Chapter 8: Death

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Two months had passed, and in the span of that time, Joey had only heard from Nevada five times. She called him three times in the first month, but hearing her voice took its toll on him. He wanted to reach through the phone and pull her against him, but she was miles away and no longer his.

The next month he had only gotten one call, and a single text, and he felt her slipping away. Granted, he knew he was technically the one that broke up with her, but that was something he had to do. He couldn't risk her passing up an amazing opportunity simply so she could come back to him, someone who had nothing going for him.

While she was off touring and making a name for herself, he was still making coffee at Just Add Cream. Friday nights were brutal for him, because they always reminded him of the day Nevada walked into his life. Which also brought back the painful memory of the day she walked out of it.

"Welcome to Just Add Cream, what can I get for you?" he asked, forcing a smile on his face despite it being the last thing he wanted to do.

He internally groaned when it was another one of those highschool girls ready to shameless flirt with him. He wondered if they knew just how much older he was than them, but then realized that was probably part of the appeal to them.

Right before the heart eyed girl could say a word, Joey's phone rang in his back pocket. Looking over at Macy, she nodded her head and took over at the register, allowing him to answer it.

Ever since the breakup, Macy had been less teasing and more comforting, recognizing that he was hurting. Their relationship was still very much like siblings, and Joey wasn't sure he would have been able to make it through the many open-mic nights without her there.

Looking at the caller id, Joey furrowed his brows in confusion when he saw that his mother was calling. Accepting it, he raised his phone to his ear.

"Mom?" he answered, taking a seat on the couch of the break room.

"Hey, Joey," she began, sounding like she had been crying. Her voice was shaky and her nose sounded stuffed.

"Mom, what's wrong?! Are you okay?"

With no easing into it, his mother dropped the bomb, the reason she was calling.

"Your grandfather passed away last night...from a heart attack," she cried, not taking the news of her father dying well.

Joey felt his throat tighten as he thought of the only father figure he had in his life. His own father had never been a part of it, so his grandfather quickly stepped in, making sure he had an example of what a real man was. Joey was grateful that the old man still supported him, even after he dropped out of college, and that he believed in his dream.

He was going to miss him, and wondered who was left that believed in him. He knew his mother did, but his brother and sister thought he was a fool to quit. He knew Nevada did...but she was gone. Suddenly feeling the loss of his number one supporter, tears began to fall, but he held it together, waiting to mourn when he was no longer on the phone.

"Joey, are you still there?"

"I'm here, Mom."

"Well, his lawyers called me this morning. They said he already had funeral arrangments prepared for when this would happen, so his family wouldn't have that burden," she said.

"That sounds like Pops. Always thinking about us," he commented, remembering how he'd always been there for him.

"There's something else the laywer inheritance."

Not sure what to say, Joey stayed silent, waiting for his mother to continue.

"Honey, your grandfather left the majority of his life insurance to you."

Dropping his phone at the news, Joey couldn't help but cry. Even in death, his grandfather was looking out for him.

Even in death, his love was present.

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