Chapter 3

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The next day


I can't believe he kissed me. OMG!! I'm so fangirling right now. I want to see him again so badly.


What is wrong with me?! What has gotten into me. Whenever I think of him I start blushing and getting excited to see him again. Well, why wouldn't I.

He's so dreamy. He's like in my mind 24/7. Man am I obsessed with him. Do I like him. *Gasp* Maybe I do.


I don't like him.

I LOVE HIM! I love him. I really do. But maybe he doesn't love me back. I won't blame him. I'm an ugly piece of work that will never be loved.

But I know for sure that "I LOVE SPRINGTRAP!!" I yelled accidentally in the middle of the hallway. Shiz. I didn't mean for that to spill out.

Now everybody's gonna make fun of me.That I have a crush on Springtrap. Now their all gonna laugh at me.

Shiz I'm screwed.

While  I was down in my thoughts I felt someone tap my shoulder. I then whipped my head around to see Chica standing there looking the same as always.

"Hey I heard you yell something and I thought you were hurt or something. Are you okay?" She asked pretty confused at this particular moment.

"Yea I'm fine. I didn't mean for you to freak out. I was just thinking then it just spilled out." I replied to see her sigh in relief.

"Well I'm glad your okay, but what were you thinking about mangle. Huh." She questioned as I started blushing at what I had thought about.

"Nothing. Its nothing important." I replied to see her smirk and nudge me.

"It was about a guy wasn't it. Don't lie to me I know this by the light pink blush that's planted on your cheeks."

"N-no. W-why would I-I be thinking about a g-guy. Pssh. Nah why would I-I be t-thinking that stuff." I replied to see her not buying it.

"Then why are you stuttering then. Hmm. Answer that."

"Uhm........FINE!! Okay I love a particular guy in this building." I yelled in defeat. I couldn't keep this as a secret forever with Chica here.

"Ohhh!! I knew it. Now who's this Mr. Mystery guy." She questioned while nudging me even more. Man could she be annoying sometimes cuz she's Chica.

"Well, you better keep this is a secret okay." I replied to see her nod. "Okay well he goes by the name.......Springtrap."

"Springtrap. SPRINGTRAP!!!" She yelled in shock. I quickly covered her mouth shut as we continued to walk down the hall.

"Shhhh. I don't want anybody else to know. Now calm the fudge down or else I'll lock you in the closet till' you calm down." I said as I saw her nod rapidly.

I then took my hand off her mouth to see her calm down and keep walking without a sound coming out of her mouth. The silence made the situation awkward.

"Soooo............why did you freak put once I said his name." I asked to see her look at me sadly.

"Well I've heard some bad stuff about him, but we don't know for sure." She replied while coming closer to me.

"Like what? What do you mean by bad stuff. He never said he did anything." I questioned.

"Well he- Oh SHIT! Gotta go Marionette's fucking coming. Bye!" She yelled while running back to 'P & S' room as fast as she could.

I then was met up with Marionette face to face. He looked very serious for some odd reason. Why is he like this.

"Hello Mangle dear. I need to talk to you." He said in a very serious dark toned voice that sent shivers up my spine. Man is he scary.

"Uhm...okay. What's the problem?" I replied to see him look away while he grabbed my and yanked me while walking. Man why is his skinny arms so strong like seriously.

Where is he taking me!!! He just keeps dragging me along with him to wherever he is fudging taking me.


~~~~~~~~5mins later~~~~~~~~

After 5 mins we finally arrived to this dark room that I've never seen ever in my life. Its pretty creepy here. There are like spider webs and cockroaches everywhere.

Its gross to tell ya.

It like reeks here. I can't take the smell. Not one bit.

"Okay so what were you trying to talk to me about." I questioned to see him turn to me with his arms crossed and his face that showed no emotion.

"I just need to ask. Why were you with that ugly Duck back there. Why were you with her?!" He questioned as he tapped his foot against the black and white tiled floor.

"Okay well. 1st off she's not a duck she's a chicken and 2nd of all I can be with whoever I want. I don't have to listen to you or the toys. You guys are just pieces of trash." I replied to see him boil with rage.


I just kept quiet after that. Man he's so bossy like seriously.

"One more thing. Stay away from those fucking trash animatronics you here me!! I don't want to see you hanging with them anymore. And plus, stay away from............SPRINGTRAP!!" He yelled which shocked me to my core.

"NO!!!! HE'S MY FRIEND!! I CAN BE WITH WHOEVER I WANT OKAY!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yelled filled of pure fury.


I gave him a disgusted look before I walked out of the room still pissed at him. I then kept walking trying to find my way back to me cove.

I'm just so mad. Why can't he just leave me alone!!!! Its not like he cares about me anyways. "I'm just a piece of scrap metal that would never be loved. I'm a monster, a freak, I'm........nothing." I said to myself as Tears came trickling down my cheeks.

"What am I still doing here anyways?" I questioned myself.

As I was walking I heard steps all around me. I heard light giggles and growls through the darkness of the hallway.

This was freaking me out. I felt like I was in those horror movies that Foxy used to watch. But this was real. I started dashing through the halls while I wiped my tears.

I started to get scared. Who the hell is doing this. I need help. I started running even more. I then saw the P&S room. I was running towards the room until someone grabbed my leg and started dragging me away from the door.

I started struggling but it didn't work. I was being kidnapped. I couldn't escape. I then thought of an idea. I then used my other leg and kicked the hand off my leg which set me free. I started dashing to the nearest room.

I quickly was able to get into one of the party rooms. I saw it. The vents. I can climb through it. I started crawling through the vents as fast I could till' someone grabbed my tail and tried to pull me out. Then I heard a very dark and serious tone.

"Whërë dø ÿøü thīñk ÿøür gøįng."

I then started screaming but someone's hand covered my mouth. I need help.

Then an idea popped in my head. I bit the persons hand to hear them cry. Well I kinda do have sharp teeth. I then started yelling but no luck.


Someone had hit me with a pan or something cuz that freakin hurt. Then in seconds my eyes started closing. I closed my eyes and blacked out instantly.

I just knew.

This was going to be the end of me.

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