Chapter 4

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The same night

Marionette's POV

I was in my box waiting for those dumbasses to hurry the fuck up. Man there are so fucking slow I can do it in 2 mins.

I then heard rustling and steps coming towards me.

"Master we've brought her. We *breath* have her." Red (T.F) had said while coming out of the darkness.

"Finally now bring her to me." I responded as I gave them a hand gesture to let them know.

Then out of the shadows Tochi (T.C) and Bonbon(T.B) came with Mangle in their grasp.

"Here she is master. Please get her out of my grasp. She is so FUCKING HEAVY!!!" Tochi whined.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed Mangle as I hand gestured them to follow me. They all nodded in response as they started walking.

"Ow ow ow. My hand fudgin hurts. IT HURTS SOO MUCH!!!" BB whined annoyingly. He is such a pain.

"BB shut the fuck up for once okay. No one wants to fucking hear it. Now man the fuck up you big baby." Bonbon had said which made BB glare at her. (Yes Toy Bonnie is a girl in this one)

"I'm not a baby I'm just small. Okay." Bb replied.

"Psshh yea right." Bonbon said

"Bonbon please lets just get this over with okay. Now both of you just stop fucking talking." Red had said as we continued walking.

After 5 mins we had finally reached our destination which was a room full of boxes and papers everywhere.

"Eww this place is nasty and old and theirs COCKROACHES!!" Tochi whined as she jumped into the air. She then landed right into Red's arm causing her to blush madly.


"Sorry master." They said in unison.

"*sigh* Okay Bonbon get that chair over there and BB get the rope. Tochi get the tape and Red help me tie her up. K?" I said as they all nodded.

My plan is going perfectly.


~Before the whole kidnapping~

I sat here alone as always just in my thoughts.  I just couldn't get Mangle out of my head.  She was like glued to my head. 

Well she is pretty in a matter of fact.  Her beautiful, luscious long hair.  Her soft and calm voice.  Her magnificent structure. Her amazing yellow eyes.  She's just


Why am I feeling this way.  Whenever I think of her my heart beats faster and warms up.  I also tend to blush at the thought of her.  Why? Why do I feel this way?

Oh no.

I think I like her.  I like her!!!!  Or should I say love her.  That's it.!

I love Mangle.

But the question is.

Does she love me back?

I won't blame her if she doesn't. I am just an ugly piece is trash that's left here to waste.  I'll never be loved and I'm fine with that. 

I already knew that nobody will love me.  I just don't know why I'm still here. Why I'm still at this fucking pizzeria.

I wish I was dead. 

I wish I never existed.

I started to tear up a bit as I sat down on the floor in the middle of this old empty room that was filled  with nothing but dust and papers. 

Yes this is what I call home.  This room is what I live in.  I know you guys will ask,  how do you live in that? Lets just say I just get used to it.

I live in this dump.

I was just in my thoughts as screaming filled the room.  I shot up and started running to where the screaming was coming from. 

I was trying to find out by playing it like that Hot and Cold game that you play when your little. I then opened the door and started following to where the screams where coming from.

"HELP!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!" I heard which sounded like a young female.

"HELP ANY-" Then the screams stopped. The hallway then became silent. I stood there till I heard a cry come out of one of the party rooms. I then started walking slowly towards each room to see which one it came from.

"HELP ANYBODY!!! HEL-" The scream then returned shortly but was followed by a big sound that echoed throughout the hallway.


Yikes that should hurt.

I then saw what looked like the toys walking out of the room.

Bonbon and Tochi had what looked like.........MANGLE!!

Oh shit!!!! No not her. I was about to shout her name till'I decided to follow them to see where they are taking her.

After 10 minutes of following them they met up with.....The Marionette.

Ugh. I hate him so much he better not hurt my Mangle or else he will have to face my wrath. I saw them talking to eavh other except Bonbon and BB. They were fighting like 3 year olds.

Then Marionette hand gestured them to follow. I then started walking behind them in the shadows of the hallway.

After about 10 minutes of walking at the toys bickering the whole way they finally reached this room full of boxes and papers.

Then Marionette set them up on each job to get something. I thrn saw Mangle in Marionette's grasp. I just wish I could grab her and take off out of this whole hellhouse but Marionette would crush me within seconds.

I then saw Marionette put her down on a chair as he and the toys started giving each other devious smiles. 

No they can't do that to her.  NO!

I then saw them go up to her while Marionette walked out of the room. 


I looked back at the toys  they started coming closer to her with their fists clenched.  I saw Mangle open her beautiful eyes.

"Ugh.  Where am I- Huh?! WHERE AM I!!!  WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME!! " Mangle yelled.

"Oh nothing just gonna make sure your nothing but just........α ϻϵϻϴrϒ. " Tochi had said with pure darkness in her voice.

Mangle started to look frightened as they all started to rip her apart.  This got me pissed.

Now its time to see them ςմƒƒεɾ.


They started ripping me apart limb by limb. This hurt more than how the kids rip me.  The toys were more like

Destroying me.

The pain was unbearable. It hurts so much. They started ripping my body and they also pulled out me left eye. 

I was now being turned into a monster.  Then out of the shadows I see what looked like......SPRINGTRAP.


"AHHHH!!" I screamed until I heard crashing and rustling. I opened my eyes to see Springtrap fighting the toys.

"SPRINGTRAP!!!!" I yelled in excitement.  I saw Springtrap run up to me while the others laid there on the ground groaning in pain. He untied and grabbed my hand and tried to stand me up as I still had some of my legs.

But as we were running I felt a sharp pain go through my chest.

Everything started to go black.

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