The Wolf & the Fox

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Author notes at the end

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Who would have thought her spoiled step-brother would turn out to be so troublesome?

The Queen narrowed her eyes at the darkened corridor he'd disappeared into. She hadn't expected him to adapt to his new form so quickly, or for him to be fast enough to outmaneuver the Pixies.

A lapse in judgement that she would not be repeating again.

"Your brothers are slow," the Queen said, still glowering toward the door and she didn't need to look to know the Pixie King was glaring icicles into his three siblings.

"We'll get him for you," one of them said, voice shaky, "We promise."

"He can't get far. It's a prison. Not like he can unlock doors," another said, and she sneered at the extreme obviousness of the statement.

Out of all the Pixies in the Nine Kingdoms she had to end up with these bumbling morons.

She whirled around. "Go now!" she shouted, and the three of them yelped then took off like a shot. Limbs flailing and squeals echoing off the walls of the corridor as they disappeared down it.

If Seokjin had any sense at all he would be able to keep them chasing his tail around for hours.

An inconvenient revelation considering he had just proven to be alot more gutsy and astute then she had ever given him credit for.

"They'll find him, My Queen," a deep voice said into her ear, and she resisted the urge to reach up and curl her fingers around the tall Pixies neck.

He was the Pixie King and the failures of his brothers were a direct reflection of his poor leadership.

She lifted her gaze to his and ever so delicately traced her fingertips across his lips. His pupils dilated.

"Within a month I will have crushed the house of Snow White. I will rule Seokjin's castle and kingdom," the Queen murmured, her eyes never leaving the Pixie. "And for helping me escape you will rule beside me."

The Pixie leaned into her touch, chasing her fingers as she lowered her hand.

"You will be mine?" he asked, greedily. "The kingdom too?"

The Queen turned to him fully then, biting her lip seductively. "Would you like that, my love? To not be banished to living in the Swamp anymore? To have me all to yourself for the rest of eternity..." She raised her chin slightly so her lips brushed his, teasing and he tensed, something cunning glinted in his eyes.

"What do I need to do?" he asked and the Queen bit her lip to stop herself from smiling.

The handsome simpleton. He was too easy to bend. She could use him very well.

"All I ask is that you and your brothers keep serving me until they have caught the Prince for me," she told him and his expression relaxed.

"That's all?"

She stepped back from him then walked over to the dog who was now on all fours and sniffing the floor. The sight of him doing so in her step-brothers body was both irksome and pleasing.

"And tell no one of my plans and what you have witnessed, of course," she said, stroking his blonde hair lightly.

To her surprise, The Pixie didn't answer for a moment and when she looked at him he appeared disgruntled, as if displeased with the distance she had put between them.

"Do you agree?" she pressed and at the impatience in her tone his eyes narrowed.

She could almost see the cogs in his brain turning, warring between greed and suspicion before eventually the greed seemed to win and his mouth turned up into a sly grin.

"I agree," he answered and the Queen walked back towards the Pixie, touching him on the cheek. His purple eyes hooded when he felt her hand slide from his cheek, and down his neck to settle over his chest. The caress making him shudder.

She noticed his hands were flexing at his sides, straining with his need to touch her but she knew he wouldn't- couldn't, without her permission.

No man could.

"A wise decision," She slipped her other hand into his waistcoat pocket and took the prison keys out. "Now be a dove and keep an eye on the dog for me while I fetch something of importance," she murmured enticingly and he gulped and nodded.

She turned, then with one last sultry look over her shoulder made her way through the door, toward the general public cells.

As the inmates saw her, they either shouted nonsensical things or pleaded for their release. Some hung from the bars, imploring. Others reached for her as she passed.

"Noona, you're so pretty!" one yelled, his long face pressed against the door of his cell. A small human with quite elfin features.

The rest were a motley crowd; scarred, hideous looking and reeking of desperation and impending death.

Neither the tiny human male nor any of these roughened louts were of any interest to her.

She needed strength, smarts, speed and guile.

She needed singularity.

Someone special who could outrun all the King's horses and all the King's men if the occasion arose.

The Queen was nearing the end of the block when a flash of dark hair and silver eyes within one of the cells caught her eye. There one second and gone the next. The poor reach of the torches made it impossible to see far into the pitch black areas in the cell but she was confident someone was there.

The Queen stopped and approached. "Show yourself," she commanded, and after a moment a dark silhouette came out from the blackness and stepped forward.

The low flickering light slowly revealing a young human male- and a handsome one at that.

His face could have been described as boyish but also chiselled, his long ebony hair fell just over his eyes and framed his cheeks but it complimented his sharp strong bone structure, and he had deep onyx eyes and shapely lips. But it was his stature and the way he moved that truly drew her attention.

He was tall. Well above 6 feet and strappingly muscled. One would expect the bulk to inhibit the way he carried himself but this male- he moved with a litheness and grace that almost appeared... Animalistic.

When he saw her openly surveying him, he gave her a roguish grin. "Hello, Miss. Like what you see?" he said and the Queen raised a brow.

A charmer, with a melodious voice, deep and rich. The kind of voice a man should have.

She held her nose high and looked into his eyes, noting a slight spark of something primal. This was more than a human male. This was something else.

"What are you?" she questioned, and his cocky expression fell away instantly replaced by one of wide eyed incredulity.

"Me? I'm just an innocent man framed for a crime he didn't commit-"

"Do not make me ask again," she snapped, and his gaze caught hers holding it for a moment before his head dipped slightly with submission. He could tell who she was and that she was not one to be trifled with.

His eyes changed, flared silver for a moment then returned to his normal dark brown. "I am half wolf," he admitted and the Queen hummed.

How interesting.

Wolves of any kind were a rare find. Persecuted creatures unwelcome and feared by all. Most had been hunted near to extinction by farmers and village folk, and the rest had either gone into hiding or were thought to have died out.

But a half wolf...

A full wolf would have been better with their attributed abilities, strength and speed that reached far beyond those of any man- or canine, but a half wolf was still as formidable an opponent for any.

The Queen took out the keys and dangled them in front of the bars between thumb and forefinger. "If I let you out, you must serve me without question," she said, and his eyes snapped to the keys and back with a grin.

"If you let me out I'll be or do anything you want," he rasped excitedly, and she lowered the keys and then stared intensely into his eyes. He frowned a little at this, blinking before quirking his head, intrigued.

"Give your will to me," she compelled and he shook his head to clear it, resisting.

Not so simple to sway, this one.

She narrowed her eyes then glided up to the bars and wrapped a hand around one of them. "Be my wolf to summon and control. Give me your allegiance," she tried once more, and for a while he just stood there; eyes flickering and chest heaving but then he looked away, then looked back at her quietly and slowly nodded.

An unspoken oath as good as a contract signed with blood on stone.

Satisfied, the Queen stopped her compulsion and stepped away from the bars to slide the keys into the lock. "There is a very special golden dog on the loose in the prison," she informed then pulled the door open. "It's Prince Seokjin and I need you to find him and bring him back to me at all costs."

The young man stepped out of the cell and stretched his long brawny arms above his head, his oversized grey prison shirt tickling the waistband of his black trousers.

"Prince Seokjin, huh," he groaned out. His voice was disinterested but his eyes glinted, excited. "Sounds like a fun way to spend my first day of freedom."

"Make no mistake, if you fail me I'll make you wish I'd left you for dead in this shoebox of a cell," she warned and he immediately lowered to one knee and bowed his head in fealty.

"Your wish is my command, My Queen."

The Queen gave him a stiff nod. "Run along then. There are Pixies searching for the Prince too. I will call for you when I need you," she said, then spun on her heel and took a few steps before halting and throwing him a look over her shoulder. "By the way, Wolf. What is your name?"

The wolf raised his head and looked at her from under long dark bangs and eyelashes.

"Jungkook, Your Majesty," he replied, "Jeon Jungkook."

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Quiz - Did you catch the song reference?

Key (Shinee) - The shouty prisoner

JK is heeeeerrrre.
Now all the main characters have been introduced. Main ship is still Taekook but fyi the perspectives may often switch. We building it brick by brick.

Any questions? Feel free!

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Summary for the title fairytale...

The Wolf & the Fox ~ Brothers Grimm

The wolf had the fox with him, and whatsoever the wolf wished, that the fox was compelled to do, for he was the weaker, and he would gladly have been rid of his master. It chanced that once as they were going through the forest, the wolf said, "Red-fox, get me something to eat, or else I will eat thee thyself." Then the fox answered, "I know a farm-yard where there are two young lambs; if thou art inclined, we will fetch one of them." That suited the wolf, and they went thither, and the fox stole the little lamb, took it to the wolf, and went away. The wolf devoured it, but was not satisfied with one; he wanted the other as well, and went to get it. As, however, he did it so awkwardly, the mother of the little lamb heard him, and began to cry out terribly, and to bleat so that the farmer came running there. They found the wolf, and beat him so mercilessly, that he went to the fox limping and howling. "Thou hast misled me finely," said he; "I wanted to fetch the other lamb, and the country folks surprised me, and have beaten me to a jelly." The fox replied, "Why art thou such a glutton?"
Next day they again went into the country, and the greedy wolf once more said, "Red-fox, get me something to eat, or I will eat thee thyself." Then answered the fox, "I know a farm-house where the wife is baking pancakes to-night; we will get some of them for ourselves." They went there, and the fox slipped round the house, and peeped and sniffed about until he discovered where the dish was, and then drew down six pancakes and carried them to the wolf. "There is something for thee to eat," said he to him, and then went his way. The wolf swallowed down the pancakes in an instant, and said, "They make one want more," and went thither and tore the whole dish down so that it broke in pieces. This made such a great noise that the woman came out, and when she saw the wolf she called the people, who hurried there, and beat him as long as their sticks would hold together, till with two lame legs, and howling loudly, he got back to the fox in the forest. "How abominably thou hast misled me!" cried he, "the peasants caught me, and tanned my skin for me." But the fox replied, "Why art thou such a glutton?"
On the third day, when they were out together, and the wolf could only limp along painfully, he again said, "Red-fox, get me something to eat, or I will eat thee thyself." The fox answered, "I know a man who has been killing, and the salted meat is lying in a barrel in the cellar; we will get that." Said the wolf, "I will go when thou dost, that thou mayest help me if I am not able to get away." "I am willing," said the fox, and showed him the by-paths and ways by which at length they reached the cellar. There was meat in abundance, and the wolf attacked it instantly and thought, "There is plenty of time before I need to leave off!" The fox liked it also, but looked about everywhere, and often ran to the hole by which they had come in, and tried if his body was still thin enough to slip through it. The wolf said, "Dear fox, tell me why thou art running here and there so much, and jumping in and out?"
"I must see that no one is coming," replied the crafty fellow. "Don't eat too much!" Then said the wolf, "I shall not leave until the barrel is empty." In the meantime the farmer, who had heard the noise of the fox's jumping, came into the cellar. When the fox saw him he was out of the hole at one bound. The wolf wanted to follow him, but he had made himself so fat with eating that he could no longer get through, but stuck fast. Then came the farmer with a cudgel and struck him dead, but the fox bounded into the forest, glad to be rid of the old glutton.

| Named for Jungkook the wolf and Irene the wily fox |

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