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The moon was hidding as the sky darkened,clouds forming in one place for the crying scarlet princess.The sky started to cry in unison with the redhead.Arms embrace at her petite senior.

After the crimson haired explained what all happened,including those things that her father said and what she shouldn't have did.
Nico gave Maki a reassuring smile as possible,as Maki continued her flowing emotions.

"Maki-chan...'' Nico called,trying to comfort the crimson haired.When she received nothing but cries,she tried to raise Maki's head to join it with hers,holding the crimson haired's cheeks with both hands.Their foreheads were touching each others,Maki reacted a little.

"N-Nico-chan..?'' She rubbed her eyes that were red.Tears won't stop even if she tried to,she can't help but remember the things she did to the raven haired.

Still,Maki was still a little bit sentimental.She can't even look in to the raven haired's eyes even if right now she needed to.

Silence filled with a calm yet tense atmosphere surround the two.They did not spoke a single word until before's crying princess managed to build up her courage,abandoning her awkwardness as she look into Nico who's waiting for Maki to speak.
"...I..-I'm sorry!..'' Is the word she managed to say.Even if she wanted to tell her a lot,and thank her.But what she prioritize right now is apologizing which made the other person become confused.

"....W..Why?!'' Nico replied,a bit surprised and confused.''I didn't really do anything.I just thought I might help you because you're my friend.''

Maki shrugged.She doesn't seem comfortable as she tell her the truth.''I-It's just that...''

"I-I'm really sorry.For everything that I said to you,f-for hurting you...I truly am sorry and thank you for the things you did.''

Nico tilted her head and smile.''..Maki-chan,are you supposed to be in your dere mode?'' She joked because of the serious atmosphere that she can't take.

"W-What do you mean by that?!'' The crimson haired blushed.''Y-You ruined the mood!''

"I mean,I wanted to apologize to you,I...---'' Maki flinched and was cutted by Nico's actions.

Nico put her index finger on Maki's lips to sealed them.''..It's fine,I forgive you.'' She smiled.

"But you shouldn't! I did a horrible thing to you.How can you just forgive me?!'' Maki stood as she waved her hand disagreeing.''I'm an idiot!!'' Tears started to run down on her face again.

A moment of silence between the two as Nico,whose looking at the crying crimson haired.

"...You're right.'' She sighed.''You might be an idiot...sometimes.'' Nico stood up and take closer look at Maki.

The raven haired cupped her hands on Maki's cheeks as she started to talk.''Your an idiot,when it comes to relationship,or when it comes to yourself.'' Her right hand whipped Maki's tears.''And that is your problem...''

"Huh?...'' Maki only replied,as she started getting confused.'Maki is an austanding student,a perfect girl.She's that what you wanted to be.' Is what the she always heared from anyone.

"I thought from the first time I saw you,you're a perfect person." Nico added as she patted Maki on the head.''But when I actually talked to you,I changed those wishful thoughts.'' Nico smiled again.

"'I think this girl is actually not so perfect' is what I told myself.''

Maki rubbed her other eye as she stopped the tears from flowing.''..I-I don't understand you.''

A few moments later,Maki completely stop crying and started to yawn.Nico started to look at the clock.''Shouldn't you go to bed?'' She pointed at the wall clock.

"...I guess,but!'' Maki held the raven haired hand.''Well,shouldn't you stay here f-f-for tonight?'' With her eyes bright red from the crying,she asked.

"E-Eh?! Is that all right? I mean,you know.'' Nico started to get nervous.She didn't expect this but might as well ride on it.''I-If it's fine,then I'll stay,for tonight.'' The two of them blushed,not knowing what kind of atmosphere is building.

"I-It's not like I really wanted to! It's just that,t-this is just a form of apology and it's r-raining hard outside!'' Maki started to panicked and pointed in and out of the house.''....I-I don't want y-y-you to catch a c-cold..!''

The raven haired sighed.''Is that supposed to be your tsundere mode?!'' Nico pretend to widened her eyes in surprise.''...What a common sight!''

"W-What do you mean by that?!'' Maki shouted in embarrasment.''What is a tsundere anyway?! You've been telling me words that I don't recognized!''

Nico giggled.''At last,Maki-chan did you come back to the true you?''

"..Eh?'' Maki tilted her head and furowed her brow.

"I mean,this past hours it's not like you,you know.'' Nico smirked.''I got to see a different expression of Maki-chan.I should have taken pictures,it's a rare sight after all.'' She started to snatched her cellphone from her pocket and click on it.''You know,I always look at you and you always have this kind of face,like,you're bored or what,it's kind of annoying.Somehow,I wanted to make you smile or lau----''

Nico noticed the silent replies and her own thought of words bursting out of her mouth.She started to blush and looked away from the crimson haired.''I-I mean...''

"Huh...'' Maki (pretending) sighed.''W-What are you even talking about?'' Maki averted herself from the raven haired and tried to hid her face as possible as she was clearly bright red ear to ear.

"A-Anyway,I'll send a message to my mom that I will stay over at a friends house.'' Nico started using her phone and do what she should do.

A few hours or so later,the two are currently asleep,is what each others thought.Maki was obviously on her bed while Nico was on the futon on the floor.

And it seems like the crimson haired's before sleepiness was just a short while and basically she can't sleep now.''...A-Are you awake?'' She asked,not expecting an answer.

Silence only answers Maki's question but then a short hum,she heared.''....What is it,Maki-chan?'' Nico asked.

"C-Can I hear more?'' The crimson haired was flipped to her left side while Nico was the same.

"W-What do you mean?''

Maki flipped to her right side and answered.''What you're saying before.I m-mean,why you thought I am not so perfect.''

A slight hesitation on Nico's side to answer the crimson haired.''...You're an idiot.''

"..Eh?Is that it?" Maki sighed.''But it's kind of conflicting.''

"If you think about it Maki-chan,you're an idiot and that's what doesn't make you perfect.''

"..So,I needed to study more?''

"No no no,it isn't about studying.'' Nico sighed.''You know,there are things you don't need to study so that you'll know.'' Nico rosed from her laying position and sat,looking at Maki with a senior vibe.

"Then what do you need to do?'' Maki asked.

"You remember what I told you that you're idiot when it comes to relationships and yourself?'' She pointed her index finger upward as if a idea signal.The crinson haired nodded and hum.

"Maki-chan,when talking about relationships,what comes into your mind?''

Maki scratch her cheeks as if a cue.''..It's the bond that form into each other person,I guess?''

"No,you're all logical thinking.That's the problem of a really genius person,I say.'' Nico retorted and waved her hand.

"When talking about relationships,isn't it supposed be L-Love that first come to your thoughts?'' Nico explained.''Love has many forms,t-that's why.''

Silence again for the two of them.Maki should understand,because she love playing her piano but she didn't.''I l-love my piano.''

"What?!'' The raven haired exclaimed not expecting this answer from Maki.''Yes,I knew you love you're piano but h-haven't you f-fallen for a person y-yet?'' Nico was obviously blushing,she really wanted to asked this but changed it anyway.''I-I mean,you do know that you should love your family,your friends,or a living,right?''

"...Do you really think I'll be that stupid?'' Maki let out a deep breathe.''Of course,I do.''

"I-I get it now so l-let's stop talking about that.'' She once again rolled to her right side.Maki blushes

" long as you understand.'' Nico looked through the large window,she can see the heavy rain that is taking.

"..Nico-chan.'' Maki called.

The raven haired twitch as she didn't expect to be called.''W-What is it?''

"Nico-chan,w-why did you do all that?'' The crimson haired started to sit on the bed and face Nico whose staring at her now.

"W-What is?'' Nico knew what she was talking about but wanted to try confirming it first.

"W-Why,did you do all those things even if I might h-hate you?'' Maki's eyes started to plead and sparkle as she was curious from the start.With a slight blush.

There is an hesitation in the raven haired's words,her started beating faster than before as if she didn't want to tell her but needed to.Nico is bright red like the color of Maki's hair.Even if there is always a risk in Nico's words she chose them carefully and came to a main three words.

"It's because,I Love You,that's why.''

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