All Fur

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Author notes at the end

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

"You must have hit him too hard with that fat fist of yours!" a soft voice accused.

"I panicked! There's no need to fat shame!" said another.

"Do you want me to give him an imaginary erection? That'll wake him up."


"It was just a suggestion."

Seokjin awoke, groggy, to the sound of faint unfamiliar voices and the smell of mould and rusted metal.

He looked around, trying to get used to the brightness of the room he was in but everything was slow to focus. He could only make out the light of the torches that lined the walls either side of him.

He felt like he was sitting in a chair. He didn't feel anything binding him to it but his head hurt.


Worse than the time when he was nine and his oafish cousin, Jihoon, accidentally poked him in the eye with the hilt of their grandfather's longsword.

He groaned, his eyes slowly adjusting to reveal three men that surrounded him in a small semi-circle. The first he saw stood at about 5-feet-8 with a petite face, almond shaped eyes and almost feline features. The second, was smaller and cuter by comparison 5-feet-5 maybe 6 with round cheeks and pouty lips.

But it was the appearance of the third that made Seokjin snap fully awake.

He was HUGE.

He had the same kind of purple eyes and point tipped ears as the other two but a larger set mouth and eyes. Proportioned as any normal man would be, only very muscular. And super sized. 8-feet at least.

And when he saw Seokjin staring at him he grinned.

"Rise and shiiiiiine, Highness," he sang, and squatted next to the cute one so that the height difference evened out. It also meant that Seokjin didn't have to crane his neck as much to look at him.

The cute one dipped into a little curtsey. "Your Majesty," he bubbled but then stuttered, eyes going big.

"I-I mean, If you don't clean up your room there will be no dandelions for dessert!" he cried but when Seokjin gaped at him confused, his cheeks dusted pink.

"No... Sorry- that's ugh, let me start over!" he stressed, hands flailing and Seokjin watched, brows raised as he poked a small but stern finger in Seokjin's face.

"No funny business or there will be serious consequences... Like maybe we'll dye your hair green, or you'll die and then turn green!" he cried and the big one hummed.

"Yes, but we're pro choice so we'll let you choose which option you want," he said with a wink. "Just for you~"

"Death by erection is also an option. Just so you know," the feline one offered sagely, and the cute one turned and slapped his shoulder.

Seokjin clutched the chair beneath him. The metal starkly cold against his palms and fingertips while his eyes darted between the funny looking men.

"Who are you?" Seokjin blurted, trying not to sound as scared as he felt. "What are you? Elves? Sprites?"

"Sprites!?" the big one chimed, "I love Sprites!"

The cute one scoffed. "Ew but Elves? Them and their long blonde hair... midnight laughs... and magic touches... so pretty... who'd wanna be like that?" he whispered, spacing out.

"Jimin, are you thinking about that time I caught you bingeing tree sap and scream-crying into a sunflower because you weren't born an Elf?"

"N-No, I wasn't. Shut up Yoongi!"

Seokjin frowned. "Well if you're not Sprites or Elves, what are you?"

"We're Pixies," the big one tinkled, proud, and Seokjin gasped.

He'd heard stories of Pixies. Lawless and mischievous creatures that possessed great powers, but had long ago been banished by his great-grandfather to live in the Swamp as punishment for all their dastardly deeds. In the books his mother used to read to him as a babe they'd been depicted as tiny razor toothed creatures that had wings and a fondness for pointed shoes. Nothing like the full grown, wingless men that stood before him now.

Somewhere behind them the door to the room opened then closed and Seokjin felt this weird sensation. The beginnings of terror starting to creep up his spine.

"If he's awoken stop stalling and torture him," a deep voice growled, and the Pixies flinched then turned their heads to look at the new arrival.

Seokjin craned his neck trying to look too but couldn't see around the big one's massive size.

When the Pixies turned back around the cute one nudged the feline one with a pleading look, and the feline one rolled his eyes but stepped forward.

Then without warning Seokjin felt something whisper over his feet.

He looked down and jolted, letting out a scream when he saw two black vipers curling themselves around his ankles. Blood red gazes boring holes into his own as they slid up his legs. He tried to stand to shake them loose but the big one appeared behind him and held him down. Forcing him to watch as the vipers continued their ascent, winding slowly up his torso and arms.




Seokjin shuddered. "What did you do to my manservant? What do you want with me?" he pushed out, then shut his mouth and screamed with it closed as he felt one of the vipers tongues ghost his chin.

"Enough, or he may soil himself."

A female voice said and suddenly his shoulders were free and the hissing and restricting pressure around his neck was gone.

The vipers were nowhere to be seen and the Pixies were walking away. The big one losing muscle mass and shrinking into a normal size- 5 feet 8 or so, right before his eyes.

Seokjin shot to his feet, then resisting the urge to fix his appearance, opened his mouth to demand an explanation but lost his tongue when he saw who the Pixies had joined at the door.

Another Pixie, slightly older with handsome features but mean eyes and Seokjin's step-sister, Irene.

The Evil Queen.

Heavens, he was in trouble now.

The Queen swept the length of her long grey cape aside with a secret smile then sashayed into the room. "Oh my my my, you're a long way from your castle, Seokjin. Perhaps you should have stayed there."

He licked his lips and looked around the room. What should he do?

He wished Jooheon was here to tell him.

"You'll never get away with this," he said, stalling.

The Queen laughed and it was the same as he'd always remembered. Tinkling and horrifying.

"On the contrary, step-brother. I think that soon you will be begging at my feet for scraps."

Seokjin swallowed hard. Only then noticing the golden retriever being held on a leash by the mean Pixie. It seemed bigger than most retrievers and more golden, and it stared at him unnervingly like it knew him.

The curiosity got the better of him. "What is that?" he asked and the Queen smiled then held her hand out to the side, her gaze never leaving his.

"It's a dog," she answered, and Seokjin frowned as the three Pixies he'd woken up to earlier stifled their giggles behind her.

"All that time in higher education is still being put to good use, I see," the Queen mocked, as the mean one walked over and placed the leash into her awaiting hand. The desire in his eyes palpable as he stood beside her and leered over her form.

Seokjin had seen that look before.

This wiley woman was still up to her old tricks!

With a knowing smirk the Queen turned her head and slowly raised the hand with the leash in it up to the Pixies face, stroking him affectionately under the chin for a moment before bending down and doing the same to the retriever.

"A pretty pup isn't he. Do you like him?" she asked softly and then giggled. "I hope you do Seokjin, because you're going to spend the rest of your life stuck inside his body."

She stood to her full height then and Seokjin dimly realized that the dog was free of his leash and bounding toward him. He backed up but the dog caught up to him easily, jumping and placing his paws on this chest. Seokjin grabbed them to push him off but his hands wouldn't move as if glued there then there was a loud whoosh and the world began to spin.

A whirlwind of bright sparks twirled around them, enclosing them and growing faster, larger, taller.

Or was he shrinking?

He felt his skin tingle and loosen and his senses sharpen. He could hear quickened breaths, constant dripping and make out the smell of running water, rotted wood and swamp moss then as if it had never happened the whirlwind disappeared and his perspective had shifted.

Seokjin found himself looking at his own breeches but he was no longer the one wearing them.

His head snapped down and his hands were now paws. Hairy paws. Golden hairy paws, and his body- or what was his body, was now panting with his tongue out and his arms cocked and bent like a dog would do if it were standing on its hind legs.

Oh dear.

The Pixies started to whoop and clap, gleeful and Seokjin reared back unaccustomed to the noise. The sharpness and clarity of it assailing his newly granted doggy senses until it dissipated. Under control with a tiny assertion of concentration.

His paw stamped the floor.

"They'll have your head for this!" Seokjin told the Queen- the sound coming out as a bark.

The Queen's smile was constant now, delighted. "You know, I do think he's trying to tell us something," she said, looking over her shoulder and the Pixies laughed.

Seokjin shook his head, frustrated, and felt flapping against his head. He realized it was his ears. And he had a tail that batted fast with agitation against his hindquarters. He looked over at the dog- in his body, and saw him shakily trying to balance himself on two legs, unused to being upright.

The Queen saw where Seokjin was looking and her smile dropped. "Grab him," she ordered, and the three younger Pixies instantly tripped over one another to do what they were told.

Seokjin noted as they moved this cleared a space in the door so when the feline one reached him first, he did the first thing he could think of and bit him right in his skinny pale calf muscle. Then ignoring his loud yowl, Seokjin ran.

The motion felt strange for only a moment before his body's instincts took over.

"Stop him don't let him get away!" the Queen demanded, and the Pixies were quick to pounce but not nearly quick enough.

With his newfound agility Seokjin dodged through the clutches of the cute one and shot through the legs of the not-so-big one. His new body built for speed and endurance as he settled into a swift looping stride and headed toward the door.

The last thing he perceived as he burst through it into the corridor was the Queens piercing shriek of outrage.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Quiz - Did you catch the song reference?

Pyo Jihoon (Block B) - The oafish cousin

So Seokjin's a dog now. And you kinda know what Yoongi and Hoseok's powers are? You'll be able to see what Jimin can do very soon.

Any questions? Feel free!

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

Summary for the the title fairytale...

All fur ~ Brothers Grimm

This king is married to a beautiful queen with golden hair. She falls ill, and before dying, makes him promise that he'll only marry someone as beautiful as her and with her same golden hair.
The king's advisers pressure him to marry again, but they can't find a suitable bride. This goes on for a while until the king lays eyes on his daughter, who's now grown up and looks a lot like her mother. He declares that he will marry his own daughter. The daughter stalls for time by asking for three magical dresses (one as golden as the sun, one as silver as the moon, and one as bright as the stars) as well as a cloak made up from all kinds of fur found in the kingdom. The king accomplishes this so she takes the dresses and runs, disguising herself in the animal coat. She finds work in the next kingdom over, in a palace kitchen. The king there holds a ball, and she washes up and puts on the golden dress to attend. The king adores her and dances with her and her alone. This happens a second and third time and she busts out the silver and starry dresses for each occasion. She also drops things in the king's soup, like a golden ring and tiny golden spinning wheel. Finally the king slips a ring on her finger during their last dance together. When she delivers the king's food after the ball, he grabs her and sees the ring on her finger. He rips off her cloak, revealing the starry dress, and declares that they'll be married.

|Named for Seokjin and his golden fur |

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