nico took attention to the crimson haired standing beside her with a face covered by anger and tears.''M-Maki...-chan.'' The raven haired covered her cheeks with her palm.

"STOP IT,NICO-CHAN!!!'' Maki yelled,making her parents surprised at her sudden actions.

She slapped Nico whose now in tears,stopping her from any words that will come out of her mouth.She slapped her for reason.

She held the petite girl's other hand and dragged her into her room.Leaving her parents,looking at the two as they rush,out of their sight,shocked,dumbfounded.

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