Blood Does Not Make You Family

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Roderick stepped into the front living room and growled. Seven sets of eyes pulled away from the flat screen and turned towards the angry wolf.

"What is this?" He spat.

"Our normal thing." Lillian grinned.
"Move!" He tried to push the girl closest closest to him, but she stayed in her place. "Move you stupid b¡tch!" All the jaws dropped except for the one he spoke to. Before he could see it coming, she stood up and punched him in the face. His nose cracked from the force and he backed up tripping over his own to feet.

"Get out of our living room!" Martha growled as she sat back down. Faith chuckled next to her sister as she violently tore into the pancakes on the coffee table.

"Your going to pay-"

"Listen it's one of the main rules of the house-" Jessica started only to be interupted by the girl next to Faith.

"Every Saturday from five in the morning to two in the after noon this living room is under the control of the females of the house." Heather said, "And that's not going to change, so go away cause your bothering us."

"If you think-"

"Look we don't want you here. In reality we just want you and the rest of your gang to leave permanently, but with the current situation we know it can't happen because of our little girl here," Faith smiled as she rubbed Klaire's head, "So you are going to have to put your big boy pants on and suck it up, cause this is our house and our rules."

"Trust me, it will change." He snapped before stalking from the room and up to the second floor.

"Klaire tell your boy toy to make his men be nice. Those guys have been mean since they got here." At the words boy toy, Klaire choke on her water and began coughing.  Lillian patted her back until she was waved off.

"He is not my boy toy. He's the toy you never want."

"He's the toy you want but throw away because it's not as fun as you thought. I'm not afraid to admit it," Heather stated, "But that alpha has some major sexy vibes going on." Klaire's anger flared at the words of her friend, but before she could complain, a third comment cut her off.

"Please, looks don't matter when you got an attitude like that guy." Victoria snorted in disgust.

"I'd bang him."

"Enough!" Klaire shouted, "This conversation is over." Confused by her anger, Klaire grabbed her plate and marched into the kitchen. The room was empty and quiet, giving her the space she needed to clear her mind.

"He's your mate Klaire. Your going to get pissed when someone talks about him how Heather was." Lillian said as Klaire began washing her plate. She ignored her friend, scrubbing furiously at the pizza crust stuck to the porcelain. Suddenly a small hand grabbed ahold of her own and stopped her. She looked up to find her favorite pair of grey green orbs digging into her own. "It's going to happen, and to the both of you. I know it's hard because of what he has done and how he behaves, but Klaire,  you have to be the bigger person."

"How can I do that? He still looks at me like I'm an intruder. That guy doesn't have have a single bone in his body that could care for me."

"Make him jealous. Throw yourself all over some guys, make out with one or two, flirt here, giggle there. His wolf will go crazy."

"And then he will kill me."

"He can't."

"The only way I can get away is if I reject him and if I do that he will kill me. I would much rather just let him do what ever and remain with my family. We stay away from eachother, he gets power and I get life. Fair deal."

"You need to make him jealous. You know what will happen if he doesn't claim you Klaire." The alpha watched her friend go white as she remembered their talk long ago.

"What happens, happens Lill."

"I won't settle for that. I cannot loose you Klaire. We may not have been born from the same parents, but you are my sister.  My heart holds a special spot just for you, and I would die if it became empty. Can't you at least fight for that?"

"You and always going for a weak spots." Lillian grinned at her victory.

"It's my thing.  Now why don't we go back out and watch some 'Teen Titans'?"

"It's think I'm going to change and head into town for a bit. I need a new ring for my belly, and some shower supplies."

"Alrighty. Let me know when you're ready and I will get the car running."

"Will do!" Klaire replied and then dried her hands off and walked back to her room. She went straight for the shower, in and out, and then to her closet. She had a pair of jeans and a fitted t-shirt in her hands when an intoxicated scent consumed her. Pulling her towel tighter she turned around slowly, her target leaning against the open door way. He looked at her for a second before dropping his gaze.

"We need to talk."

"Don't care."

"I'm moving you out of this room." Klaire laughed at his comment.

"That is not happening."

"I expect your stuff out of here by Wednesday."

"I'm not moving Damien."

"Yes you are." He growled.

"And where exactly am I moving to...your room?" Damien remained silent and when Klaire realized she was right, she exploded into a fit of giggles. "That is definitely never happening!"

"I will drag you there my self if I have to!"


"Listen," He finally looked up, his eyes blazing fiery gold, "You are my mate, your place is next to me. Whether you agree to it or not,  you are moving in. There are to many males in this house and you are not marked yet. I'm not taking any chances of losing you and all the pow-" He cut off his sentence before his words got the best of him, "Look your moving into my room, so get over it." Damien was gone before Klaire could respond. Like hell am I moving in with him!

Klaire groaned in annoyance and then changed into her clothes and marched down stairs to the group of girls sitting in the living room. Lillian smiled and hopped up from her seat with with a set of car keys dangling in her hands.

"Do you want anything while we're out?"

"Nope!" Everyone shouted at once.

"All right, we'll be back."


"Hmmm, what do you think about this one?" Klaire asked as she pointed to a small black dream catcher dangling from a small clear crystal.

"Please,  all the girls have one of those, get the skull!"


"How about the batman one."

"Your no help."

"You know you love my opinions."

"Something tells me that skulls and batman are not going to make me look sexy."

"I think they will!"

"Why did I bring you again?"

"Because you need someone with a sense of style."

"If I wanted wanted style I would have brought Victoria." Lillian's jaw dropped in fake shock.

"You hurt me Klaire."

"Love you to, now how about this one?" Lillian laughed as her eyes landed on a howling glittery wolf attached to a small chain connected to a small diamond.

"Please get it!" Klaire grinned and walked off to find the clerk. The belly ring was paid for and the girls were out of the store in a matter of minutes.

Klaire and Lillian paused their shopping for lunch, and found a small table in the corner to sit. The moment they were comfortable, Klaire's phone went off. She looked down at the unknown number and frowned.

"Hello?" She asked cautiously.

"I thought I told you not to leave?" Damien growled on the other side of the phone. Klaire was shocked, she had never given him her number.

" did you get my number?"

"Get back here now!"

"No-" Lillian snatched the phone and ended the call. "Lill!"

"My brother can go screw himself, this is my time with you!"

"Lillian you do realize this is going to fall back on me right?"

"He can't do anything to me!"


"I'm going to challenge him!"

"No!" Klaire shouted bringing all attention to the both of them. Lowering her voice, she continued her rant, "Challenging is to the death, I can't loose you."

"I won't die! I am invincible and-"

"Ms. Juliette?" A soft voice asked. Both girls looked up to a small boy staring at Klaire. She smiled at him making his face lighten up.

"I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person."

"Nope! Your Amberley Juliette. You're my target." His grin split his face from ear to ear and before they could respond the boy pulled out a knife and lunged towards Klaire's heart. Lillian snatched his wrist and shoved him back half way across the room. "Oh the strength of an alpha! I will enjoy spilling your blood." He smirked as his eyes shifted to gold.

A/N: For the picture, it was the perfect quote for Klarissa and Lillian. Those two may not be sisters by blood, but they are sisters by heart. Neither of them could live without the other.

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