Story One, Prologue- In Which Aurorhilla Slumbers

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*this story is for @My_Baby_Chinchilla writing competition... BTW like my cover?? I made it!!

Prologue: In Which Aurorhilla Slumbers

Once upon a fairytale..

There is a cozy burrow nestled within the vast Willowville mountains, a village of chinchillas thrives merrily.

Among them, there is a beautiful princess named Aurorhilla. Her fur is the shiny silver, shimmering in the moonlight like the finest silk. She is beloved by all for her gentle nature and kind heart.

One sunny morning, the chinchilla clan gathers in  to bask in the warmth of the sun, and gather blackberries, as the Willowville hills are famous for blackberries.

Then, without a warning, a looming shadow falls over their bustling works.

An envious sorceress, Sorceress Malefilla, jealous of Aurorhilla's beauty, casts a dark spell upon her.

The princess, without a warning, curls up in her favorite nest of soft hay and falls into a deep, unbreakable slumber.

Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. The King and Queen of the Willowville clan worry endlessly. The once vibrant burrow grows quiet and somber.

The chinchillas try everything to wake Aurorhilla, but nothing works. The elders whisper of an ancient prophecy: only the kiss of true love can break the spell. Meanwhile, the sorceress seems to have fled.

Far away, in another chinchilla clan, Lushweed Grove, (famous for its Lushweed and their healing properties) lives a brave and adventurous chinchilla named Prince Ferdinand. His fur is a deep gray, and his handsome beady eyes sparkle with determination.

He hears of Aurorhilla's problem from a passing traveler and feels a pull at his heart. He knows he must find her and attempt to break the spell.

The journey is long and weary. Prince Ferdinand navigates through dense forests, across rocky terrains, and over rushing rivers and sweltering Deserts.

He encounters many dangers but never wavers in his resolve. His thoughts are constantly filled with the sleeping princess he has never met, but whom he already feels connected to.

Finally, after many days, Prince Ferdinand arrives at the solemn burrow of Aurorhilla's clan. He is greeted with cautious hope by the chinchillas who have watched over her. They lead him to where she lies, still and peaceful, in her nest.

Prince Ferdinand approaches Aurorhilla, his heart pounding. He gently leans down and places a sweet, tender kiss on her tiny pink nose. For a moment, nothing happens. Then, a soft glow envelops Aurorhilla, and her eyes flutter open.

The burrow erupts in joy as Aurorhilla awakens. She gazes up at Prince Ferdinand, thankfulness and love shining in her eyes. The spell is broken, and the two chinchillas know they are destined to be together.

Prince Ferdinand and Aurorhilla return to his clan, where they are celebrated with great festivities. The two become inseparable, and eventually become married. Everything seems perfect. And they thought they lived "Happily Ever After".

For now...


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