Chapter 18

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(Ruby's POV)

I was at the punch bowl at the dance. I didn't have a date and I don't think I can dance in these high heels.

Jaune: So you're hiding by the punch bowl too?

Ruby: Yep.

I looked at Jaune, guess he didn't have a date either. I figured he would have gone with Pyrrha. I looked out to the dance floor and saw my mom dancing with All Might.

Ruby:"I have always seen them together, I wonder if they are hiding something."

Ozpin: Are you two not enjoy yourselves?


Ruby: It's just I have a lot on my mind.

Ozpin: You know, days like these are necessary. A day were we don't need to worry about Grimm and friends can get together. Even some of the best huntsmen need time to rest. So you two should enjoy tonight.

Jaune: Alright Ozpin.

I nodded and decided to walk outside to get some fresh air. When I was out side, I saw a figure in black running on the rooftops. I quickly went to get Crescent Rose just incase something went wrong. I walked to the building to see a guard knocked out.

Ruby: Who did this? And why the communication tower?

I walked in and saw a bunch of knocked out guards. I walked to see the elevator going to the top floor. If there is a bad guy here, they are definitely up there. I walked up and pushed a button for the elevator door to open. I got in and went to the top floor and readied Crescent Rose. The elevator reached the top floor and walked in cautiously.

Ruby: Hello, is anyone here?

I looked around and a girl in black appeared and tried to shoot something at me. I used Crescent Rose to block the projectiles and started to shoot at her. She blocked my shots with just one hand and part of her clothes started to glow orange and fired what seemed like black glass. I blocked them and heard the elevator. I turned to see Ozpin walk in.

Ruby: Ozpin! Help me with this lady!

Ozpin: What lady?

After I heard him say that, I quickly turned around to see the room completely empty.

Ruby: Where did she go?

(Cinder's POV)

I quickly ran away from the scene. I was heading to the dance. I quickly changed my clothes into a black dress and hid within the crowd of the dance floor. I found Mercury and Emerald dancing.

Cinder: Excuse But, may I have a turn?

Emerald turned around to see it was me who asked.

Emerald: Go ahead.

She walked away and I started to dance with Mercury.

Mercury: So how did it go?

Cinder: It went well. No one suspects a thing, Midnight.

Mercury: Next time, I'm choosing our undercover names.

Cinder: Why? Don't you like the name Midnight?

Mercury: The name Midnight makes me feel like an rated R huntress.

Cinder: You said earlier that you learned something during your fight with Pyrrha.

Mercury: It's how she uses her semblance. Her semblance is polarity, she used it to make slight adjustments to my weapons, making herself look untouchable.

Cinder: That's quite good to know.

(Time skip) (Readers POV)

Today is the day that the first years start on their first ever mission. I was excited, the first years would be shadowed by an actual huntsman. Sadly I can only shadow a team in my normal form, but I'm ready to teach them. I am going to be shadowing which ever team choose to pick Search and Destroy in quadrant 5 down in the southeast. I was waiting by the bullhead and waited for the team to show up.

Ruby: I can't wait to be on my ever first mission!

I have to shadowing team RWBY. Fate sure has a way of me teaching this team in particular.

Weiss: Mister (L/N), you are shadowing us?

(Y/N): Yes I am. I may look like a skeleton but I can teach you four a thing or two. Come on, we need to get going soon.

Me and team RWBY are boarding the bullhead for them to start their first mission. The bullhead started to fly to where we are going.

(Y/N): Now the place we are going is a broken down and abandoned village. We are going to kill any Grimm there.

Blake: It would be the perfect place for a hideout.

(Y/N): Exactly.

We finally reached the village and got dropped off by the bullhead.

(Y/N): First order of business, we have to set up camp and make sure that there are no Grimm in the area.

I started to look around to find a good place but I looked down the road and saw a single Grimm. All of team RWBY also noticed the Grimm and readied their weapons.

(Y/N): Now wait. It's only one Grimm. Probably away from its pack.

Yang: So where is the rest of the pack?

(Y/N): Grimm are known for wandering away from the pack for as long as months. So it will be pretty hard to find them.

Ruby: Isn't that the rest of the pack?

I looked to see a bunch of more Grimm walk into view and looking at us.

(Y/N): Ok then the Grimm have seen us. Show me what you four can do.

Weiss: Aren't you going to help us fight?

(Y/N): Look at me. Plus as huntresses, you may need to escort people that can't fight so this will be some good practice for you.

Yang: And I was looking forward to watching a pro-huntsman fight.

The four of them launched themselves at the pack of Grimm and started to kill them one by one. Yang went and started to punch some Grimm, knocking them into some nearby walls, killing them. Blake was dodging and weaving from the attacks of the Grimm and cutter them in half. Weiss quickly rushed over to some and sliced them all at once. And Ruby was using her weapon to shoot at nearby Grimm. After about an hour of them fighting, there was no Grimm in the area.

(Y/N): I have to say, You girls are really good at these things.

There is something that I have always wondered, and that's why the four of them want to be huntresses.

(Y/N): So Yang, why do you want to be a huntress?

Yang: Why? Well I'm a thrill seeker. I want to get caught up in as many crazy adventures as possible. I never knew what I would do to achieve that dream of mine, but when I saw All Might on the news fighting bad guys, I knew that I wanted to become a huntress.

(Y/N): Blake, why do you want to be a huntress?

Blake: Well the world has been mean to the Faunus. I want that to change, I always wanted that to change, but I never knew how. When I watched an interview someone had with All Might, I saw how much they agreed with his ideas because he was a huntsman. I figured that if I became a huntress, people would take my ideas more seriously.

(Y/N): Weiss, why this line of work? You're a Schnee, you don't really need to be a huntress.

Weiss: I chose to be a huntress because I want to honor the name of the Schnee family. As a kid I would see how much people respected All Might so I knew that being a huntress would bring my family name more honor and respect.

(Y/N): And Ruby, why would such a young girl choose the most dangerous job in all of Remnant?

Ruby: When I was young, my mom would always read me the stories of heroes saving the day and I wanted to be like those heroes in the stories. One day I watched a video of All Might saving everyone from a Grimm attack with a smile on his face. He gave everyone hope, no matter the situation. That day I knew that I wanted to be just like him and give everyone hope in this dark world.

I nodded my head and noticed one thing that stayed constant with their reasons, that I was the reason for them becoming huntresses.

(Y/N): Alright, I want Weiss, Blake, and Yang to set up camp in this building. I want Ruby to come with me to scout out the surrounding area for Grimm.

Yang: We will get it done.

Me and Ruby walked out to the border of the village.

Ruby: Hey All Might, can I ask you a question?

(Y/N): Sure Ruby. What is it?

Ruby: Why did you want to become a huntsman?

(Y/N): Well, the reason I wanted to become a huntsman is...

(Chapter 18 end)

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