Story One, Part One- In Which We Learn About Lushweed Grove

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Part One: In Which We Learn About Lushweed Grove

In the heart of an enchanted glen, there once lay a thriving village called Lushweed Grove. Lushweed Grove was ruled by Queen Aurorhilla and King Ferdinand, the beloved couple and rulers of Lushweed Grove.

The village was a whimsical, beautiful place, truly magical. With little mushroom cottages, charming wooden buildings and the magical weed, which the ville specialises in, Lushweeds. Lushweeds are famous for its healing properties and delicious taste. (The taste of cranberries and mint)

The marketplace was mainly filled with flower vendors- the brown class chinchillas, lushweed farmers- the white class chinchillas, and blackberry sellers- the black class chinchillas.

The chinchillas were born different colours according to what job they desire to pursue.

Brown class: flower vendors.
Black class: blackberry sellers.
White class: lushweed farmers.
Grey/silver class: royalty. (The royalty are standard grey and silver, no one else can turn that colour unless they are destined to have a future in the court.)

The little village of Lushweed Grove is hidden in the dense, enchanted woods of Fae-Myrtle Forest, deep in the centre. Fae-Myrtle Forest is crowded with faerie and folk residents, who hold revels and ballads at night. The chinchillas, hares and badgers are often invited to join them.

But Lushweed Grove is a one of a kind and q completely unique village compared to the hares and badgers' villes.

The hares, who occupied the east of the forest, were longtime allies of the chinchillas and always helped to ward off the foxes, who occupied the South. The owls, who were peaceful, lived in the North and the badgers lived in the West.

The king and Queen of Lushweed Grove were famous for their story- Slumbering Beauty. In which Aurorhilla was cursed by an evil sorceress, Malefilla, to sleep 'forever'. Of course that didn't happen. The village that they rule over, has been gossiping about their story proudly for eons.

But now, a new story came to reach the ears of the chinchilla folk- that a heir to the sacred chinchilla throne, was about to be born.

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