Chapter 19

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(Flashback) (Readers POV)

I was with my master, Nana, who was training my body to handle the power of One For All.

Nana: Come on you got to try harder if you want my power.

(Y/N): I know. Who would thought getting your power would be this hard.

Nana: It's either this training or your limbs get shot off by the raw power of One For All.

(Y/N): I think I'd take the training.

She just smiled at me and gave me a look of I knew what your answer would be.

Nana: So tell me (Y/N). Why do you want my power?

(Y/N): Well I want be someone who everyone looks up to and when they see me, they know that everything will be ok. I want to be a symbol of peace and your power will help me achieve that dream.

Nana: A symbol of peace? If you want to be someone like that, you have to not only save people but also save their hearts. You need to give them a smile that says 'everything is a-ok', that is what I believe.

I looked at her and took every word she said to heart. If I am going to be a symbol of peace, I need to be ready for the responsible of One For All.

(Flashback end)

(Y/N): The reason I chose to be a huntsman is because people were desperate for a knight in shining armor. When my master gave me One For All, I knew I had what it took to make my dream a reality.

Ruby: Wow, I never knew you had such a cool reason for becoming a huntsman! But where is your master now?

(Y/N): She died during one of her mission, I don't really know the details of how she died.

I looked out into the huge open field and saw elephant looking Grimm. Ruby also noticed and pulled out her scythe.

Ruby: Let's kill em!

(Y/N): We don't need to Ruby.

Ruby: Why?

(Y/N): Not all Grimm are mindless beast. Grimm don't die from age, so if they live long enough, they learn a thing or two. Those Grimm know that if they attack us, more huntsman will come and kill them. Because what we lack in raw strength, we make up for in will.

Ruby: Well looks like the area is safe.

(Y/N): You're right, lets make it back to your team.

(Time skip)

Me and Ruby made it back to the rest of team and they made a fire.

(Y/N): Good job on the fire. It's getting late, Ruby will be first to do night watch, after an hour Ruby will switch night watch with one of you three. Got it?

Team RWBY: Got it.

I smiled and walked off to a different part of the building to sleep.

(Ruby's POV)

Everyone went to sleep and I was watching for any Grimm but I was bored out of my mind. I was pretending to shoot nearby birds to pass the time. I looked down and noticed two White Fang members. I quickly, but quietly, went down to see what they were doing. I was sneaking behind them when suddenly I felt the road under me crack. I looked down and dropped my scythe. The road opened up and I fell down the hole. I was falling but was able to land safely, at the cost of some of my aura, and I hear a door open behind me and I turned around to see two White Fang members. I reached for Crescent Rose but I realized that I dropped it back up at the surface. They walked up to me and I tried to punch them but my punch was blocked and I was punched to the ground.

White Fang member: The boss would like to see this.

He then kicked me in the face and I got knocked out.

(Readers POV)

I woke up in a cold sweat and I had a feeling of dread for some reason. I had a feeling that Ruby was in trouble.

(Y/N):"I shouldn't worry. I'm going to turn the corner and see her with her team, no biggie."

I got up and walked over to see Weiss, Blake, and Yang sleeping. I looked over to where Ruby should be looking out and I didn't see her and my feeling of dread came back, ten times as strong. I quickly ran outside to look around and saw a giant hole in the ground that wasn't there before.

(Y/N): For my sake, please tell me Ruby didn't go down in that hole.

I ran up to the hole and saw Ruby's weapon on the ground next to the hole. I picked it up and transformed into my muscle form.

(Y/N): I don't have time to get Weiss, Blake, and Yang. They will be fine, no one knows where they are.

I quickly jumped down the hole and landed in some sort of underground base. I rushed over to a wall and broke it down, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the base. I was looking for Ruby but I think I should make my presence known. I kept running and breaking down walls until I ran into a big open area with a train and a bunch of White Fang members.

White Fang member: It's All Might!

Ruby: All Might is here?!

I looked past the White Fang members and saw Ruby on the ground by Roman. I heard more bangs behind me and I looked over to see the rest of team RWBY.

Weiss: All Might?! Where is Mister (L/N)?

(Y/N): He called me over here and went back to Beacon on a bullhead. How did you three get here?

Blake: We woke up to some loud bangs, so we went outside to find a hole outside.

Yang: And we went down it and here we are.

Roman: Come on we are leaving.

Roman got on the train and it started to move.

(Y/N): Come on, lets get on that train.

We rushed over to it and I picked up Ruby and jumped up to the train with the rest of the team.

(Y/N): Are you ok, Ruby?

She smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

Ruby: I'm a-ok

I looked at her and nodded. I gave her her weapon and she jumped out of my hands. I opened the roof door of the cart we were on and I saw a bomb.

(Y/N): We need to hurry, that's a bomb.

Weiss: A bomb?!

(Y/N): Everyone! To the next cart.

We all jumped to the next cart and the one we were just on detached from the train and exploded.

Blake: This one also has a bomb.

(Y/N): What?!

I ran to the next cart and checked to see if there was a bomb too, and to my surprise, there was.

(Y/N): They all have bombs!

I looked ahead and saw a bunch of White Fang members on the forth cart.

(Y/N): Come on team RWBY!

I went to fight the group and team RWBY followed me. I looked behind me and the two carts already blew up. After getting rid of the White Fang members, I checked and there wasn't a bomb, thank goodness.

(Y/N): Weiss, Blake, and Yang. I want you three to go down into the train, me and Ruby will stay up top.

The three went into the train and me and Ruby went on ahead. I saw some paladins on the train.

Ruby: How much energy do you have All Might?

(Y/N): Don't worry young Rose, I have more then enough.

I rushed over and destroyed the mechs with one punch.

(Y/N): Come on Ruby!

Ruby: Right by you, All Might!

(Chapter 19 end)

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