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"NICO-CHAN,WHY!?'' Maki didn't intended to do that,but the raven haired got over the board that she won't stop herself from talking,so the crimson haired can't control herself anymore from bursting out of anger.What's worse,Nico yelled in front of Maki's father,that means a lot from her shame.

The crimson haired was boiling out of anger,taking it all out in front of the tearing Nico.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT!?'' Still holding the raven haired's hand,she tightly gripped her already throbbing wrist,making the girl flinched.''M-Maki-chan...T-That hurts.''

Maki loosen her hold and threw the raven haired's arm.''ANSWER ME!'' She sunked as she sat on the floor,crying.

Despite seeing her friend like this,Nico didn't regret what she has done.She already thought about the positive and negative things to happen.And one of them is this,Maki will get angry and will hate her,for sure.

Still,the raven haired took the risk because she has hope,she build them herself for her friend.She wanted this person to be happy.Even if that means she'll become ashame of herself.

Hoping that by doing all those things might change Maki's father's words.It's not 100% sure,but she expect it to succeed.

The raven haired kept silent,she's slightly tearing up as Maki's hiccups from her crying can be heared.
Minutes,Hours passed,the redhead finally calmed down and stood up.She glared at the tearing Nico,deadly glare as the raven haired described.Feeling a chill down to her spine and goosebombs formed on her arms.

Nico was helpless as Maki started to talk.''I thought you'd be a friend who'll understand me.I expected a lot from you!'' She breathe.''But,But what did you do?! You're about to ruin my relationship with my family! Is it fun playing,meddling with someone's relationship?!''

She cried,Nico was.She can't defend herself because she knew her actions were wrong.But the thing she hated is,what the crimson haired was blurting.She can't believe that she was being judge by Maki.Even if they are not whole truth.

Nico was not that kind of person and she herself knew that...Well,she already accepted on what will happen,so she didn't really made other words to say.Still,words hurts her,especially,words from the person who she cared most.


As expected,Nico's thoughts were not wrong that she'll be hated.She wanted to accept it,she did this so she wanted to think that it's okay.But still,she don't know why,but the tears started falling hard from her eyes.She can't breathe even if she wanted to.

Maki's sentence were cutted off without noticing it.The continues knocking of the door did it.They didn't mind the noise coming from the door as Nico and Maki continued their game.

Until they heared someone calling,The crimson haired was surprise.''Maki-chan,can I come in?'' That was her mother whose voice was calming as ever,that it made the crimson haired sigh,taking out the anger in her heart.

Maki and Nico didn't budge,they didn't open the door 'cause Maki's mother opened it without permision.

"Maki-chan,Your dad wanted to talk to you.''

Hearing this,the crimson haired started to tremble.She expect herself to be scold or even worse,throwing her piano away.She doesn't have a reason on how to close the topic anymore.It needed risk.She should be confident,she thought if she'll lie again like what she always did,but she knew her father wouldn't get caught into her palms unlike the people out of their mansion.Her father knew everything after all.Maki nodded and exitted her room without looking at the raven haired,being left out with her mother.

Currently,Nico was with the crimson haired's mother.Awkwardness linger around them,but the raven haired noticed Maki's mother was not in the same aura as the the two hotblooded family member.More like,her heart became calm as she look at her,whose smiling.

"Don't worry,I understand.'' She said as she step closer to the noticable tearing raven haired."Ever since then,I knew that she really love her piano,she love music.When she play for me,I can see her being another person,the Maki whose smiling." The crimson haired's mother embrace Nico like a mother would do to a lost child.

"It's okay,you can cry.'' The raven haired can't take the pain in her heart and throat anymore,and cried like a lost child.She hiccup as she returned the hug from Maki's mother.

"I'm glad you're Maki's friend.''


Despite being nervous,trembling,Maki didn't back away anymore.She was already found out,there's no way her father will let this pass.

She just recently realized that she can't be of the defensive,or being caved for the rest of her life,she decided that she will make the move now.

Even if she's angry to the raven haired,she's still somewhat grateful,its as if she gave her courage to surpass her nightmares and look forward in to the future.She regretted yelling at her.Worse,she said that she hated her without considering her true feelings.She can't help it,she was extremely angry that her mind is out of control.

Without realizing it, she already reached the office room of her father,she knew that he's always here that's why she went here.She held the knob and turned it as she pushed the door.

There,sat her confident father,leg crossed,fingers clamps.She suddenly felt fear again.But shooked her head and enter the room.

"Have a seat.'' Her father said coldly as she glared at Maki.''I'm going to ask you,so answer them truthfully.'' Maki didn't sat,she stood still.She nodded.She's nervous,scared,but she knew this was challenges.

"Then,let me ask to the point.'' He composed himself,and look directly at Maki whose legs are obviously trembling.''Do you have plan for the future?'' Maki flinched as she heared her father talking about it again.

Even if the raven haired already told about it,he wanted to be sure,he wanted her daughter to say it directly to him.

Maki gulped and nodded as she look on to the ground.

"Then,would you tell me what is it?''

She didn't respond immediately,forming words to say.''...I-I love playing the piano.''

The crimson haired's father raised her brow in question.Noticing this as she look at him,she continued her sentence.''..I-I want to b-be a c-compos----'' Because of nervousness,her words were cut off by her father.''Composer,right?'' He said coldly.The crimson haired nodded.

"Haven't you thought about being a doctor?''

Seconds passed before Maki talk,thinking at it thoroughly.''..I,I haven't.''

The crimson haired's father shifted his place and stood,stepping closer to Maki who continued to tremble in fear.She thought she'll gonna be scolded,or be kick out or even be hurt.

When her father's one step closer to her,she closed her eyes as glit of tear fell.

He raised her hand,and put them on top of Maki's head,patting her.''You've grown,Maki.'' Muttering his words to her daughter as Maki open her eyes to see her father smiling.First time seeing a smile from her father made her heart feel warm.Emotional,she cried.

"I won't ask anymore,because I now knew what my daughter wanted.'' He hugged Maki as she cried.''...P-Papa,Thank you.''

"It's been a while since you called me.I've missed it.'' He smiled like a caring father he is.They opened up with each other, as a father and daughter.

The crimson haired felt like he knew his father now.In just a short while,they felt closer than before.Maki was thankful,grateful,full of delight,she didn't expect this herself.She didn't expect her father to be this kind despite how he look,well,sometimes he's strict but Maki knew that is for her own good.

They broke their emotional hug and her father started to explain.''I'm sorry,Maki.'' He look down.''It's not like we really wanted to choose for you.It's just didn't said a thing,about your dreams,about your plans.So we thought that you have nothing in mind.You're talented,that's why I thought it's a waste if you didn't use them.'' He look directly at his daughter again.''We don't want our daughter to be empty,that's why I decided to push you on being a doctor and be the one to continue our work in our hospital.''

"Papa...'' Is all Maki said,she realized everything.Yes,it's true she haven't told them what she dreamed,and so that's the root of them all.Because of the crimson haired's cowardness,she's at fault.

"But now that you said that you have plans,it made me glad.At first I didn't believe it coming from your friend's mouth.That's why I said something unpleasant to her.I'll apologize to her.'' He put her arms on her daughter's shoulder.''But,what I've seen earlier,you need to apologize too."

That's where she realizes it,she slapped the raven haired.She nodded

When Maki was about to leave,her father held her shoulder once again.''And also,thank her for everything.'' He smiled.

The crimson haired left him,as she dashed out and went into her room.

She just noticed them,the things what Nico has done.She's an idiot for not noticing earlier.Nico was the one who gave her courage,she was the one who's always there right by her side, but what the crimson haired did were unforgivable,she talked dirty and think lowly of her.Maki started to cry.She's thinking that she's really an idiot,she regretted not paying any mind.Nico was there,but she tried to push her away.She's the one who got it worse.She's the one who was hurt the most.

The crimson haired's burden were carried by Nico all along.She was the one shouldering most of them.She was left behind carrying all the burden by herself.

Maki was running for her room,she wanted to apologize and thank the raven haired.She's crying.Even if she'll never be forgiven,she just wanted to thank her properly.

Finally,she reached her destination.She opened the door without hesitation.Inside she saw her mother embracing Nico whose doing the same.She's crying like a child.

"I'll be going now.'' Said Maki's mother as she immediately exitted the room,when she noticed her daughter entered.Nico's eyes were now fixiate at the person who entered the room.''Maki...-chan.''

Without paying anymind anymore,Maki hug Nico which made her surprised.''M-Maki-chan?!''

The crimson haired didn't spoke,she continued her tight embrace on the raven haired.

"W-What happened?!'' The raven haired was,of course,shocked from the sudden embrace coming from the earlier angry Maki.

''ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!'' The crimson haired looked at her,still crying.



"W-What are you talking about?!''

The crimson haired didn't respond anymore,she continued to cry which Nico gave respect and patted her head with her arm in embrace.

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