Forever Ever An Edrens

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Her lips were soft, the feeling against his own, driving his wolf insane. The thickness in the air grew heavy as his hands moved up her sides, her back arching underneith him. Ever so slowly, he began kissing down her neck, not waiting for permission as he moved towards her shorts. A moan broke free from her lips and he felt his self harden at the sound.

Greedily he tucked his fingers in her belt loops and yanked down with a growl vibrating in his chest. Her fingers suddenly pulled at his hair and next thing he knew, her legs tightened around his lower back and his lips were forced back against her own. The dominance within his mate drove him mad and in a matter of second he had Klaire pinned against the wall with her shorts flying across the room.

The moment their lips were connected, Klaire felt her body flare up and she let all her control fade away. His hands traveled up her stomach to her chest, the tenderness in his grip as he freed her beasts from their cells causing a knot in her stomach. Grasping a wad of his shirt, she pulled upwards and threw it to the floor. The toned body of her alpha made Klaire light headed, and the more he kissed her the more she realized she could no longer deny him.

Pulling away from the wall, Damien carried his mate over to his desk and sent everything flying off before placing her on top, his fingers going for the black, lacy underwear he had been dying to tear to shred the first time he saw them.

With the fabric removed, Klaire gripped onto Damien's waist band and roughly pulled him against her. A growl rippled through his chest and in a matter of seconds his pants were gone. With their bare bodies only inches apart, molten, gold eyes met her blue ones and Damien finally spoke, "Are you sure Klarissa...there will be no going back." There was no response from her lips, with a smirk Klaire wrapped her legs around his waist and forced him forward, his entire length sliding inside of her with ease.

Three Days later...

"So," Lillian asked, ignoring the man next to her as Klaire sat down at the table, "Everything's good? Like I mean are we going to be able to enjoy life now?"

"I believe so, Damien said him and some of the Fighters went and searched not only our town but the surrounding ones and felt no kind of threat."

"Good, you know we need a vacation. Just you and me..."

"I'm not letting you leave." The alpha next to her growled.

With squinted eyes, Lillian swirled around and glared, "Who invited you to this conversation?"

"I'm your mate Lillian, your conversations are mine." At the word mate, Klaire could see her alpha shiver, the sight made her laugh.

"You know Lill, we should totally do a vacation, but let's wait. Damien isn't going to let me leave any time soon..."

"F#ck him."

"Oh she will." His deep voice announced as he walked into the room. Klaire felt her face light up like Rudolf's nose before he went flying. Grinning he walked up behind her and stole a kiss. When he pulled away, he face was even redder then before.

"Oh my god, I didn't want to hear that."

"I don't care, so have you made your decision?" He asked, bringing his attention back to his mate. She shook her head with a small smile.

"What decision?"

"Your my sister," Klaire took Lillian's hand and  let all their past memories bring out a bright, loving smile, "I wouldn't change anything because I had you, and honestly as I look at my life I've come to the realization that I am not a Drev."

"And..." She dragged out with curiosity radiating from her eyes.

"Would you like to be my maid of honor?" At the words her eyes widened.

"No way! brother...Damien..
Holy sh¡t, you proposed?" She shouted at her brother in shock. All he did was nodd, he wanted Klaire to be his, and mating wasn't enough for him.

"He did last night..."

"Oh my god, wait that means..." Her lips split into a grin, "You'll be an Edrens!"

"I'll forever be an Edrens, Lillian!" Jumping across the table, Lillian wrapped her arms around her Luna's neck and squealed. The sound bringing a cheerful laugh from Klaire's lips. "Oh and I'm combing our pack with my brothers..." She spit out causing Lillian to pause. The she-wolf's eyes landed on the smirking alpha she had been next to and her smile dropped.


A/N: Oh My Goddess! Crossfire is this possible...I'm in shock.

Anyways for all of you who have stuck by me, I really so appreciate it. I love you all and hope I was able to give you some happiness in your life. 

Essence will be out in May, I will probably add the first three or four chapters right away and then go from normal editing from there.

If you have any questions please message me or leave a comment. Also at the end of this chapter when Lillian says the 'S' word, it's not being said quickly. It's like the country version where they drag out the i, my friend does it all the time and it's makes me smile. That's why I dedicate the second part of this chapter to my friend Carrigan!  Love you girl!

~Stiel out

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