The Pilot

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Two boys were sitting on a bus to Boston reading a book filled with fairytales. they were currently reading the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

"That a good book?" A woman asked the two boys. "Oh it's so much more then that" the blonde boy said. "He's right " the boy with brown hair said. "Oh the woman said. "Boston, South Station. Thank you for riding Greyhound" the driver announced.

The two boys got off the boys and found a taxi. the brunette haired boy knocked on the window. The driver  rolled it down. "Uh... You take credit cards?" He asked showing a credit card that the other boy had no idea how he got. "Where to, chief?" The driver asked the boys.

The two boys were standing outside a apartment door. The blonde boy saw that his friend was shaking. He rubbed his friends back in comfort and took his hand.

The brunette boy smiled at him and ringed the doorbell . A blonde haired woman wearing a red dressed answered the door. "Uh? Can I help you two?" she asked the boys. "Are you Emma Swan?" The brunette boy asked."Yeah. Who are you?" she asked them.

"He's Henry" the blonde boy said. "I'm your son" Henry said. The woman went wide eyed and the boys went into the apartment.

"Whoa! Hey, kid! Kid! Kid! I don't have a son! Where are your parents?" She asked the two boys as they went into the kitchen. "Ten years ago. Did you give up a baby for adoption?" Henry asked. "That was me I'm his friend Winter" the blonde boy said.

Emma went wide eyed. "...Give me a minute" she said going to the bathroom. Henry went into the fridge. "Really Henry" Winter said. "What I'm thirsty" he said to his friend. "Hey, you have any juice?" Henry asked calling to the bathroom.

"Never mind, found some" he said grabbing a juice bottle and sitting next to winter. As he began to drink it from the bottle Emma came back threw to the boys. "You know, we should probably get going" Henry said to her.

"Going where?" Emma asked. "He wants you to come home with us" Winter said. "Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops" Emma said to them going to the phone. " Then I'll tell them you kidnapped us" Henry said. Winter went wide sometimes it was hard to tell if Henry was serious or bluffing sometimes . "And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother" Emma said holding the phone.

"Yep" Henry said to his birth mother. "You're not going to do that" Emma said to him. "I wouldn't risk it he's kind of hard to read sometimes I have a hard time reading him and we've been friends for years" Winter Said.

"See listen to him" Henry said smugly. "You're pretty good. But here's the thing there's not a lot I'm great at in life. I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying and you, kid, are" Emma said to him before dialling the police

"Wait... Please don't call the cops. Please, come home with us" Henry begged. "Where's home?" Emma asked. "Storybrooke Maine" Winter said to her. "Storybrooke? Seriously?" She asked surprised. "Mmhmm" both boys said to her.

"Alrighty, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke" Emma said to the two boys.
The three were currently driving back home to storybrooke Maine in a yellow car. With Emma driving, Henry sitting in the front passenger seat, and Winter sitting in the back passenger seat.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?" Henry asked the blonde driver. "I think I have some snacks in my backpack one sec" Winter said reaching into his backpack. "Sorry I don't" Winter said zipping up his back pack.

"So can we stop for snacks" Henry asked her. " Quit complaining, kid. Remember – I could have put your butt and your buddy's on a bus. I still could" Emma said to the young boy next to her".

"You know we have a names? It's Henry and Winter" Henry said to her. he reached into his bag and took out the storybook he and Winter were reading on the bus.

"What's that?" Emma asked. Henry looked to winter. "We're not sure your ready"  Henry said. "I'm not ready for some fairy tales?" Emma asked confused. "They are so much more then fairytales every story in this book actually happened" Winter said.

"Of course they did" Emma said. "Use your superpower. See if we're lying" Henry said to his mum. "That's exactly what makes it true. You should know more than anyone" Henry said.

"Why's that?" Emma asked. "Because like me your in this book" Winter said to the older woman.

"Oh kids you've got problems" Emma said. "Yep and your going to fix them" Henry said.
It was late at night when the three arrived into Storybrooke Maine. "Okay, kid. How about some addresses ?" Emma asked the two boys.

"Forty-four Not Telling You street" Henry said. "And fifty-Five no way lane" Winter added on. Emma suddenly stopped the car in the middle of Main Street and got out along with the the two boys.

"Look, it's been a long night and it's almost... 8:15?" Emma said reading off the clock tower.

"That clock hasn't moved our whole life's. Times frozen here" Winter said. "Excuse me?" Emma asked the boy. "The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here" Henry said.

"Okay, the Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairy tale characters here" Emma said. Winter nodded. "And now there trapped they have for the past twenty eight years" Winter explained. "And frozen in time, stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what you're going with?" Emma asked.

"It's true" both boys said at the same time. "Then why doesn't everybody just leave?" Emma asked. "They can't. If they try, bad things happen" Henry said.

"Henry,Winter" a voice called out. They turned and saw a man wearing glasses walking his Dalmatian. "Henry, Winter! What are you two doing here? Is everything alright?" The man asked.

"We're fine Archie" Henry said. "Who's this?" He asked looking at Emma. "Just someone trying to give them a ride home do you know where they live " Emma said.

Please don't tell her where we live. Please don't tell her where we live Winter thought. "Yeah, sure. Just, ah, right up on Mifflin street. The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block" Archie said.

Rats he thought. "Your the mayors kids" Emma asked them. "Henry is I'm not" Winter said. "Then where do you live" Emma asked him. "Winter lives just down the road at the Inn with his mother and great grandmother his great grandmother rubs the local dinner and the inn " Archie said.

"Hey, where were you today, Henry? Because you missed your session" Archie asked him. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went on a field trip" Henry said. Winter nodded in agreement.

"Boys What did I tell you about lying? Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything" Archie said to them.

"Oookay. Well, I really should be getting them home" Emma said. "Yeah, sure. Well, listen. Um. Have a good night and, uh, you be good, Boys" Archie said as he left with his dog.

"So that's your shrink" Emma asked. "He only sees Henry but he's not crazy" Winter said in defence of Henry. "Didn't say that. Just, he doesn't seem 'cursed' to me. Maybe he's just trying to help you Henry" Emma said.

"He's the one who needs help because he doesn't know" Henry said. "That he's a fairytale character" Emma said. "None of them do. They don't remember who they are" Winter said.

"Convenient. Alright, I'll play. Who's he supposed to be?" Emma asked. "Jiminy Cricket" Henry said. "Right, the lying thing. Thought your noses grew a little bit" Emma said. "We're not Pinocchio" Winter said. "Course you're not. Because that would be ridiculous" Emma said as they got back into the car.

They first stopped at Granny's bed and breakfast to drop off Winter. "Ok kid we're here" Emma said.

"Bye Henry see ya tomorrow" Winter said getting out of the car. Emma went out with him. "So if everyone here is a fairytale character who's your mum and great grandmother" Emma asked. "Red Riding Hood and her grandmother" Winter said.

"Of course they are" Emma said. They entered the Inn and rang the bell at the front desk. Winter hid behind Emma. A old woman wearing glasses came in she looked like she had been crying which made Winter feel guilty. "Can I help you" the old woman asked. "I think I got something that belongs to you Emma said. Winter stepped out from behind her. "Hi Granny" He said not looking up.

She immediately went over and hugged him tight. "I'm glad your safe I've been worried sick" she said. She ended the hug.  "Where have you been" She asked him. "Um me and Henry went to Boston" Winter said. "BOSTON" she shouted. "It was to find Henry's birth mother of that makes it better" Winter said.

Just as his great grandmother was about to scold him a young woman in her early twenties came in stumbling. She was wearing a tight red dress and had brown hair with a red stripe in it. "Heeeey granny" she said. "Oh for gods sake you've been out partying again haven't you" Granny asked her. "So what if I have gees relax" she said sitting down on a couch.

"Your son went all the way to Boston Ruby and had just now come back" Granny said angry. "Really Boston hey did you get me something from there" Ruby asked her son. Emma sent the blonde boy a look a look of pity to him. "Did you not hear me your son ran all the way to Boston and you don't even care" Granny said.

"I care besides he's my kid not yours" Ruby said to her grandmother. "Then start acting like it" Granny said. Granny turned to Emma. "Thank you for bringing him back now Winter go upstairs to bed" Winter nodded and went upstairs.

He went into his bedroom which had a small tv on the dresser drawer and was decorated with pale pink snowflakes and snow covered trees. He reached into the drawers and pulled out a pair of Pyjamas and changed into them. Just as he was about to get into bed his mother came in.

"Heeeey buddy" she said to him. "Hi mum" he said looking down. "Look I know first hand how uptight your great granny can be but don't worry your not in trouble" Ruby said nudging  his shoulder playfully before leaving the room.

Winter wished she would act like a normal mum. even though he knows about the curse he doesn't remember his life in the Enchanted Forrest or how his mum use to be. His mum would sometimes forget to pick him up from school or miss school plays. Heck his great grandmother was usually the one to go to his parent teacher nights.

He got into bed and tried to get to sleep hoping tomorrow would be better.


The next day it was the same as always getting dressed for school and listening to his great grandmother and mum fight. His grandmother gives him his lunch and gave him a kiss before he left to go to the bus stop.

He decided that he had enough he was sick of his mum and great grandmother always fighting he was just tired of everything.

He went to his and Henry's palace. A small old play castle near the sea. He ent under it and just stayed there.

10 minutes later he saw Henry coming. He didn't make a sound. He knew how Henry was feeling it was the same way he was feeling sad unhappy. He just stayed there and fell asleep.

He woke up to somebody shaking him. He saw Emma. "Hey kid" she said. "Hi" she said. "Did you come here with Henry?" she asked. "No I got here before Henry" he said. "What's wrong kid" she asked. "I I hoped when you came here the curse would break and my mum she would be different" Winter said looking down.

Emma rubbed his back. "Look kid I know how it can be to have someone to look after you who doesn't grow up but I'm sure your mum will change this isn't because of a curse" Emma said.

"No she won't it's always the same work her shift at the diner go home take a nap then go out and not come home til 1am then argue with Granny the next day about everything" he said.

She helped him off the sand and they went into the car. He saw Henry sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Henry grabbed his hand and rubbed it. He looked at Henry and smiled and Henry smiled back.

They began to drive back to their homes.


Later that night he was sitting in the lounge of the inn catching up on homework where his great grandmother was arguing with his mum. He heard the door open and saw Emma come in.

"Hey Emma" He said. "Hi kid" she said. "I would have thought you would be back in Boston by now" he said. "That was the plan but plans change and I was hoping your great grandmother had a extra room" She said to him. He began to smile. Until the arguing continued.

"Your son ran away literally yesterday with you gone all night and now your going out again" Granny said as ruby was heading to door. "I should have taken Winter and moved to Boston" Ruby said glaring at her grandmother. Emma saw winter beginning to look on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry that my heart attack interfered with your plans to take my great grandson away and sleep your way down the eastern seaboard" Granny said. "Excuse me? I'd like a room" Emma said drawing their attention.

"Really? Would you like a forest view or a square view? Normally, there's an upgrade fee for the square but, since you helped bring back my great grandson twice, I'll wave it" Granny said going behind the front desk and opening up the log book.

"Square is fine" Emma said. Winter saw Mr gold enter and went wide eyed. Mr gold owned the whole town and in the Enchanted Forrest was known as Rumplestiltskin the Dark one. The women didn't seem to notice him enter. "Now what's the name" Granny asked.

"Swan. Emma Swan" Emma said. "Emma" Mr gold said drawing the attention to him. "What a lovely name" he said to her. "Thanks" Emma said to the older man.

Granny pulled out a whole stack of dollar bills and handed it to him. "It's all here" Granny said. Mr gold took the money. "Yes, yes, f course it is, dear. Thank you. You enjoy your stay...Emma" he said as he left the inn.

"Who's that?" Emma asked. "Mr Gold he owns the place" Ruby said. "The Inn?" Emma asked. "No the whole town" Winter said.

"So, how long will you be with us?" Granny asked Emma. "A week. Just a week" Emma said. "Great" Granny said. She took a room key off the wall and handed it to Emma. "Welcome to Storybrooke Emma" Winter said smiling at her.


Later that night just as Winter was about to go to bed he took a look out the window and saw that the town clock that had never once moved Ever was ticking away finally.

He started grinning because this was a sign that soon the curse over storybrooke would be broken

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