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TEN in the morning, the sun glows brightly,not completely harming each somebody's skin, but to alleviate them adequately when the cold swirly air touches them, it's promising that it's winter. The brunette who stands tall who despises it the most. He doesn't know why he loathed it too vastly. Maybe because it's too hassle to wear any clothing that is enormous and you have to do multiple laundry afterward.

The scrapes of sound resonate with an indications hum in the place, stunning two people standing in front of each other, stroking their skin too much for their liking. The two of a person holding their arms tightly that no one wants to let go.

He loves Him so much, the Brunette loves the latter so much.

Vincent adores Justine too much, that He can't breathe every time He glanced at the intangible looking features.

His doe eyes that crinkle every time He smiles, His big nose, His bunny smile and His sweet impressions of saying every compliment that comes out of His heart.

But Justine already agreed on a serious decision to get on with their plan; a plan to travel far and be a successful person for Him to prove to Vincent's Family that,He will be proud of Him in no time.

Just a tiny knowledge from their past, Vincent is a prosperous kid who would get every Company they acquire, but His Father felt betrayed when Vincent chooses to come out Gay and speaks about Him with a guy as His Boyfriend; a guy who is far from their standard. Too poor for their liking.

In Justine points of view. He wants to study hard and become a successful and one-day Vincent Family would allow them to be a couple and let them have their own Family, letting them married each other in the near future.

So that's what Justine did. An opportunity appeared like a thunderbolt, Justine yank it fast. A high standard and well-known University in Seoul seize Justine as their new student without paying any schoolings and miscellaneous fee.

To make it short.

He is a very gifted ass boy who deserves to study there for free. He just needs to strengthen His standard grades and done!

Too near for their future, an easy as that.

Study hard, work in a stable Company, earn lots of money, build their house and marry Vincent. It's sound like a blackhole dream.

Vincent on other hand doesn't want to let go, the way He held Him tight that His skin and nails digging into Justin flesh was a bit too much. I mean, who would be pleased without the love of your life? He felt useless. He wants to help, too.

It hurt Justine the most seeing Vincent eyes pooling in tears. Even though Vincent is the man in their relationship, He is still the soft and warm for his lover.

"D-do you really need to go?" Vincent's voice came out weak, not simply because of His eyes full of tears and His heart aching in too much pain seeing Justine leaving.

"Babe, I need this for us. I need their consent and do this for us-" Justine then touches Vinfent cheeks, comforting Him. 

"I will work for us, too. Just don't go Justine. Baby, please." He begs that He almost bends His knee to beg. Sounds pathetic right?

"Babe you know how it's hard for you to do that. You can't go for long work. Please understand." Justine explains hugging Him with His face breathing Vincent's sandalwood scent. It's so pleasant and now he gape how he can't live without smelling it now.

"You're not gonna replace me with somebody else right?" Vincent asks, Justine chuckles but looks behind them seeing the subway coming. "You're mine right?" Vincent added again, voice a little shaky.

"I need to go-" Justine scrambles without completing their talks, without a proper goodbye kiss that they surely miss. Justine enters the subway with His luggage waving from outside seeing Vincent freezing without any warm equipment to protect Him.

He missed that Vincent put His own scarf to cover His neck and the smell of it made Him smile.

He waved casually, not examining and realizing Vincent's inner thoughts about it. He just saw Vincent's face turn pale and completely lifeless when the subway started to operate.

Justine did not look back, putting His headphones on His ears listening to a blasting song of music, enveloping Him into sleep. Hugging Him into a pool of darkness.

Vincent on the other hand was there stuck and frozen looking for nothing but the trace of snow with the tracks of the subway Justine got on. It hurts so much letting go of your dear one and you just can't fight for the both of you without sacrificing one.

"Justine." Vincent whispers in the thin air, alone in a cold season without people around Him.

"Why do you have to g-go?" He sniffed, sobbing softly still chilling with His hands shakily unstable. "Why am I born like this? Weak." He added.

He cried looking above the skies seeing nothing but complete darkness when the sky engulfed by too many heavy clouds. "I only have a year to live Baby, come back to m-me."

JUSTINE came in an instant seeing His dorm casually painted in a cream colored like their own home in Busan. It feels like home, he thought. But there's no trace of Vincent. That made Him frown realizing His boyfriend wasn't next to Him.

He felt bad fixing His things inside the luggage. Clearing each one of them with Vincent's picture frame from His suitcase and settles it nicely on top tables, a small smile painted on His lips.

He didn't notice a pair of eyes looking at Him with full passion, scanning Him up and down.

Justine felt like there's something wrong or He was being watched. He looks around seeing a guy wearing a tight boxer showing off His tone chest and a bulge that looks uncomfortable.


Justine bits His lips focusing on His shirts by cleaning and folding it in a small part of the cabinet.

"You're new?" Justine looks at the latter, nodding shortly. As he moves to continue what he's been doing. "I don't like the attitude. I'm Christian by the way. You are?" The tone of the other one is a little mischievous.


"Justine. Sounds pretty." Justine shrugged off, not interested. "Sorry for this and please don't get offended." 

Justine put up His eyebrows. Leaving aside His things. "Sure? What is it?"

Christian walks in front Him, leaning. "Do you swing both ways?"

"I have a boyfriend. If you're curious." Christian laughs. Shaking His head. "Are we done? I need to finish this."

The other raises His hands. "You got me, sorry. But if you need any help. Please don't hesitate to ask me."

"Copy that." He seems nice? He tells to himself.

As his roommate cleared the room. He took His phone to text Vincent. 


I'm here! I'm nervous but I will make it for the both of us.


Please take care there. Don't forget to eat your meal daily. xx

"Justine, let's eat!" Christian calls Him after they finish their project together. They're sharing the same subject and the two decided to be a partner. "This is really a fucking tough subject! I want to pinch the Professor." Christian sighs heavily, throwing His hands up in the air.

"Just to your thing properly. It's 2nd semester now. So, they expect us to get higher grades." Justine excuse as he types a reply to His boyfriend.


I'm done with the project. I hate math! 


You love them! You ace your test before.

"Boyfriend?" Christian ask, smiling sadly. "Good thing you still love Him after being apart for seven months."

"Distance needs trust, Christian. You'll know it soon when you fall in love." Christian snorts tossing the piece of crumpled paper on Justine's face.

"Lame! Let's go! I'm hungry."

"Ssshh. It's okay. You'll do better next time." Christian consoles Him, when Justine cries. The first time he failed His exam.

"What do I do. I am a big disappointment." Justine shaking from fear. "How can I face Vince like this? I want Him to be proud of me."

"Maybe you need to stop from calling and texting Him?" Christians said, Justine glance at Him confused. "You're distracted. You always calling him, and chatting him every night. You can't focus on your own."

"Is that really necessary?"

"You have too."


"Maybe he is busy, sweety?" Justine's mother comforted Him as Justine forgot to message Him. It's been two months since the two of them talks. "He needs to study hard for the two of you."

"I'm sorry." Vincent apologize. "I'm worried because Justine never did it before.

"Trust him, you need to take care of yourself too. Be healthy! So that Justine will be happy."

"Okay. I will."

"Happy Birthday!" Justine smiles, faintly. Looking at Christian who celebrates his birthday for the first time. "Hey! What's with that frown! You need to smile!"

"Christian." Justine stare at him eye to eye. He took the latter hand. "Thank you for being there for me. I really appreciate it."

Christian hugs him. "You're special Justine. You're important to me."

"I love you."A figure next to him stroke him tight. Waffling his scent and kissing his nape that made him coughed.

"What the fuck?" Justine manages to tells, He was startled!  Christian who smells like alcohol. His face is all red, and His eyes are puffy. 

Justine looks so angry. Pushing Christian. Justine, pity him. The looks on his face contours defeat. "Why can't you see me. Why can't you love me?"

"Christian can you fix yourself?" Justine look away. "It's not you. That's not the Christian I know?"

"Choose me." The other whisper, begging. "Choose me, Justine. Never in my life I have never experience this. I'm confused too. But, what can I do?" 

Justine leans in front of him. Wiping the tears fallen. "I'm falling too."

"Christian, I'm falling too."


"Vincent please eat something. It's been a year since that kid calls us. Maybe he is a bit busy." Justine mother's said in motherly tone, comforting Vincent, Vincent nodded looking away from outside and smiles weakly feeling something weird churning inside him.

It's been a year, ever since that day. Justine never reached them, never calls him.

It hurt Vincent most especially from his case.

He is sick.

Suffering from illness.

"Consider the operation Vincent. Please?" Justine's father speaks in a sad tone. "Vincent we treated you as our own son. And seeing you suffering slowly in front of us without doing something hurt us more." Justine father added.

"Father. I only have 20 percent chance to live. It's too risky- I might die without Justine here with me- It's reasonable if I'll just wait for Justine to come back and wait for my right time."

"V-vincent. Why." Justine's mother voice cracks seeing Vincent turn thinner than last month. "W-why of all people- you..you have to suffer this thing. You're a good child- a good boyfriend to my son- why does have to be you."

Vincent hugs to old lady. "Mother, please stop crying." Vincent sobbed and hug her. Justine's father staring them sniff, preventing himself from crying.

Vincent cried too much, almost like he's shaking. occurring him to pant blood. He collapsed but Justine's Father catches him while Justine's mother calls from an emergency number.

After that they brought Vincent to the hospital, they tried to reach Justine but still didn't answer.

He rejects it.

"Ahh, mhhh." Justine's pants, screaming in muffle tone while digging his nails on Christian's back. Christian thrusts inside him. "Too much, it's- uhh. Mhh. Too much." He keeps on yearning and cries in too much bliss.

His eyes roll in a delightful feeling inside him, feeling that he didn't feel when he's with Vincent for almost five years.

"Y-you like it?" Christian whispers, keeping his pace. "You love me more, right?"

"Yes, yes only you!" Justine cry and kiss Christian in an open-mouthed kiss.

Forgetting that he came there to study.

Forgetting about his boyfriend who suffered in a hospital without too much sleep waiting for him to visit.

After the two came in the last thrust, Jimin hugs him tightly, afraid to let him go. Kissing him with passion and they snuggled in bed.

"You're mine right?"

The sound of Vincent pleading voice whacks on his mind causing him to sit down, startling Christian too. "What?"

"Where is my phone? Where did you hide it?" Christian shakes his head, smirking.

"I didn't!" Justine squeezed him, says that he loves him more than Vincent, then Christian lend it back after five months.

Justine turns on his phone and waits for the message to arrived, he saw Vincent's 22 messages for him that made his heart thump fast.

"Is that your lame boyfriend?" Justine unconsciously nodded with guilt and Christian didn't seem to realize it and sleep without asking him for more.

The message pops and the guilt build-in.


Baby did you eat?


I miss you.


I miss you so much.


Why aren't you replying? :(


Ah, you're busy college life right?


It's not easy.


Good thing you are smart! c:


I hope you're happy all the time, baby.


I love you so much, baby.


I cook for us and they love it. Pancake with blueberries sounds delicious eh?


I miss you.


I bought Yeontan a leash! 😘 He loves it, baby. He misses his mommy 😖


You're doing great there, that you forget about my birthday. :( But! it's okay. Study hard for us, baby! Like you promised! I LOVE YOU! ☹




I hope you're not skipping meals ☹


I miss you. I miss you that I am crying.








Is still me.




Right, baby?

The last text was three months ago, and he thought that, it's enough for him to wake up from this wildest dream.

From his cheating.

"I'm going home," Justine speaks, waking Christian beside him. "I'm sorry Christian its- I'm sorry it's a mistake-" He added, wiping his entire face.

"Justine it's almost two years since you went home- and I have you now..please don't leave me, " Christian begs crying next to him. Justine can't just leave him like that, Christian is suicidal, unlike Vincent.

Vincent is healthy and he thinks Christian needed him more.

"Okay hush now. I'm sorry I'm not leaving anymore." Christian nods like a kid, hugging Justine tightly. His sniffles engulfed the small room and soon to disappear when Christian falls asleep.

Justine held his phone blankly but when his mother number appear on the screen he answered it quickly.

"What?!" It came aggressive than expected, he didn't mean to be blunt or rude but he need to do it for Christian.

"Go home Justine." His mother's sniffles but Jeongguk wipe it off by sighing loudly. "You need to go home because-"

"Sorry, mom I'm a busy goodbye!" He turned off his phone and lay next to Christian, confused.

"I made the right choice right?" He whispered before closing his eyes.

Vincent woke up scrambling of his hospital bed recollect the memory with Justine, Justine posted on his social media a photo of him with a guy while sitting on the other's lap. The guy hugging his boyfriend like he owns it and hiding his face on Justine's neck.

"Justine." He moans, clasped his chest in pain. "J-justine."Oh God, Vincent! Are you okay?!" Justine's mother asked checks if he's hurt since he is sobbing.

"No, Mother. You see, I need to see and talk to the doctor right now." Vincent sounds crazy and pathetic with his face and pale complexion. His arms are too thin and his face, like a skull because the food doesn't accept his body anymore.

"Vincent stop, don't scream son." Justine's mother said but Vincent pushes her, crying.

"Mother. I need to go and see a doctor, okay? Do you hear me? I need to take the operation. I need to take the operation! Please call them please please!" He is weeping badly that every time he speaks, his blood spit throughout. "Father. please listen to m-me."

"Vincent. We a-already call them please stop crying." Justine's mother comforts, she's crying too while hugging him, his son doesn't respond even if they floods him a message to go home.

"Mother, Justine don't love me anymore." He murmurs, Vincent's crying silently looking down on his fingers. "I'm- ugly. I'm sick- I'm weak- not like the man who's with him in the photo I've seen."

"What are you talking a-about son?" Justine's father asks, ushering his wife to call Justine again.

"Justine have a n-new boyfriend.. who's more handsome- who is buffed unlike a twig like me-"

"Vincent don't say that." They both plea.

"Father." Vincentbpathetically held Justine's father hand's with eyes welling in tears. "Call the Doctor, now. I need it now! I need to fucking live! I need to be more handsome- for Justine! I need him to like me! I need him to love me again!"

"V-Vincent." Justine's father broke into tears. He can't take this moment when a good lad plea for his asshole son.

"Father please..help me. I love him so much. that it hurts in here."  Vincent pointed his heart with tears falling like raindrops.

"Vincent, son." Vincent smiles waiting for his father answers. But the man looks at him sadly.

"The doctor said its- t-too late for you to- consider the operation because of the cancer cell..already on your whole system." The pain written on their faces. Especially to Vincent who silence.

"I'm going to-die?" He said and laughs. "I'm gonna die without Justine in my arms but- in the arms of other m-man." Vincent asks again.

"Vincent." Vincent cover his face.

"I'm pathetic." He cried, with a clenching chest. "I'm so pathetic that..that even if he doesn't love me, I'm still here waiting for him."

"I d-don't want to die.." He begs silently. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!! Save me please!"

"Cure me! Even if it's a small chance, please!" The nurses and doctor came and glimpse their patient crying while holding his chest tightly. 

The bed filled with tears and blood.

They felt sorry for Vincent especially when their patients always write letters for his boyfriend.

When the guy was filled with his boyfriend's face inside his room.

His natural face before who filled with love and smiles now turn into misery.

"Please-" The Doctor can't take the scenarios they brings the syringe for Vincent to doze while Justine's parent was there crying and looking at him sadly.

"Call your bastard son." Jeongguk's father taunted and held Vincent's hands.

Justine's mother nods calling their son and she heard his voice. "Justine, please son,go home. You need to go home-"

"I'm not going there. Please tell Vincent that I don't love him anymore and I'm satisfied with my new boyfriend."

"I- didn't raise you-"

"Mom thank you for everything." She then heard silence. Justine's mother gape at Vincent, feeling sorry for him,big time.

"Snowflakes are falling, I'm getting further away little by little again." Vincent looks up seeing dimmed outside his room. "It looks like cherry blossom's are started to bloom, this winter is also ending." He added sighing.

"Baby." He said to himself whispering those words fill with sincerity. "This is the day of my operation. I'm considering it now." He added. 

He smiled looking away. "Pray for me, baby." The nurses then guided him to the bed, pushing him. Leading him to the Operating room. He smiles at the nurses and closes his eyes muttering each last phrases. "I miss you, Justine."

Justine woke up with a loud noise coming from his phone. The sound is disturbing, he knows it's his mother's just calling him at the moment. But when he saw the name indicated that his father was the one who's calling. He knows, he fucked up real bad.

He shakily took his phone and waited for his father to tell,but the phone is quiet.

"Dad?" He said, he heard manly sniffles behind. "Dad, are you crying?" He asks, confuse.

"Justine." Justine heard his heart thumped fast, his breath hitch, in particular reason and it hurt him. "Go home."

"W-What's the problem." Justine looks at Christian who's smiling in front of him.

"It's Vincent." Justine sighs. He guessed it's not important. It's just Taehyung. Just him.

"Does he force you two, to make me go home?! Look, Dad. I am not going ho-"

"He's gone, Justine."

"W-what?" Justine's voice became shaky, he felt like fainting hearing those unclear. The memories of Vincent flooding and strangling him.

"He's dead." The last thing he follows, as he collapse off the ground.

Justine let go of his phones, dropping it tobthe floor with a loud sound that earned Christian, confusion. What just happened?

"Hey, what's the problem?" Justine shook his head with tears slipping on his eyes non-stop. "Justine?"

"Vincent." He whispered. "M-my Vincent is..dead.." He whispers.

He stands up wobbling, crashing their things inside, he pushes Christian away who blocking his way.

He needs to go back to Busan. He needs to go home.

"Justine, please Vincent is not worth it-" A slapped cross on Christian's face seeing a shaking Justine.

"Don't speak poorly on my boyfriend." He runs outside not minding his other things. Just his bags, money and Vincent's scarf that he almost forgot.

"No." Justine in his deep thought. "They're fooling me."

He sat in a vacant seat on the subway and glance outside, seeing Vincent memories of him letting him go before. "Babe, I'm sorry. I'm going home- "

"So that I'll be able to see you so that I'll be able to meet you.." He said looking from afar, eyes filled with tears.

The vivid memories of Vincent and their first night came across his mind. The ways Vincent held him tight with respect and cares.

The ways he thrust with I love you, slipping on his mouth.

Justine cried covering his face realizing his mistake.

Vincent is his home.

Vincent was the reason why he travel far.

Vincent was the one who believes in him.

"I'm coming home. I'll come to meet you up. I'll home- to p-picked you up." He muttered. "I miss you."

Justine arrived home with an unpleasant sight of their old friend sitting next to the a coffin, He saw Vincent's Parent crying and saying sorry for him that they didn't accept their relationship at first.

Justine wanted to throw up. It's extremely terrified him that it felt like a dream.

He walks slowly In Front of Vincent's coffin. His parents saw him with a disappointment, looking away.

Jeongguk laughs, he breaths roughly preventing himself from crying. "Hey." Justine started forcing his smile. "Wake up idiot I'm h-here." 

"Justine, stop." The guest seems to realize his presence and keep their silence.

"Babe, It's not funny. Wake up." He laughs, broke into tears seeing Vincent small figure with a sad expression inside. "Stop pretending. Wake up..Wake is..Wake u-" Justine gritted his teeth, pushing the casket. 

"Justine stop doing that." His Father says.

"Stop?" He said bluntly. "You guys need to stop! You're not funny! Stop this joke and I will not-..I will not let myself with other guys..just please." Justine begs, wiping his tears.

"Vincent is dead and it's your fault." His father coldly reply.

"No! Babe! Are you listening? Listen, wake up now and I will give you the power hug you've always wanted." Justine hugs the casket and blast into tears. "S-stop it now, Babe. I know now, it's my fault just please don't fool me with this joke anymore."

"Vincent died in a lung cancer stage 4, He didn't want to take the operation but when he saw you with another guy in social media, he asks the doctor to cure him." Justine's father said. "Seeing him suffered like that was hell. He is a helpless, son. His affection for you is so much but you didn't listen to us to go home."

"I'm sorry." He said hugging the casket tight. "I'm sorry, Babe."

"I said stop it, Justine! The guest are watching you! Stop embarrassing yourself because this is all your fault in the first place!"

"No! Vince will listens to me! Wake up now. You're wearing that thin polo shirt inside, Babe. That's not good for you." Justine insanely said, opening the casket window.

He hugs Vincent cold body, kissing his cheeks. "Babe. Babe, I'm here. Let's wait for Spring, okay? please? Like before? You hate Winter right?"

"Great!" Justine affirms. "So all you have to do is, wake up and wait for it with me." He added with finality.

The guest sob seeing Justine begging for Vincent to wake up, he keeps on doing that in five hours but even if Justine begs for it.

Vincent will never come back.

"I miss you."

Justine walks barefooted in the beach with Yeontan beside him with a lovely leash. The puppy barking and running around, that made Justine happy.

"Babe, wait for me." Justine said. "Don't worry I'll see you on Spring day." His last word before leaving his shoes hanging up in the branch of trees they planted before the last last Spring day.


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