Don't Let Go

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The moment Damien stepped onto the lawn, the front doors went flying open. Picking up his speed, he flew inside, racing to his office on the second floor. Rayce was already there, medical supplies lying all over the carpet.

"Lay her on the couch." Growling lowly, Damien nodded his head and placed his mate on the couch without a word. He went to kneel beside her when Rayce pushed him out of the way. His wolf howled out in rage, but he stayed in control knowing that he needed to let the medic do his job.

Grabbing a small thick needle, Rayce connected the end to a long clear tube and began tapping one of the thick veins in the arch of Klaire's inner elbow. For a few seconds nothing happened, then he could a line of light blue showing just beneath her skin. Wiping it down with an alcohol pad, Rayce steading himself and slowly slipped the needle into her vein. Blood began flowing into the tube, but before it got to the end, he connected it to a small clear bag filled with the crimson red liquid.

Tightening the tube, he hung up the bag of blood, and flipped a tiny little latch that was close to the needled end. Once blood started flowing in, he went back to the beginning and removed the needle. Watching over her for a minute, he sighed and grabbed a chart going to work right away on the diagnosis.

"Well?" Damien growled.

"She should be good now. I'm giving her a transfusion right now, within the next few days she should be fine."

"So she's healing?"

"Yes, and for a human, surprisingly fast."

"As long as she makes it..." He sighed finally letting his stress slip out.

"Why don't you go rest alpha?"

"No I want to be here when she wakes up."

"She might not wake until days later..."

"Well let the pack know this is where I will be, I'm not leaving her side..."

"Alright. I'm going to go check on Lillian and Tori." Damien didn't reply, he simply sat still and stared at his mate.


"You doing okay?" Rayce tucked a strand of hair behind Victoria's ear with a soft smile. She looked up at him with love shining in her eyes. After a brief pause, she finally answered.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little upset you know."

"Don't blame yourself for her condition Tori."

"How can I not?" She sighed in frustration. "My job is to protect her and look what has happened."


"No Rayce...she is hurt because I couldn't get her out. I'm so weak, I passed out myself and now there's a chance she could die-"

"Shut up!" He yelled making her eyes widen, "This is not your fault. Yes I know Anthony asked for you to protect her but we have her stable and from the looks of it she is healing pretty fast. Klarissa will be fine, but at this moment in time, I am more worried about you."

"I love you, you know that?" She asked with a small smile as she gripped his dark green T-shirt and pulled him close to her.

"I love you to Victoria." His words were nothing but a whisper as he leaned in and kissed her lips. Pulling him closer, Victoria wrapped her long legs around his waist and dug her claws into his back. His fingers reached out for her blouse, but before he was able to do anything, the door behind them went flying open.

"Put some clothes on, I need to talk to you Tori!" Lillian yelled as she walked in with her eyes closed. Rayce internally growled at the she-wolf but pulled away from his mate allowing her to pull her self together. When she was properly dressed he grabbed his chart and left the room knowing he wasn't welcome.

"I'm glad your okay-"

"How's Klaire?" She asked sharply.

"She's fine sweetie, Rayce said she is healing fast and-"

"How is it that we are healed already?"


"Think about Victoria, you lost so much more blood then Klarissa and my wounds are completely healed. I may be a werewolf, but there is no way my leg can be fully healed in less then three hours. That stupid pedal was lodged into the bone."

"Hmm," she thought on her alpha's words for a moment before looking back up with shock slowly flooding her system," You're right...I had one of my veins cut, I should be out cold-"

"Exactly and on top of that I saw where Klaire got hurt, there is no way she could have lost as much blood as she did. Its-"

"Impossible?" A dark, mesmerizing voice asked from the doorway. Both girls looked back to see one of Eric's alphas leaning against the door frame, a smirk plastered on his face.

"How did you..."

"In my pack, I'm the alpha with the best hearing. I could hear your conversation from outside like I was standing right next to you guys. But that's not the point, your curious as to how you guys are healing so fast and how your Luna lost so much blood correct?"

"Look, no offense but this is not a conversation you were invited to, so why don't you go back to your own stupid pack?" Lillian growled.

"Oh I'm not going anywhere." He took a deep breath and smiled. Her scent was intoxicating, and the look he received when the she-alpha realized who he was just made him laugh.

"F#ck no!" She shouted shoving her pack mate in front of her. "You are going to leave now!"

"You and I both know I won't be doing that any time soon, but back to the topic at hand, your Luna is the way she is because of a side affect."

"Side affect from what?"

"A side affect from when her mate died. In a way she technically brought him back and the way that she did it had an after affect."

"How do you know that exactly?" Lillian asked suspiciously as she mentally pushed her wolf away.

"I know lots of things."

"I want an answer!"

"And I want you to let me bite you, but from your little stance there, I can see that neither of us are getting what we want." He smirked adding fuel to his newly found mates anger.

"That will never happen! I refused to be held down by any man-"

"And who said I was going to hold you down?"

"Well..." She started but went silent at the fact that she had no proof that he would do something like that. Victoria laughed at her alpha, breaking a golden glare her way.

"Exactly, but once again we will put that topic on hold. Have a good day ladies." With a nodd he turned around and started walking away, only to be stopped when Lillian subconsciously shouted out for him the stay. The words flying from her lips made her internally cringed and she immediately went defensive.

"Go away and stop doing sh¡t to my head!"

"Oh that's not me darling, but don't worry, I'm not leaving this place without you..." With a wave of his hand, the alpha disappeared from sight. When she felt him truley gone, Lillian turned towards Victoria with a twisted look plastered on her features.

"Don't you say anything!"

"Oh come on, it's just so funny!"

"How is that funny?" Lillian screeched.

"How is it not? You're always going off on how you don't need a mate and then he shows up, and his pack just moved in, I can already see how this plays out." She grinned at her alpha's anger.

"Your so annoying!"


"Hey brats!" Martha walked into the room with her sister in toe. The two she-wolves met their friends with smiles shining brightly.

"Have you heard anything?" Faith asked immediately bringing back the dark cloud that had been in the room only moments ago.

"No," Victoria sighed, "Rayce won't give me full details and Damien has his office on lock down."

"She'll be fine," Martha smiled softly as she began rubbing her growing stomach, "Klaire is a tough one after all."

"I hope so." The she-alpha whispered as she slid to the ground.

"Lilli," Faith was quick to join her, throwing an arm over his shoulder in comfort, "I'm telling you Klaire will be fine, you just have to give her time. She doesn't heal like we do, the waiting line is going to be a little longer for her..."

"I know, I know, it's just...I'm worried okay, she's my sister, and I don't like knowing she's probably in pain but I can't do anything."

"But you are. You are controlling yourself and right now that's what she needs. As much as we refuse to admit it, she needs Damien at her side, especially now, so we can just all wait here and hold off until she is awake."


"Just let her rest sweet heart."


"Mommy!" From the woods a little boy came running with tears in his eyes. Standing in the middle of an open field, a lone wolf stood, her nuzzle raised to the sky. Hearing her child's voice she shifted back into her human form and met her baby half way. He jumped into her arms, clutching her neck for dear life.

"What's wrong little pup?"

"A...A...Amber is a meany!" He cried out as she rubbed his back. The she-wolf looked up and found icy blue eyes peering at her from the shadows.

Frowning the mother called out, "Amberley please come out." Slowly but surely a little girl around the age of ten came stalking out of the woods. Her white hair was a tangled nest with twigs and leaves sticking out like a broken crown. The moment she was in front of her mother she dropped her eyes and began swaying her body, the two things she always did when she knew she was in trouble. "What did you do to your brother?"

"Nothing...." She replied sharply.

"Amberley Mae!"

"I'm sorry mommy," she whispered as her mother's gaze fell hard on her, "I took his blanket and threw it into the stream..."


"I wanted to..." It was the truth.

"Amberley, you are from this point grounded. Head back home and go to your room."


"No!" Her mother snapped, cutting her off before she could begin to beg for forgivness. The girl opened her mouth to speak but decided not to at the last second and took off running towards her house.

Half way home, a brown wolf jumped from the bushes and stopped her. She looked into its eyes and smiled. The wolves eyes were beautiful. Such an pure gold that it mesmerized her. Hackling, the large wolf walked foward and shoved it's nuzzle into her side, a whisper slicing through the wind and into her mind. 'Be brave little one'.

Before she could reply, the she-wolf darted off the way she came. Amberley just shook her head and took off back towards home before she got in even more trouble.

As if being called to, Klarissa opened her eyes, her dream floating away like a piece of paper in the wind. She began sitting up when a sharp pain broke free in her head. Groaning, she curled up into a ball and began rubbing her forehead. There was no change, when suddenly two large hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her down.

She screamed at the suddenness but relaxed the moment a pair of dreamy, electric green eyes filled her vision.
"Hi." He whispered, his voice seeming forced. Klaire didn't say anything, just stayed silent, completely hooked on her mates eyes. With a soft smile he leaned in and kissed her.

A/N: So.....guess what...come on guess...the last chapter is up next! Goddess I can't believe Crossfire is actually over with. I feel like it's apart of me and I'm not ready to let go. But I know I have to...for all of you who have stuck by me for my book, I just want to say thank you. You guys don't understand how happy it made me when I hit one thousand reads. I honestly didn't think I would get even close to that.

As soon as Crossfire is done I will mark it completed but it will be going under some major editing, I mean I am printing this baby out and going over it word for word!

Well stay tuned for the last and finally chapter of book one of "The Pack Within" series.

~Stiel out!

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