Chapter 42

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(A/N: I accidentally called the Relic of Knowledge as the Relic of Truth. I apologize for this little mistake.)

(Readers POV)

Me and Ruby sat down at the diner table and Summer gave us plates of food. Me and Ruby grabbed our forks and started to dig in.

Summer: You two seem to be in a hurry.

Ruby: We have to hurry so dad can train me.

Ruby's mouth was full of food, so she was muffled.

Summer: You really shouldn't talk with your mouth full. You might choke.

Me and Ruby swallowed and we sighed in relief. I got up and wiped my mouth. I kissed Summer on the cheek.

(Y/N): Thanks for the food.

Summer: You're welcome.

Me and Ruby ran outside and the sun was still up.

(Y/N): Looks like we have about an hour for training.

Ruby was jumping up and down in excitement.

Ruby: I'm too excited. Where do we begin?

(Y/N): I think we should start with you controlling One For All. You keep using too much power.

Ruby nodded and sat down on the grass.

(Y/N): I'm sure you remember what to do.

Ruby gave me another nod and started to concentrate. She closed her eyes and she started to channel One For All.

(Y/N): Remember the egg in the microwave. Turn down the power.

Ruby struggled as her aura was going down. The sparks started to die down, but the glow from One For All stayed.

(Y/N): Oh my... oh my... GOODNESS!

She did it! She is using only a percentage of One For All and not breaking her aura. Ruby opened her eyes and looked at her hands.

Ruby: I'm doing it!

(Y/N): I knew you would get the handle of things!

She jumped up and tried out this new power. She used her semblance and ran around the whole area. She was so fast, I was having trouble keeping up her movements. She appeared right in front of me.

Ruby: This is so cool!

She gave me a wide smile and I patted her head.

(Y/N): Now remember. This is only a taste of One For All for you. If I had to guess, I'd say you are using about five percent of it.

Ruby: Only five?!

Ruby was surprised and she stopped using One For All.

(Y/N): You do have a long way to go. We have two choices. One, we train your body to take the power. Two, we train your aura to take the power.

Ruby: I think two. I don't want to be all muscles.

I thought about Ruby with the muscles of my muscle form and I shivered.

(Y/N): Alright then, two it is.

Ruby: So how do we train my aura?

(Y/N): It will be slow. We have to train your aura to take more and more abuse overtime. That will increase what your aura can take.

Ruby: When do we start?

(Y/N): We will start-

I was interrupted by my scroll going off.

(Y/N): Sorry, I have to take this.

I looked to see that Raven was calling me. I walked away and answered the call.

Raven: Hello? All Might?

(Y/N): The one and only.

Raven: Ok listen. I have something for you and Ozpin told me to give it to you.

(Y/N): Really? What is it?

Raven: You will have to find out.

(Y/N): Well, where are you?

Raven: At your front door.

I walked around my house and saw that she was right. I hanged up and walked towards her.

Raven: He hanged up on me?! That was pretty rude.

(Y/N): Why call when we can talk face to face.

Raven jumped from my sudden appearance but gathered her composure.

Raven: This makes it a lot easier.

She reached into a bag she had and she pulled out a lantern shaped object that was gold and had blue glass.

(Y/N): The Relic of Truth?! Why does Ozpin want me to have it? When did you get this?

Raven: I got it while you were knocked out after your fight with Salem. Ozpin says that he wants you to get the rest of the Relics. Yang is with Ozpin, so I can take you to him right away.

(Y/N): Ok then, let me get my stuff ready.

Raven: Just don't take too long.

I walked in and yelled for Ruby to come back inside. Ruby ran inside and asked why we are back inside.

(Y/N): We are going on another adventure!

Summer: What?!

Summer ran out the kitchen and ran up to me.

Summer: What do you mean by that?!

(Y/N): Calm down Summer. You can come as well.

Summer: But what is it?

I leaned into Summer's ear and whispered.

(Y/N): Ozpin wants us to get the Relics. Raven already has the Relic of Truth.

Summer: I don't know. It's only been a week since we spent time as an actual family.

I putted my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

(Y/N): This will be great bonding time. Plus it will help with Ruby's training.

Summer: Well, ok then. I'm going too.

Ruby: Yes! Let's get ready!

Ruby ran into her room to get her stuff.

(Y/N): Do you have anything you need?

Summer: I already have my weapon. I figured that something like this would happen.

(Y/N): Well, you are forgetting one thing.

Summer: What is it?

I gave her a kiss and Summer started to blush. Ruby dashed out her room with her Crescent Rose.

Ruby: I'm ready for adventure!

I chuckled and made sure that I had everything I needed, which wasn't much, and we went out side. Raven looked mad at me.

Raven: You took too long.

(Y/N): abut you're still here.

She mumbled as she opened a portal. Ruby and Summer walked through. Raven stopped me.

Raven: This is yours now.

She handed me the Relic of Truth and I thanked her.

(Y/N): Aren't you going?

Raven: My tribe is closer to here. So I will stay.

(Y/N): Alright then, just stay safe.

I waved and walked through the portal. I saw Oscar, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Jaune, Ren, and Nora. Oscar walked up to me, but Ozpin was controlling him.

Ozpin: Hello All Might. It's nice to see you again. I already told them all about the Relics.

Ruby: Relics?

Summer: Don't worry sweetie. I will explain it for you. We need to get four Relics just to make sure that they are safe. We already have one. The Relic of Truth.

Ruby: What are the other three?

Summer gave a nervous laugh and looked at me and Oz.

Summer: Why don't you go ask Ozpin? He can explain it for you.

I looked around and saw that we were in a train station.

(Y/N): So, where are we going?

Ozpin: We will be going to Atlas. It shouldn't be too far by train. I will be letting Oscar take control now, so you will be leading us for the rest of the way.

Oscars body started to glow as Oscar took control of his body again.

(Y/N): Alright team. Today marks the start of a new adventure.

(Chapter 42 end)

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